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84 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal system

Bones, cartilage, ligaments, other CT that attach bones to each other


Each is an organ w/ CT, blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, cartilage, CT coverings

Skeletal system fn



Mineral storage

Triglyceride storage

Red & white blood cell formation (hemopoiesis)

Leverage (assist in mvmt)


CT membrane covering external surface of bone

Cont w/ tendons, CT of joints

Attached to bone matrix via perforating fibers

2 layers: outer fibrous & inner osteogenic


Lining inner surface of bone including marrow cavity, trabecullae of spongy bone, canals of compact bone

Contains osteogenic cells-important for bone growth & remodeling

Osteogenic cells

Stem cells formed from mesenchyme (embryonic CT)


Cells build bone=bone formation

Syn organic components of matrix

Initiate calcification-take Ca from blood & deposit w/in matrix by exocytosis

Immature cells


Mature cell involved in maintenance of bone tissue

Sense bone microdamage & mechanical forces on bone & signals for repair


Break down bone=bone resorption

Release proteolytic enzymes & acids to degrade collagen & release minerals to blood

Derived from myloid stem cells

Bone modeling

Bone formed by osteoblasts w/out prior bone resorption

Happens during growth

Produces chg in bone size & shape

Bone remodeling

Bone first resorbed by osteoclasts & then formed in same location by osteoblasts

Happens throughout life

Goal of modeling/remodeling

Achieve strength for loading & lightness for mobility

Extracellular matrix

Organic- ground sub & collagen fiber

Inorganic- water & hydroxyapatite

Organic components

Ground sub- GAG

Glycoproteins-polysaccaride + protein

Negatively charged

Collagen fiber

Fibrous protein arranged in helical form

Resistant to pulling forces

Provides flexibility & framework for deposition of Ca crystals

Inorganic components

Water- attracted to ground sub

Makes up 25% of extracellular matrix

Hydroxyapatite- Ca phosphate & Ca hydroxide + other minerals & ions

Forms mineral plates called hydroxyapatite platelets

Organization of organic/inorganic components

Salts (hydroxyapatite) deposited w/in collagen fiber

As hydroxyapatite condenses, other inorganic salts & ions percipitate in matrix to fill spaces w/in collagen fiber

Collagen & minerals

Collagen- flexibility

Minerals- firmness


Inorganic component deficient

Ca deficiency due to lack of vitamin D leads to flexible bones


Organic component deficient

Prob w/ collagen syn due to vitamin C deficiency leads to brittle bones that can fracture easily

Spongy bone

Irregular lattice of thin plates (trabecullae)

Osteocytes housed in lacunae

Epiphysis of long bone, surrounding marrow cavities, flat, short, Irregular bones

W/stand force from many directions

Lightens skeleton

Contains red marrow from hemopoiesis

Compact bone

Solid network of bone organized in concentric ring structures (osteon)

External layer of all bones, diaphysis of long bones

Gives long bones ability w/stand forces along longitudinal axis

Infant Bone formation

Fontanels (soft spot)

Epiphyseal of long bone made of cartilage

Epiphyseal plates stay cartilage until adulthood

Fetus bones

Composed of loose CT (mesenchyme) & hyaline cartilage


Replacement of CT by bone

Begins during 2nd month of develop

Intramembranous & endochondral


W/in membrane


Cranial bones, mandible, sternum, clavicle

Develop ossification center


Form trabecullae (spongy bone)

Develop periosteum

Endochondral ossification

Inside cartilage


Most bones in body

Growth in length at epiphyseal plate


Deposition of Ca

Growth of cartilage

Interstitial growth

Appositional growth

Interstitial growth

W/in cartilage

Length at epiphyseal plate

Appositional growth

Outer surface



Break in continuity of bone rendering structurally incompetent

Traumatic fracture

Normal bone experiencing abnormal forces

Pathologic fracture

Abnormal bone experiencing normal forces

Gross incomplete fracture

Bone partially broken in continuity

Greenstick-incomplete results in bent bone in child/youths

Gross complete fracture

Loss in continuity

Gross non-displaced fracture

Complete fracture result in speration of broken bone pieces from ea other

Gross displaced fracture

Complete fracture result in seperation of 1 broken piece from other

Gross simple (closed) fracture

Complete, displaced neither broken piece of bone breaks skin

Gross open (compound) fracture

Complete, displaced 1 or more broken pieces of bone break skin

Repair for bone fractures

Formation of fracture hematoma

Fibrocartilage callus formation

Bony callus formation

Bone remodeling

Treatmemt for bone fractures



Closed-setting&splinting bone for natural healing

Open-surgical use of rods, plates, pins,etc position bone & bone fragments correctly for proper healing

Factors that influence bone

Dietary:minerals & vitamins




Minerals: Ca & P (also Mg, F, Mn)

