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150 Cards in this Set

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qualitative research methods
-grounded theory
steps of quantative research
- state research problem
define purpose of study
review related literature
formulate hypotheses and variables
select research design
select population and sample
collect data
analyze data
communicate findings and conclusions
something measurable
dependent variable
variable being studied
independent variable
cause/condition identified
statement of relationships between independent and dependent variables
info researcher collects
devices used to collect and record
rating scale
protecting rights of research subjects
-infromed consent
-federal regulations
-review boards
3 most common impediments to research
- limited amt of subjects
-limited resources (personnel or money)
- research not valued always- because not familiar
components of research journal
evidence based practice
- use of some form of substantiation in making clinical decisions
-evidence comes from tradition, authority, experience, error, logic, reason, research
ex: handwashing, skin care, family presence in resuscitation
nursing research
- improve client care
-enhance nursings scientific knowledge base
- use findings in practice
nursing research steps
- identify a problem
- conduct a literature review
-formulate a research question or hypothesis
- design a study
- obtain consent
-collect data
-analyze data
-share the info
major goal of nursing research
- imrpove client care
which of following is series of actions, changes or functions intended to bring about a desired result
- process
nurse who tests theory by examining theory itself and considering specific actions or ideas is using
-deductive theory
discover of how people desribe their own reality and how beliefs are related to actions ina social scene
grounded thery
-standard or rule of conduct established and enforced by the government
-process of bringing and trying a law suit
-person brining suit
- person being acused of a crime
types of law
- public law
-private law
-criminal law
public law
- government is involved
- ex: can't vote till 18
private law
- regulations relationships among people
- civil suits
criminal law
- federal crimes
four sources of law
- constiutions
- statutes
-administrative law
- common law
- serve as guide to legislative bodies
- enacted by a legislative body
administrative law
- empowered by executive officiers
-gov, president,
common law
- judiciary system reconciles controveries
- creates body of laww
- because always done it this way becomes law
legal regulation of nursing practice
- nurse practice acts
- standards
- accreditation
- certification
get from regulations, organizatins, ANA
good samaritan acts
- protect HCPS for doing good deeds
- CPR break ribs can't sue
Legal safeguards for nurse
- informed consent
- contracts
-collective bargaining
- competent practice
- patient education
- documentation
- adequate staffing
-professional liability insurance
-risk management programs
- incident reports, JCAHO, sentinel events
- pt bill of rights
-good samritan laws
prof liability insurance
- advised to carry own
- defrays all costs of defending nurse, including attorney
- nursing fauculty and studnets also vulnerable to law suits
- can be obtained through ANA, national student nurses assoc and private ins companies
legal responsibilities of students
- nursing students are responsible for own actions and acts of negligence
- must be assigned learning experiences within their capabilities and be given reasonable guidance and supervision
clinical alerts
- nurses duty to respond to all clients call lights not just those of assigned
- best defense against malpractice- knowing nursing responsibilities and the scope of practice of the members of your health team
- assess pts for fall assessment
- know meds you are administering , know why recieving, dosage range, adverse effects, toxicity leve,s, contraindications
- document all nursing measures taken to protect client
- monitor both phys and psych status of client
- never discuss cliens in elevator cafe or other pub places
violence abuse and neglect
- includes domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual abuse and neglect
- nurses are mandated reporters
- need to report abuse
americans with disabilities act
- prohibits disrim on basis of disbaility in employement
- may not refuse to hire nurse with disabilities if qualified and able to fulfill essential functions of work role
impaired nurse
- practice been affected because of chemical abuse
- high levels stress and easy access make easy
- primary concern is pt - critically importnat nurses problem identified quick
-stay late, come in early, lots of narcotics for pts when she is around
unprofessional conduct
- incompetence or gross neg
- conviction for practicing without a license
- falsification of pt records
- illegally obtaining, using or posessing controlled substances
-having personal relationship with pt
- violation ethical codes
- breach conficdnetiality
refusing to care for pts with specific socioeconomical background or cultural orig
reasons for suspending or revoking license
- drug or alcohol abuse
- fraud or deceptive practice
-criminal acts
- previously disc actions
gross or ordinary neg
- physical or mental impairments
incident report
- agency record of accidnet or unusal occurence
- used to make all facts available to agency personnel to contribute stat data about incidents or accidens and help healht personnel prevent future incidents or accidents
-internal document
criminal law
- crime- misdemeanor, felony
- tort
- punishable by fines or less than one year imprisonment
- wrong against a person or his property as well as the public
-punishable by imprisonment for more than one year
- a wrong comitted by a person against another person or his or her property
- intentional
- unintentional
- assualt and battery
- defamation of character
- invasion of privacy
