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50 Cards in this Set

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Professor McDonald believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference enhanced the survival of our ancestor's genes. This viewpoint best illustrates the ________ perspective.
evaluation of conclusions drawn
Scientific method requires _____________________ .
Allie has developed a theory concerning test grades. She believes that there is a relationship between her frequency of study and the resulting grade. In order to test her theory, she has to state a(n) ________________ .
In experimental research, the group which receives no treatment is called the _______________________ .
The small group of participants observed in a research study are referred to as the _________________ .
specialize in the study of human growth and change over time
Professionals in the field of developmental psychology ____________________ .
Joaquin has been assigned a primary research project in his psychology class. He is to observe student behavior during a learning task and attempt to form a/an _____. In order to do this, he must be able to articulate a broad idea that describes principles and events, and how they may be related.
the cultural context of behavior is important
One of the values promoted by the sociocultural perspective is the belief that ___________________ .
neuroscience perspective
Psychologists who study the role of the brain in psychological processes use the _______________________ .
The beginning of psychology as a science began in the discipline of _________________________ .
cognitive psychologist
Dr. Vance tests individual's abilities to comprehend abstract metaphors. Dr. Vance is probably a __________________ .
George spends hours a day speculating on just why humans have noses and how noses have helped us to adapt and evolve in our environments. George's speculations are most similar to which of the following schools of psychology?
theory, hypothesis
It has been proposed that students have difficultly returning to their academic schedule after a holiday or break. Specifically, it has been predicted that there will be more student absences on the Monday following spring break than on the Friday prior to spring break. The first statement describes the _______________, while the second is the _______________.
natural selection
Charles Darwin argued that ______ determines physical traits of survival.
The specific description of a behavior to be studied is called _____________________ .
The Nun Study, in which researchers followed up with a group of nuns repeatedly over the course of 20 years, is an example of what type of research?
Dr. Lane is observing subject's reactions to stimuli presented in first the left and then the right visual fields. Dr. Lane is most likely a ______________________ .
structures; introspection
If you were a psychologist who was labeled a structuralist, you would be interested in the _______ of the mind, using ______ as your primary research method.
If a psychologist were to study "love," she would need to have a(n) ____ love. Without this specific information, the hypothesis could not be tested.
"This cannot be the real opinion of the entire student body! She didn't ask me!" Haley complained. Her psychology teacher explained that _________________ .
the extent to which experimental design is representative of the real world
Ecological validity refers to __________________________ .
the possibility that a variable that was not measured actually accounts for a relationship that was found .
The "third variable problem" refers to _______________________ .
humanistic perspective
According to the ______, we are in control of our lives and have the capacity for positive growth.
can change
Variables are elements of research which __________________________ .
documenting subjects' descriptions of an experience
Of the following experimental situations which might be conducted by a structuralist and reflects the method of introspection?
double-blind experiment
Neither the participants nor the experimenter knew which group had received the treatment. This could be considered a
experimental group
In scientific research, the group which receives treatment is called the __________________________ .
Which of the following correlation coefficients is indicative of the strongest relationship between the two variables?
Naturalistic observation
_________ _________ attempts to view behavior without disturbing the environment.
According to the definition of psychology, which of the following is a mental process?
the humanistic approach
Which perspective is most closely associated with positive psychology?
psychodynamic perspective
During a therapy session, Jan shares her deepest thoughts and early childhood memories in order to unlock the causes of her troubling thoughts and behaviors. This approach is related to the __________________________ .
people make choices that lead to positive growth
A psychologist following the humanistic perspective would be most interested in how
Archival research, naturalistic observation, survey research, and case studies are _______ research.
as one variable increases, the other also increases
Scientists conducted a study involving two variables. Their research indicated a strong positive correlation between the two variables. This means that
A correlation coefficient indicates a(n) ______ between two variables.
standardized test
If you take a psychological assessment test and you receive the feedback that you "scored in the 90th percentile," you most likely took a ______________.
the purpose of behavior
If you are interested in the functionalist approach to psychology, you would be most interested in _______________ .
William James was a prominent American whose interest in pragmatism led him to an approach emphasizing cause and effect, which eventually came to be named _________________________ .
Wilhelm Wundt
Who founded the first psychological laboratory in 1879?
the negative correlation
"The problem with drinking coffee in the evening," complained Saundra, "is that it interferes with my ability to fall asleep. My mind keeps racing, but my body is so tired!" Saundra recognizes _____ between caffeine intake and sleep.
You believe that working women are happier than are women who do not work outside the home. You predict that working women are less socially isolated than women who work at home. You have just formulated a(n) ______________________________ .
Random assignment of participants is important in order to ensure _________________ .
observable; private
Behavior is ____________; mental processes are ____________.
Dr. Wade uses PET scans to explain that the difference between a male and a female is apparent in the structure and function of the brain. Dr. Wade's specialty is ___________________________ .
psychology should focus on interactions with the environment that can be seen and measured
J B Watson and B. F. Skinner believed that ____________________________________ .
critical thinking
Psychologists rely on _____________, which is the process of thinking reflectively and productively and evaluating evidence.
Which of the following is an example of a case study?
being overweight
According to the definition of psychology, which of the following is NOT a behavior?
A theory can be defined as __________________________________________ .