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120 Cards in this Set

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1st deconess/visting nurse
What came from WWI
American Red Cross - Barton
time during which Christianity was supressed so all the nurses were made to stop
earliest med record
Fertile Crescent
disease prevention
hippocrates - god of medicine
public restrooms, sanitation
ying yang
herbal treatment
Crimean War - keep enviro clean, light, ventaliation, nurse 24 hr a day, pure water, diet, noise
Doreathea Dix
establishes Nurse Core
Korean, Vietam Wars made.
Aire Force Nurses
Isabel hampton
first pres of ANA - wantedto delvelop ethic, standard of ed.
open only to reg. nurses, goals of nursing, better general welfare
Callista Roy
identify demands placed on clients and seeing how they adapt
Hildegard Peplau
develop an interpersonal interaction with nurse and client to reduce tension
Jean Watson
must care and focuse on curing factors derived from humanistic and scientific perspectives
that caring is essesntial to nursing
compassion is important, and that there are four demensions of a man and the nurse should assist client in achieving optimal wellness
help assist client into self care
reduce stress in order for the paitent to heal as quickly as possible
to focus humans as living in unity and human's qualitative participation with health experiences * being and becoming
human needs person family, support system
1 year, must be supervised by RN, responsbilitys are limited
RN w/ associated degree
2 yrs, under sup. of RN w/ BA, must pass nat. exam
RN w/ BA
4 yrs, equal ed. in theory and clinical
MAsters Degree
grad prg. in specific area, nurse pract.
Doctoral Degree
3-4 years, researchers/teachers, PhD, PT, OT
a dynamic balance amoung the physical psychological social and spirital aspects of a persons life
state of complete physical mental social well being not meerely the absnese of a disease
Steps Of Nursing Process
assesment - data col.
ANaylsis - diagnons
Outcome - identify reachable goals
Planning - work with clients and talk about howthey will reach goals
Implatation - actiong out the plan
Evaluation - was it a success??
research with no numbers, not formal collection, doesnt focus on specific concepts,
research with numbers, very structured, answers specific question
triangulation research
uses both qual and quan research
deals with NEW knowledge
problem sovling
current knowledge
meta anylsis
systematic (step by step) reviews that combine many studies using qualitative stats
evidence bbased practice
when you use current research to help make decisions
social efficency
need or expectation - ex finishing somethign on time
contemplative efficency
often forgot about - self reflection
Two ways nursing research is diff from scientific method
objectivity and use of empirical data (pain scale) and triangulation - both qual/quan
Nuremberg Code
after nazis did terrible things in WWII - clients have the right to an explanation of the study, the procedures and purposes, volutary consent, allowed to withdraw whenever they wany, protect from injurgy (1947)
Declaration of Helsinki
(1964)- ethics - solely up the volunteer whether or not they want to participate, and the researchers must never hurt them
Insistutional Review Boards
right to freedom from injury, right to privacy/diginity and right to anatmity and confidentaility
Insitutional REview Board
exists in hosp. made so that people cant condduct harmful research
Probability Sampling
everyone has an equal chance
Non Prob sampling - convenient sampling
taking from one floor of hosp. not equal chance thru out the world
Basic research
get data without an immediate concern for clinical prac. --> ex trying to undestand structures of the brain
applied research
apply to practice-> apply the str. of brain with pple with eating disorders
experimental research
two groups - control. experimental, -- empact of preoperative help
non experimental
studies are more desciptive and exploratory - describes what already exists and what is this ?? . . . no predictors of the future
quasi experimental non random
common in nursing, usually a con. sample
look to past/ look as an ongoing
longitudial study
hard --> each year ask the same students the same quests.
cross section study
ask fresh, soph, jun, seniors all the same question
direct measure
ex weight, age - can have error
indirect measure
abstract such as quality of car
list increasing sophication of levels of measurement
nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
systematic error -
svale was calibrated wrong so everyones wieght was off
random error
happens randomly no real reason - voting problem in fl.
