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49 Cards in this Set

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Sexual Disorders
-Sexual Dysfunctions
-Pain Disorder
-Gender Identity Disorder
Sexual Dysfunction
Condition marked by persistent impairment or sexual performance or disruption in sexual responsiveness, resulting in personal distress reduced self-esteem feelings of guilt, etc
Desire Stage
Stage of sex urges, fantasy and interest in sexual intercourse
Hypoactive Sexual Desire
Condition marked by persistent lack of desire or insufficient sexual interest
Sexual Aversion Disorder
-Sexual dysfunction characterized by disgust at the idea of sexual intercourse
-May find sexual stimulation kissing, touching, etc as repulsive
-Fear and personal distress often accompanied by avoidance
Stage of subjective pleasure and involuntary physical responses, blood pools, increased heart rate, etc
Female Sexual Arousal Disorder
Persistent inability to achieve and sustain arousal and vaginal lubrication sufficient for satisfying sexual intercourse
Male Erectile Disorder
Condition marked by persistent inability to attain or sustain adequate erection
Orgasmic Stage
Peaking of sexual pleasure, release of sexual tension
Female Inhibited Orgasm
Condition marked by persistent inability to experience orgasmic release
Male Orgasmic Disorder
-Premature Ejaculation
-Retarded Ejaculation
-Stage of recovery during which sexual stimulation is difficult
-No related disorders
Pain Disorder
Condition marked by pain in area of genitals that discourages sexual intercourse
Pain experienced in genital area (genuine to person) discourages sexual intercourse
Condition marked by involuntary contraction of outer vaginal walls that impedes penile insertion
Gender Identity Disorder
-Conditions marked by discrepancies between one’s sense of maleness or femaleness and one’s physical anatomy
-The discrepancy is sufficient to create personal distress, depression, suicidal ideas and behaviors
Transgender Identity Disorder
-Gender identity condition in which the sense of entrapment in the wrong body create personal distress, sufficient to warrant a surgical transformation
-Condition marked by intense desire to primary and secondary sex characteristics
-Conditions marked by socially inappropriate sexual interests and behaviors
-Sexual interests are intense and persistent over at least 6 months
-Sexual arousal often contingent upon contact with object of preference
Transvestic Fetishism
Dressing in opposite sex clothing for sexual gratification
Sexual Masochism
Sexual gratification derived from activities that humiliate, cause pain, degradation
Sexual Sadism
Sexual gratification derived from imposing pain, suffering, humiliation
Disorders with sexual interest in children
Rubbing against strangers for sexual gratification
Sexual gratification d from contact w/inanimate objects
Contact with dead, still, cold, is gratifying
Watching sex acts, nudity, disrobing for gratification
Sexual activities with animals to derived satisfaction
Exposing one genitals to unsuspecting strangers for gratification
Disorders marked by impaired ability to interpret reality and difficulty meeting the demands of life
-A psychotic disorder marked by disturbance in perception, language, behavior, communication, fluency and productivity of speech
-Chronic psychotic disorder
-Marked by impaired reality testing, loss of volition, drive, and attention.
Schizophrenia (Areas of Conflict)
-Cognition = Disturbances in thinking
-Affect = Feeling states
-Speech = Pressured flight
-Behavior = Bizarre and unusual actions and reactions
Split division:
-Split from reality
-Split between behavior and emotions
-Split between thoughts and behaviors
-Loose associations or derailment of thought
Positive Schizophrenia Symptoms
-Excess or distortion of normal functions
-Disorganized speech
-Inappropriate affect, etc
Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms
-Diminution or loss of normal functions e.x. alogia
-Avolition, blunted or flatten affect
-Word salads. etc
Type I Schizophrenia
Schizophrenias characterized primarily by positive symptoms, e.g., delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, etc
Type II Schizophrenia
Characterized primarily by negative symptoms, e.g., social withdrawal, avolition, alogia, mutism, etc
Schizophrenia Types
Paranoid Schizophrenia
-A type of schizophrenia marked by persistent delusions that involves themes of persecution or grandiosity
-Delusions with theme of jealousy, religiosity or somatization may occur
-Features may include angerk anxiety, aloffness and argumentativeness
Catatonic Schizophrenia
-An unusual type of schizophrenia marked by at disturbed motor functions, i.e., stupors, waxy flexibility, mutism, or excited motor
-Activities expressed in excessive flapping of hands, grimacing, etc. Echolia & echopraxia may prevail
Disorganized Schizophrenia
-A form of schizophrenia marked by incoherent speech, loose associations, silly and regressed mannerism, neologism, word salads, inappropriate affect, transient hallucinations and delusions
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
-A form of schizophrenia marked by a combination of psychotic symptoms, e.g., delusions of reference, delusions of grandeur, stupors, incoherent thoughts, agitation or excited behaviors
Residual Schizophrenia
A type of schizophrenia w/out prominent psychotic symptoms, w/a history of a least one schizophrenic episode
Additional Psychoses
-Schizophreniform Disorder
-Schizoaffective Disorder
-Brief Psychotic Disorder
-Delusional disorder
-Shared psychotic disorder
-Substance induced psychoses
-Psychotic disorder due to general medical condition
Schizophreniform Disorder
-An acute condition w/symptoms of schizophrenia that onset of symptoms that persist for one month; but, subsides w/in 6mo
-Symptoms may include confusion, unusual behaviors, prominent psychotic symptoms
Schizoaffective Disorder
-Condition marked by symptoms of major depression (w/or w/out mania) with symptoms of schizophrenia
-Poor occupational functioning, restricted range of social contacts
-Difficulties with self care, increased risk of suicide
Brief Psychotic Disorder
-Condition in which psychotic symptoms acutely onset and persist for at least one day; but, no longer than one month
-Symptoms may be precipitated by trauma or markedly stressful event
-Symptoms include one or more of the following: delusions, hallucinations, derailment, catatonic behaviors, etc
Delusional Disorder
-Conditions marked by nonbizarre delusions
-Delusions related to situations that occur in real life(, e.g., being followed, poisioned, infected, loved at a distance, deceived by spouse.) contained delusions of: Grandiose Type, Jealous Type, Erotomania
Shared Psychotic Disorder-
-Condition marked by one or more non-bizarre delusions that persist for a minimum of one month among members of a group
-Faulty belief expected to subside when group disbands
Substance Induced Psychotic Disorder
-Condition with prominent hallucinations or delusions, judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of substance, i.e., drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure
-The individual does not realizes the symptoms are substance induced