- false imprisonment
- fraud
- negligence
- malpractice
role nursings in legal proceedings
- defendant
-fact witness
-expert witness
best defense in license invest
- early legal counseling
- character and expert witnesses
-thorough prep for all proceedings
- documentation
informed consent
- cant get from mentally incapacitated person
- invasive procedures that have risk
- person who does procedure should get informed consent
- you can aswer questions, get appropriate person to expalin procedure
must make sure pts receive info in way they understanding- language barrier, deaf
- under 18- parental
- invasive action- cardiac catherization
- is a process
express consent
- may be either oral or written agreement
implied consent
- when pts non verbal behavior indicates agreement
-position for injection
- emergency medical care
nurses role in consent
- nurses often asked to obtain signed consent form
- not responsible for explaining the procedure
- resp for wtinessing pts signature on form
rns signature confirsm
- pt gave consent voluntary
- signature is authentic
- pt appears competent to give consent
- be a pt advocate
-negligence by a professional
-professional failure to carry out or perform duties that result in injury
- operating outside scope of practice
- results in restituiton
filed as civil tort - rarely criminal
- malpractice insurance
five steps of nursing process
- assessing
- planning
- evaluating
characteristics of nursing process
- systematic
- dynamic
- interpersonal
- outcome oriented
- universally applicable
four blended skill
- cognitive skills
-technical skills
- interpersonal skills
- ethical/legal skills
cognitively skilled nruses
- offer scientifc rationale for pt plan of care
- select nrusing interventions most likley to yield desired outcomes
- use critical thinking to solve problems creatively
technically skilled nurses
- used technical equiptment with competece and ease to achieve goals with minimal stress to pts
- creatively adapt equiptment and techn procedures to needs of pts in diverse circumstances
interpersonally skilled nurses
- working well with others
- how react with pts, personable, working closely and collaboratively
ethnically and legally skilled nurses
- trusted to act in ways that advance interests of pts
- accountable for practice
- act as effective pt advocates
- mediate ethical conflict among pt, significatn others and health care team
considerations when faced with problem
- how approcah problem
- what knowledge need
- what could go wrong if implement something
- where resources are
- critique care after - how you could have done bettter/improved
characteristics interpersonal caring
- promotion of dignity and respect of patients
- centrality of the caring relationship
- mutual enrichment of both participants in the nurse-patient relationship
ETHICAL and legal skill
- developing accountability
- reporting incompetent, unethical, or illegal practice
concept maps
- asess and analyze data
- generate nursing diagnoses
- way to schematically put oout
critical thinking
- clinical reasoning
- based nursing process
- intuiton, logical , knowledge, skills look at patient to a point
- constantly re-evaluating what done for client
an age greater than ---
65, risk factor for fall
teaching about guns and violence
safety consideration for adolescents
factors contributing to falls
- age greater than 65
- history of falls
- impaired vision or balance
- altered gait or posture, impaired mobility
- medication regimen
- postural hypotension
- slowed reaction time
- confusion or disorentiation
- unfamiliar environment
nursing process restraints
- assess need for restraint
- planning- review instiutional policy for restraints and phys order
- delegation- may delegate the application of ordered restraints and their temporary removal for skin assessment and care to a UAP who have been trained in their use .
UAP restraints
- application
- temporary removal for skin assess but cannot assess skin
- care of skin
alternative measures can you use to protect the patient from increased risk for harming him/herself or others
- bed alarms
- sleeve covering IV
- anticipate toileting
-educate family, ask to stay if they can
ambularm device
- alarm on patient leg, pressure sensitive
-know when they get out of bed
physiologic hazards associated with restraints
- suffocation from entrapment
-impaired circulation
- altered skin integrity- pressure uclers
- diminished muscle and bone mass
- fractures
- altered nutrition and hydration
- aspiration and breathing difficulties
- incontience
- changes in mental status
R- rescue anyone in immediate danger
A- activate the fire code and notify appropriate person
- C-confine the fire by closing doors and windows
- E- evacuate patients and other people to safe area
prevent poisoning
- childproof containers
- call poison control immediately to know what chemicals are made of
- use activated charcol
ipicak induces vomiting not use widely anymore because burns esphagous
preventing suffocation
- smoke detectors
- co2 monitors- health education
- CPR- looka t home saftey checklist
preventing injhury firearsm
- raising awareness gunshot injuries
- provide information to parents to keep guns out of childrens hands
decreasing equipment related accidents
- only for intended use and be familiar with equipment
- handle equipment with care so as not to damage it
- use three prongs plugs
- do not twist or bend electric cords
- alert to signs equipment faulty
- be alert to wet surfaces
preventing procedure- related accidents
national patient safety golas
- accuracy of pt info
- effectiveness of communication among caregivers
- safety using meds
- risk of health care associated infections
- accurately and completely reconcile meds across continuum
- reduce risk of pt harm resulting from falls
filing incident report
- confidential internal document
- pts response
- details the examand treatment of pt after incident
-incident report reported immediately
bacteria, viruses, fungi
