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62 Cards in this Set

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Goal contemporary biological psychology is to study

the link between biological activity and psychological events

ex. what areas of brain are responsible for ability to perceieve human faces?


*assumption emotion, thoughts, are LOCALIZED IN DIFF PARTS OF BRAIN AREAS.

-popular but wrongheaded theory that claimed bumps on skull could reveal mental abilities and character traits like desire to have children

-ex. mark twain

Neural communication occurs with

sensory neurons

motor neurons

Sensory neurons

carry messages from bodys tissues and sensory organs inward to brain and spinal cord for processing

Motor neurons

carry messages from the brain and out to the bodys tissues

Donut example:

-see donut

-taken into brain by sensory neurons

-gets kicked backed into motor neurons and thats why you drool & want it


-receive messages from other cells

-ears for cell body

-get info and conduct into the cell body

-ears that hear gossip


-pass msg away from cell body to other neurons, muscles, or organs

-the mouth that spreads gossip

Cell body

the cell's life support center

Neural impulse

-action potential

-electrical signal traveling down the axon

Terminal branches of axon

-end/tail of body

-forms junctions with other cells

Myelin sheath

-fluid covers axon so dont lose action potential

-helps speed neural impulses

-making connections (ex. baby roll, sit, crawl, walk, run)

Acetylcholine (ACh) function and ex

-enables muscle action, learning and memory

-alzheimers disese, ACh-producing neurons deteriorate (become worse)

Dopamine function and ex

-influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion

-excess dopamine receptor activity = linked to schizophrenia.

-starved dopa = decrease mobility of parkison's disease (old man who cant walk but ride bike)

Serotonin function and ex

-affects mood, hunger, sleep and arousal

-under-supply = depression

What drug raises serotonin (depression levels)


Main components to a neuron

1. dendrites

2. axon

3. myelin sheath

Somatic nervous system

-enables voluntary control of skeletal muscles

-take notes so pick up pencil

Autonomic nervous system

-controls our glands and the muscles of our internal organs

-something that control your body automatically (heart beat) and you can override it by breathing slowly

Two systems of autonomic nervous system

1. sympathetic system

2. parasympathetic system

Sympathetic system

expands energy -- accelerates heart rate, raises blood pressure (fight or flight)

Parasympathetic system

conserves energy -- decelerates heart rate, lowers blood pressure (rest and digest, calm down)

Example of somatic nervous system

"i'm gonna take notes"

-so picks up pencil


Transcranial magnetic stimulation

procedure for inducing temporary lesions in which a magnetic field is passed over a particular brain region

2 neuroimaging techniques

1. electroencephalogram (EEG)

2. functional magnetic resonance imagingin (fMRI)

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

provides amplified tracings of waves of electrical activity in brain

Functional magnetic resonance imagingin (fMRI)

detects changes in blood oxygenation in diff brain regions

Ex of fMRI:

Lying = more blood flow

so you can see if they're lying or telling the truth by seeing how much blood there is in specific areas

2 hemispheres to brain are

right and left

Amygdale is linked to

emotion (mainly fear, aggression)

Hippocampus is linked to


Corpus callosum

axon fibers connection two cerebral hemispheres


-relays messages between lower brain centers and cerebral cortex

-recieve info from all senese (EXCEPT SMELL) and routes it to higher brain regions

(ex- eyes to cortical areas for vision)


controls maintenance functions such as eating; helps govern endocrine system; linked to emotion and reward


master endocrine gland

Reticular formation

-helps control arousal

-filters incoming stimuli from spinal cord and relay info to other areas of brain


-controls heartbeat and breathing

-controls involuntary functions (such as above)

Spinal cord

pathway for neural fibers traveling to and from brain; controls simple reflexes


-coordinates voluntary movement and balance

-"little brain" and is attached to rear of brainstem

-plays role in learning motor skills

Cerebral cortex

ultimate control and information processing center

Older brain structures drives (4)

- the brainstem

-the thalamus

-the cerebellum

-the limbic system

Limbic System contains (3)




Brainstem contain (2)

-reticular formation


What's the 4 "F's" that hypothalamus regulates

1. fighting

2. fleeing

3. feeding

4. reproduction

The cerebral cortex mass, thick and is ...

mass = 2/3 of brain total mass

thick = 2mm deep layer

extremely complex (convoluted)

4 lobes brain are divided into called

1. occipital

2. temporal

3. parietal


4 lobes of brain separated by

prominent fissures

occipital lobes invovles and contain


-visual cortex

temporal lobes involves and containes

- hearing, understand language, storing autobiographical memories

-auditory cortex

parietal lobes involves and contains

-sensations of touch, pain, temperature

-somatosensory cortex

Wernickes Area

-spans region between left temporal and parietal lobes

-associated with processing of words that we hear being spoken or language inputs

frontal lobes invovles and contains

-motor function, language, and memory

-executive functions

the parietal cortext or "sensory cortex" can receive info from

skin surface and sense organs

Broca's area

-frontal lobe, usually in left hemphisphere

-associated with production of language or language outputs

the motor cortex is the rear at the rear of the .... that controls

-frontal lobes

-voluntary movements

Who mapped motor cortex in wide awake patients by stimulating different cortical areas and observing the bodys response?

Wilder Penfield

What are found in all 4 lobes

association areas

Association areas are responsible for

integrating info, linking sensory inputs with stores memories (found in all 4 lobes)

Brocas areaand Wernickes area are connected by

large bundle of nerve fibers called arcuate fasciculus

The brainstem is the ...

and responsible for

-oldest and innermost region of the brain

-respsonsible for primitive functions like heart beat and breathing

Limbic system is associated with...

and drives


-memory formations

Cerebral cortex is .... that...

-convoluted mass

-enables higher-level functions, including perceiving, thinking, and speaking