Vitamins: A-stim osteoblast activ

C- needed for collage syn

D- stim Ca absorption

K,B12- need for syn bone proteins

Ca homeostasis

Goal: reg blood Ca w/in norm range (8.5-11.0 mg/dl)

Why- Ca important physiological role: membrane excitability(blood clotting) & intercellular activ(2nd messenger)

How- control Ca entry into & exit from blood: bone storage, intestinal absorption, kidney excretion

Hormones involved in Ca homeostasis


Parathyroid hormone

Calcitriol (vitamin D)


Stim: high blood Ca

Source: thyroid gland (parafollicular cell)

Target tissue: bone, kidney, intestine

Actions (goal to decrease bone resorption): inhibit osteoclast activity, increase excretion of Ca at kidney, inhibit absorption of Ca at intestine

End result: decrease blood Ca

Parathyroid hormone

Stim: low blood Ca

Source: parathyroid gland

Target tissue: bone, kidney, intestine

Actions (goal to increase Ca): stim osteoclast activity, decrease excretion of Ca at kidney, stim intestinal absorption of Ca & promote calcitriol (vit D) action

End result: increase blood Ca

Vitamin D

Calcitriol: active form of vit D

1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol or 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3

Vit D steroid hormone- derived from cholesterol (lipophilic/hydrophobic)

Actions of calcitriol (active form of vit D)

Stim osteoclast activ (increase bone resorption)

Decrease Ca excretion at kidney

Increase Ca absorption at intestine (works well with PTH stim absorption)

End result: increase blood Ca

How much Ca should you have per day?

Young adults(19-50) need 1000mg Ca from diet&sup to avoid bone loss

Hormones that influence bone

Calcitonin & PTH = osteoclasts

Growth hormone(somatotropin) & estrogen/testosterone = osteoblasts

Growth hormone (somatotropin)

Stim cell growth & protein syn (collagen)

Stim form of insulin like growth factors (IGFs) --> stim osteoblast activ --> stim bone form

Skeletal disorders associated w/ GH

Pituitary dwarfism

Pituitary giantism


Pituitary dwarfism

Children w/ low levels of growth hormone--> slow epiphyseal growth (short stature)

Pituitary giantism

Hypersection of growth hormone in childhood--> accelerated epiphyseal growth (tall stature)


Hypersecretion of growth hormone after puberty--> appositional growth (thickening of bones) in skull, hands, feet--> epiphyseal plates of long bones already closed


Both stim osteoblast activity--> stim bone form

Levels increase at puberty: bone growth/height spurts, eventually cause closure of epiphyseal plates because osteoblast/osteoclast activity slightly greater than chondrocyte activ

Levels decrease w/ older age

Effect of exercise on bone

Bone will chg in response to stresses

1. Muscle pulling on bone --> joint rxn forces

2. Impact --> ground rxn forces

Spongy vs compact

Spongy- more metabolically active- can respond to chgs in mechanical loading more readily

Most likely sites of fracture areas w/ high spongy bone content (hip, wrist, spine)

Role of exercise

Goal: reach fracture threshold later in life

Early- increase peak bone mass

Later- prevent bone loss

Other benefits- fall prevention

- improved strength, balance, coordination

Bone estrogen strength training (BEST) study

Postmenopausal women (N=266)

Split into exercise & control groups

Exercisers trained 3x per week, 2 sets of 8-10 reps for ea exercise at 70-80% rep max

All subjects took Ca supplements

BEST study strength training exercises

Wall squat/ smith squat

One arm military press

Leg press

Lat pull down

Seated row

Back extension

Effects of exercise on bone


Porous bone--> increased fracture risk

Proportion of collagen & minerals norm but decrease in mass

What causes reduced bone mass?

Any factor stimulates bone resorption or inhibits formation

Ostoclast activ>osteoblast activ

(Bone resorp) (bone form)

Osteoporosis risk factors


Point of contact between:

1. Bones (elbow)

2. Bones & cartilage (epiphyseal plates)

3. Bones and teeth

Structural classification of joints based on anatomical structure

Fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial

Functional classification of joints based on amount of mvmt at joint


Slightly movable--> amphiarthrosis

Freely movable-->diarthrosis

Types of synarthroses

Types of amphiarthrosis

Types of diarthrosis

Structure of diarthrosis (synovial joint)

Functions of synovial fluid

1. Lubricates joint

2. Provides nutrients to articular cartilage (avascular)

3. Shock absorption

Accessory structures of synovial joint

Ligaments:intracapsular & extracapsular





Shoulder joint

Shoulder joint ligaments

Shoulder joint tendons

Elbow joint

Knee joint

Knee joint extracapsular ligaments

Knee joint intracapsular ligament

Temporomandibular joint

Only moveable joint of skull

Mandibular condyle of mandible & mandibular fossa of temporal bone

TMJ syndrome- pain associated w/ muscle spasm (muscles pull joint out of alignment)

Articulations of thoracic vertebrae