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23 Cards in this Set

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Memory is distributed throughout the brain rather than condined to any specific location

Long term potentiation

The strengthening of synaptic connections, making the postsynaptic neruons more easily activated . Fire tigether wire together.

NMDA Receptor

Glutamate receptor has a special propertry: opens only if nearby neuron fires at same time. Memory results from this process.

Epigenetic Mechanism

Controls how DNA is expressed

Medial Temporal Lobes

Middle section of temporal lobes. Repsonsible for the formation of new memories

Sensory Memory

Tempoeary memory system closelky tied to sensory system lasts a fraction of a second, usually unaware its happening.

Visual sensory memory: iconic memory

Auditory: echoic memory

Working memory

Active processinf system, keeps different types or info available for current use. Needs to be rehearsed to remembered.

Long term memory

Relatively permanent storage for info

Serial position effect

The idea that the ability to recall item fdom a list depends on the order of presentstion. Items presented early or late in the list remembered better than those in the middle

Primacy effect

Remember items at BEGGINING of list better

Recency effect

Better memory for the MOST RECENT items (last in list)


Cognitive structures that help us perceive, organize, process, and use information

Explicit Memory

System underlying conscipus memories

Declarative memory

Cognitive info retrieved feom explicit memory. Knowledge that can be declared

Episodic memory

Memory for ones own personal past experience

Semantic memory

General knowledge about the world. Facts

Implicit memory

System of underlying UNCONSCIOUS MEMORIES. Learned associations,doesnt require conscious attention

Procedural Memory

Involves motor skills and behaviors. (How to ride a bike, autopilot)

Prospective memory

Remembering something to do at a future time. Involves automatic and controlled processes


Memory decay over time.


Retrieval failure (from long term memory)

Memory bias

Changing memories over time so that they become consistent with with current beliefs qnd aditudes


Person thinks they came up with new idea when they really remembered it from a different source