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15 Cards in this Set

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The term ____ is used to refer to the idea that people live and function in the social universe based on certain beliefs about reality.

a. accessibility

**b. assumptive worlds

c. unit relationships

d. coping

Kelly’s first pregnancy was a disaster by most people’s standards. Her water broke 24 weeks into the pregnancy, she delivered the baby 15 weeks premature, and he survived but with multiple physical and behavioral health problems that take enormous resources to tackle. Yet every time Kelly takes the baby to the doctor, she notices other families with worse situations--children with terminal illnesses or more profound disabilities. Kelly is using ____ to cope with her baby’s complications.

a. assumptive worlds

**b. downward comparisons

c. presumptive reasoning

d. stigmatization

Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of religious belief discussed in your text?

a. It can help explain what happens after death.

b. It can help explain why a misfortune has occurred.

c. It provides a stress-coping mechanism.

**d. It reduces one’s sense of guilt and fear.

The Implicit Association Test ("IAT") measures automatic attitudes by

**a. measuring the speed with which people associate different concepts to positive or negative stimuli.

b. asking people to generate as many associations with a given concept as possible within a short time period.

c. requiring people to sort a large group of words or visual stimuli into as many discrete categories as they see fit.

d. measuring the time it takes respondents to read stereotype-consistent versus stereotype-inconsistent narratives.

Social psychologists use the term _____ to refer to the fact that research reveals only a weak relationship between people's stated attitudes and actual behaviors.

a. behavioral schism

**b. the A-B problem

c. cognitive dissonance

d. attitude polarization

In Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World, infants develop a fear of books after books are repeatedly presented with a scary loud noise. In this fictional example, the loud noise is a(n) ____.

a. conditioned stimulus

b. conditioned response

**c. unconditioned stimulus

d. unconditioned response

One’s perceptions about whether significant others believe a person should perform a behavior or not refers to one’s ____.

a. behavioral intention

b. subjective norms

xxc. perceived behavioral control.

d. dissonance level

Which of the following best describes behavioral aggregation as a solution to the problem of attitude-behavior inconsistency?

a. Measure the specific attitude toward the specific behavior you want to predict.

b. Make sure the general attitude is considered in context of the behavior you want to predict.

**c. Measure a variety of types of behaviors to which the general attitude could relate.

d. Increase the accessibility of the attitude.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are "self help" meetings comprised of people who are recovering from alcohol-related problems. These meetings employ a number of practices designed to keep people away from alcohol. Which of the practices listed below is most consistent with the research on cognitive dissonance theory and attitude change? That is, which of the following would a cognitive dissonance theorist be most likely to applaud?

a. All group members remain anonymous.

**b. All group members state, publicly, that they have an alcohol problem.

c. Group members are encouraged to seek out a "sponsor," who will support them during rough times.

d. Group members are welcomed back into the group even if they temporarily "fall off the wagon" (lapse into drinking).

As discussed in the text, there are a number of cognitive tendencies found among gamblers that have the effect of encouraging these people to keep gambling. One of the MOST common is the tendency to see losses as ____.

**a. "near wins" (not losses at all)

b. "par for the course" (as a certain number of losses are expected)

c. "practice runs" (helping to improve technique in the long term)

d. "not their fault" (special exceptions due to circumstances)

Chandler wants to give blood at the school blood drive, and he plans to try to do so. But he knows that he will probably be turned away because of a medicine he is on. Chandler has a positive attitude toward blood donation, but what element of the Theory of Planned Behavior inhibits his ability to behave consistently with his attitude?

xxa. behavioral intention

b. subjective norms

c. perceived behavioral control

d. attitude accessibility

Research suggests that the idea that "familiarity breeds liking" ____.

**a. is generally true

b. is generally false

c. is generally true, unless people initially have a very favorable attitude.

d. is generally false, unless people initially have an unfavorable attitude

In the process of classical conditioning, a(n) ____.

**a. neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus

b. unconditioned stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus

c. unconditioned response becomes a conditioned response

d. conditioned stimulus becomes an unconditioned stimulus

The tendency to engage in belief perseverance can be reduced or eliminated by ____.

a. attempting to make one's behaviors and attitudes more consistent

b. making an effort to persuade others of one's beliefs

c. coming up with personal examples to support one's beliefs

**d. coming up with counter-arguments (i.e., arguments for "the other side")

Research suggests that the mere exposure effect ____.

a. is unique to humans (does not occur among other animals)

b. occurs via the conscious system only

c. is unique to humans (does not occur among other animals) AND occurs via the conscious system only

**d. is NOT unique to humans and does NOT occur via the conscious system