infectious agent
natural habitat of organism
point of escape from organism
portal of exit
direct contact, indirect contact, airborne route
-means of transmission
point at which organisms enters new host
- portal of entry
susceptible host
- must overcome resistance mounted by host defenses
Types of infection
- colonization
- local infection
- systemic infection
- acute
bacteria is somewhere, it entered body but no symptoms
- typhoid mary , asymptomatic
local infection
- cut or wound infected, inflammation, red, hot, may have pus
systemic infection
- widespread
- systemic infection caused by bacteria
- produce, fever malase, in system
- riproaring infection thoughtout body
lasts short period of time
- several weaks or months
means transmission
- direct
- indirect
- contact
- vehicle borne, vector borne
- airborn
vehicle borne
surface with HIV on it, on table not on pt
- stuck with needle- vehicle is needed
portal exit
- resp
- GI
- breaks in skin
-blood and tissue
portal entry
- often same as exit
- urinary
- skin
- usually enters same way it exist
immune deficiency conditions
- meds- steriods
- cancer- cehmo
Stages of infection
incubation period
prodromal stage
full stage of illness
convalescent period
incubation period
organism is growing and multiplying
- been infected, growing
prodromal stage
- person is most infectious, vauge and non-specific signs of disease
- low grade feve,r not sick enough to stay home
full stage of illness
- presence of specific signs and symptoms of disease
- all signs and symptoms
convalescent period
- recovery from infection
factors affecting risk for infection
- integrity of skin and mucous membranes
- pH levels of GI and GU tracts
- integrity and number of body's WBC
- age, sex, race and heredity
- immunizaitons, natural or acquired
- level of fatigue
- nutritiion and general status
- stress level
- use of invasive or indwelling medical devices
transient bacteria
attached loosley on skin, removed with ease
- hygiene,k hand sanitizer
found in creases in skin, requires frictin to brush and remove
- surgical scrb
aseptic technique
- includes all activities to prevent or break the chain of infection
- two categories
medical asepsis
surgical asepsis
medical aspesis
clean technique
surgical asepsis
sterile technique
Lab data indicating infection
- elevated WBC
increase in specific types WBCS- leukocytes
- elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate -- red cells more indicates nfection
- presence of pathogen in urine, blood, sputum, or draining cultures
normal WBC values
-5 to 10 thousand
elevated = infection
transmission barriers
- hand hygiene
- barrier techniques
- sterilization
- discontamination
- disposing of waste appropriately
- personal protectiv equiptment
gloves, gowns, masks, proective eye
body's defense against infection
- normal flora- usually skin, trasient, staph on skin everywhere
- inflamm response- WBCS to area
- immune - two types
- destroys or dilutes agent
- prevents furtehr spread
- promotes repair of damaged tissues
5 signs of inflammation
- pain
impaired function of the part- it hurts
- symptom but not always bad thing
hand hygiene
- before nad after direct contact with pts
- before and after using gloves
- before inserting urinary cath, IV or invasive devices
- if moving from contaminated bpdy site to clean body site
- after contact with objects- including equiptment located in pts environment
protective eye equiptment
which of following body substances most easily transmits HIV
blood and semen
standard precautions
- used in care of all hospitalized pts
- apply to blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, non-intact skin, mucous membranes
transmission based precautions
- used in addition for pts with suspected infection
-contact precautions
neutropenic precautions
- healthy caregver
- restrict visits sick fam members
-avoid standng collection of water in room
no flowers, no humifers
healthcare associated infections
- nosocomial
- infection that can develop during pts hospitalization or after discharge
- prevent by keeping first line of defense infact- skin and mucous membranes
measures reduce incidence of nosocomial infections
- constant surveillance of infection control committes and nurse epidemiologist
-written infection prevention practices
hand hygiene
infection control precaution
keepign pt in best poss phys condition
contributing factors
- endogenous- within person
-exogenous- environment
- iatrogenic infection- get infection just because you are you, your own body - cdiff becasue got rid of normal flora
- compromised host
- innaprop use antibiotics- too much bactreria, MRSA adapts to drug
strategies to protect pt
-meticulous hand hygiene
-use indwelling cath and iv only when essential and remove asap
-follow antibiotic protocol
- place pt with multidrug resistant organisms in private room
- disinfect high touch surfaces in pts room
characteristics of data
-factual and accurate
sources of data
- pt
-patient record
- other HCPs
- nursing and other health care literature
4 phases of nursing interview
- prepatory phase
- introduction
- working phase
- termination
-go in and review data before meet them
- what you need to know about pt, ex: from OR
- introduce in professional manner
- ask what refer to them as
- first impression crucial
working phase
- gather data, all info needed
-closes convo
- tell them have everything and will be back
closed questions
-elcit specific info
open-ended questions
- allow patient to verbalize freely
reflective questions
- encourage patient to elaborate on thoughts and feelings
direct questions
- validate or clarify information
when to verify data
- when discrepancy btw what person is saying and what nurse is observing
- whenever possible use pts own words
- avoid non specific terms subject to individual interpretation or definition
- not computerized
- done in ink
- put what pt says in quotes
-subjective waht they tell you
-objective - what you observe, cold hard fact
- do not make abbreviations