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39 Cards in this Set

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Trichocysts in Paramecium

-embedded in the pellicle

-used for defense

- the spiny projections can injure a nearby cell as well as cover a paramecium with protective bristles.

mouth pore in Paramecium

opening for food

pellicle in paramecium

-cell membrane and associated under - lying structures make up a complex outer layer called the pellicle.

- folded in a repeating pattern

- trichocysts are embedded in the pellicle

macro nucleus in paramecium

large of the two nuclei in ciliates which controls the life process of the cell

micronucleus in paramecium

smaller nucleus in ciliates that under go meiosis and mitosis during conjugation and contains more genes then the macronucleus.

cilia in paramecium

short hairlike projections that produced movement. Internal structure consists of micro - tubule - like structures. The beating of clilia propels the cell rapidly through water.

contractile vacuole in paramecium

excess water is collected in other vacuoles. These vacuoles empty into canals that are arranged in a star shaped pattern around contractile vacuoles. When a contractile vacuole is filled with water then it contracts quickly and pumps water out of the cell.

Anterior= top


forming food vacuole and food vacuoles in Paramecium

-food vacuoles form at the base of the gullet.

- they then break off into the cytoplasm and eventually fuse with lysosomes to digest food.

anal pore in paramecium

waste materials are emptied into the environment when the food vacuole fuses with the anal pore.

gullet in paramecium

paramecium obtains food by using it's cilia to force water into the gullet. Particles are trapped in the gullet and forced into food vacuoles that form at the base of the gullet.

-makes food vacuoles

nucleus in amoebas

major organelle that controls cell activities like reproduction, eating growth etc

-also holds organisms DNA

contractile vacuole in Amebas

excretes excess water and waste.

-excess water is collected in vacuoles through osmosis and these vacuoles empty into canals that are arranged in star shaped pattern around contractile vacuoles.

When a contracile vacuole becomes full it contracts quickly and pumps water out of the cell.

endoplasms in Amoebas

inner granule - rich cytoplasm of an amoeba.

- gives shapeto pseudopods.

-makes up bulk of cell

Pseudopods in Maoebas

also known as false feet.

-temporary feet.

- movement and digestion

food vacuole in amoebas

where food is digested and stored in a membrane - enclose cavity

characteristics of amoebas

phylum: sarcodina

-flexible, active cells without cell walls, flagella, cilia or shape.

move by pseudopods that they extend out of the central mass of the cell.

absorbs food by surrounding the meal with a streaming cytoplasm and then taking it inside to form a food vacuole.

locomotion: changes their body

speed: moves slowly

Excretes liquids through the contractile vacuole, solids through moving waste through the cytoplasm, gaseous wastes are diffused through the cell membrane.

reproduces a sexually through binary fission

cell membrane in amoebas

regulates the passage of materials between the cell and its environement.

-helps protect and support the cell.

thin layer of protein and fat

ectoplasm in amoebas

-clear outer cytoplasmic layer of an amoeba

-denser than endoplasm


-plant - like, golden protists

-3 types of organisms generally; yello - green algae, golden - brown algae, diatoms

-cell walls have a carb pection instead of cellulose.

extremly diverse organisms


known as dinoflagellates (also a plant - like protist)

- photosynthetic

-usually have two flagella.

dinoflagellates are luminescent and DNA is tightly bound without histones

fire - protists


long cell that has a pouch that has two flagella at it's front end.

excellent swimmers, moves very quickly.

red eyespot at front end of cell that helps euglena find the brightest areas in the environement.

euglena can also live as a heterotroph

-reproduces asexually through binary fission


plantlike protist

closely related to zoomatigians

flagettaletes with cholorplast


different types of plant - like protists

euglenphyta, pyrrophyta, chrysophyta, slime molds

slime molds

unusual prostist.

-found near rich sources of food such as rotting wood, piles of compost and thick wet lawns.

difficult to classify


contains protists that use temporary projections of cytoplasm to move and feed

ex amoebas

animal like protists

different types of animal like protists

ciliophora, zoomastigina, sporozoa, and sarcodinas


known as ciliates.

have cilia.

common examples are paramecium

animal - like protist


known as flagellates

have flagella

absorb food through cell membranes

reproduce asexually by binary fission

some are found in lakes or ponds other exist as parasites or symbionts of other organisms

animal - like protsits


non- motile


complex life cycle

ex: plasmodium i.e. malaria

animal - like protist


diffusion of water mlecules through a selectively permeable membrane from a higher water concentration to an area of low water concentration


exchange of genetic material.

two organisms attatch to one another, their macronuclei disintegrate and their diploid unergoes meiosis.

then 3/4 micronuclei disintegrate and the remaining micronucleus divies to from two genetically identical haploid micronuclei


organism divides by mitosis to produce two smaller, but genetically identical organisms

Lynn Margulis Quote

protista "is defined by exclusion: its members are neither animals, plants, fungi nor prokaryotes


greek def: first

scientific def: unicellular, eukaryoic organisms

most protists are solitary but some are colonial

.very diverse group.


disease:African sleeping sickness

carrier: teste fly

symptoms: fever, chills, skin rash, weakness, fatal sleep

- once bitten trypanosomes destroy blood cells and infect other tissues. As they attack they nervous system infected individuals become weak and lose consciousness

Plasmodium vivax


carried by: mosquitos

symptoms: burnign fevers, shivering, chills

- once inside the body plasmodium infects the liver and blood cells. Cells burst at 48 or 72 hour intervals

prevention: draining swamps, screenin patients, using drugs, spraying house with ddt, mosquito screens

traveller's diarrhea

cause: ingestion fo food or water that is contaminated by either bacteria, viruses, fungus or protists

symptoms: abrupt onset of loos stools in a day, urgent need to defecate, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever

- can cause severe dehydration

prevention:sanitary disposal of fecal matter, boiling and properly preparing food.

oral groove in paramecium

paramecium uses its cilia to sweep food along with some water into the cell mouth after it falls into the oral groove.

collects food until it is swept into the cell mouth

characteristics of paramecium

phylum: ciliophora

- large organism - up to 350 micrometers iin length

- complex outer layer called pellicle

-trichocysts as defense mechanisms

-2 types of nucleus

-normally reproduce asexually through binary fission but occasionally share DNA through conjugation

waste materials emptied through anal pore

-locomtio: cilia

Speed of movement: very fast

Ingestion: oral groove in definite position

respiration: absorbtion from water (diffusion)

Excretes liquids through the anterior and posterior contractile vacuoles, solids through the anal opening, gaseous water through diffusion in the cell membrane.