nominal measurement
just labeled in rnadom order ex different subj
ordinal measurement
intervals but ranks arent equal -- ex pain or exercise
interval measurement
has same distances - temp -- no abs. zero point
highest* time wieght - has exact 0
measured by reliability and validity
consistency = if nadine and barone grade test are they both the same using the same scale
does it measure what its supposed to -- does it measure hope ..
relibility and validity
can be reliable w/p being valid but if it is valid it must be reliable
random error
happens randomly no real reason - voting problem in fl.
nominal measurement
just labeled in rnadom order ex different subj
ordinal measurement
intervals but ranks arent equal -- ex pain or exercise
interval measurement
has same distances - temp -- no abs. zero point
highest* time wieght - has exact 0
measured by reliability and validity
consistency = if nadine and barone grade test are they both the same using the same scale
does it measure what its supposed to -- does it measure hope ..
relibility and validity
can be reliable w/p being valid but if it is valid it must be reliable
emperical literature
reports of completed research -aka scientic literature
operational definitions
explanations of concepts in temrs of how they are defined for a particular study
list of a research report
title, abstract, research probelm, literature review, methods, data collection methods, results discusion
operational definitions
when a researcher asks aa question they much know the variables in the study - clear cut statement of how variables are mesured
literature review
what has already been studied -- 5 years
simple hypothesis
2 variables - one dependent one independent
dependent variable
Y , outcome
X, treatment
complex hypothesis
many variables
non directional hypothesis
there is a relationship but no direction - ussually when studies have diff results
directional hypothesis
when there is a pos/neg..less more type of correlation
null hypothesis
there is no relationship at all
theoretical literature
conceptual artibles - non research related
research/alternative/declarative/scientific hypothesis
relationship or differece between two variables
network sampling
nonprob sampling that takes advantage of social networks -
purposive sampling/judgement/theorictical
nonprob sapling where the researcher selects only subjects that have specific characteristics
snowball sampling
type of nonprob sampling - good for when you cannnot get the list - relies on subjects identifying other subjects with simliar characteristics
stratified random sampling
when populations are divided into subpops then srs is drawn from each stratum
psychometric evaluation
evalutes the properies or reliability and validity in relationship to the instruemnts
Crownbachs Alpha
r which shows the correlation of consistency
likert scale
strong disgree --> strongly agree
Interal validity
refers to whether the independent variable makes a difference
double blind study
unknown to both parties in the research
parametric procedure for assessing whether two group means are significantly different from eachother
neg skewed
tail to left is longer
when the stat person doesnt follow the rules but the results are close to being valid
anaylsis of variance ANOVA
inferential procedure used to determine difference amoung three or more group means
operational definition
assigns meaning to a variable and the terms or procedure to which it is measured
measures of central tendency
descriptive statistics that describe the location or apprc center of a distribution of data
level of confidence
prob level in which the research hypothesis is accepted with confidence -- .05 is standard
confidence interval
a range of values computed from a sample data that estimates a population parameter
homogeneity of variance
sit in which the depndent variables dont differ significantly between groups
symmetrical distbution
when mean mode and median are all the same
chi squared
report of nonparametric statistics that compares frequency of an observed occurance and freq. of expected occurance
anayltic epidemiological studies
studies concerned with testing hypothesis to determine if specific exposures are related to the presense or absense of specific diseases
organizing framework that contains set of assumptions that underlie how scientists view reality truth and research
randomized clinical trial
a prospective study evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention in large samples of patients
content validity
does the instruemnt meausre the content area - ask a panal - usually in a questionaire or interview
criterion related validity
compare instruemnt with another older instr.- could measure the same/diff thing correlation r = _+ 1
most difficult to understand - the amount that it measure an intended hypothetical concept
factor anaylsis
in construct validity - beaking down concept into many diff components
interrater reliability
compare 2 observers or instruments of the same event