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22 Cards in this Set

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gestalt therapy -
little bits of awareness put together
Gestalt therapy:
• Teaching people to be aware by focusing on the here & now
• Encourage people to truly be themselves because people play games due to of social roles/expectations
• Follow intuitions & interests
Incomplete gestalt:
• something you want but don’t have
• You move to satisfy them (Ex: bodily yearning - maturity means to disregard bodily yearnings)
how psychotherapy was active/fun process:
• when someone couldn’t describe something, he would ask them to try to explain it in a different modality (ex: can you dance it, lyrics from a song, etc)
“lose your mind & come to your senses:”
• finding satisfaction from your needs is better than just sitting there talking about them.
• Find satisfaction of your emotions instead of just expressing them.
curse of the nice people:
• they can never say no
Influenced by Vaihinger:
• V. helped people understand who they are & what they need
• V. said when you’re busy/active & enjoying life you’re not thinking about your problems; Our brains solve problems so when there are none, our brains create problems to solve; Need to find answers from within
• Anything internal & external = behavior. Take internal and make it external. Internal processes on same level as external behaviors. *listen to the voice inside
Etiology (causation) of psychology:
• people’s emotional suffering is directly related to the degree to which people are not aware of what’s occurring right now
• Unmet needs & unmet discharged tension causes stress → enough quantity = mental illness.
• Focus on what’s happening now & don’t analyze past; followed intuition and helped people focus on what ‘is’
3 principles:
1. Own your own projections
2. Action Awareness Continuum
3. Genuine Emotional Involvement & interactions
Own your own projections:
• everything we believe about or see in another person or the world is a projection from inside of us; We take our experiences & filter things through the lens that we have.
• Understanding the world is a reflection of yourself. Be aware of things you see/what you “think” is going on.
• In therapy, when a person talks about projections they are talking about themselves.
• Evident in dreams- you create the elements of a dream. People take unacceptable parts of their life & project it onto the world.
Genuine Emotional Involvement & interactions:
• don’t foster false emotions
• Every question is a hook of a demand - people ask you questions to hear your answer so then they can present their own opinion
why Perls discouraged transference:
• can’t treat someone as if they are someone else because that’s not a cure.
• Owning what’s occurring makes you whole.
• why should you pretend?
• You should become aware NOW.
• Believed therapist should not do a lot of interpreting because the therapists psyche could get in the way
Action Awareness Continuum:
action → emerging figure → awareness → contact - is a cycle.
• A way of directing attention to what’s going on inside or outside of self; teaches you to be aware.
• Goal: to teach you how to be aware from moment to moment, ongoing process.
interruptions in the action-awareness continuum
6 Boundary Disturbances between self & self image (Minor → major)
1. introjection- taking something in without awareness
2. projection- take something unacceptable about yourself & putting it out onto world
3. retroflection- doing to the self what you really want to do to other people. Ex: depression
4. deflection/confluence- interruption. Have an opportunity to be aware of something but interrupt it. boundary between self environment is weak, easily influenced.
5. isolation/desensitization- self & environment boundary is completely lost. No sense of self.
6. egotism
To be genuine =
• wipe your own ass → be responsible for yourself, take care of business
3 classes of verbiage production:
chickenshit, bullshit, elephantshit
reason for no false compassion :
doesn’t do anything for you or the person you’re helping; they know you’re being fake
roots of anxiety disorders:
dishonesty either with the self or others
Dream synthesis:
have people experience dreams as if they were here & now; You create dreams & your own self experiences
why no one can make you feel/do anything:
Ex: “you made me angry” → no one can make you angry, you made yourself angry.