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89 Cards in this Set

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What is a bundle of muscle fibers?
Muscle Spindles
-monitor changes in muscle length
Motor Unit
-motor neuron and all muscle fibers it innervates
What binds to troponin to activate contraction?
Myosin vs Actin
-thick vs thin
What causes depol at the motor end plate?
What happens to lung pressure to allow inspiration?
-it decreases
3 Energy Systems
Pyruvate's two directions?
-converted to lactate (fast)
-converted to acetyl-CoA (slow)
What is the Rate Limiting Enzyme of glycolysis?
Cori Cycle
-converts lactate to glucose
Net gain of ATP for 1 Krebs cycle
35-37 ATP
Predominant Energy System Used depends on?
What substance can me metabolized anaerobically?
Energy System with the highest rate of energy production?
After exercise, creatine phosphate resynthesis occurs within?
-8 Minutes
What catalyzes the reaction of creatine phosphate to donate its phosphate to ADP?
creatine kinase
NADH, FADH2 transport H to what?
electron transport chain
What must fatty acids be broken down to, to enter the Krebs Cycle?
- Acetyl-CoA
-A must be present for full strength of B
-A and B act separately but enhance eachother when together
-A opposes B
Is Production of lactate a function of hormones?
What are the two different types of receptors
-cell surface
Is cholesterol a chemical classification of hormones?
What hormone has the greatest influence on neural changes?
What hormone is higher is women at rest than men?
Growth Hormone
After Exercise, acute hormones provide on?
-metabolic demands of exercise
-amount of stress
-type of stress
What gland secretes growth hormone?
-anterior pituitary
What hormone mirrors the increase of GH and converts amino acids to carbs?
What are catecholamines?
What increases when GH doses are given?
collagen synthesis
Do acute hormones improve protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy?
2 Roles of Binding Proteins
-mobilize hormone stores
-protect hormone degredation
-9.8 X Mass in Newtons
-Weight X Distance X Reps in Joules
-Work/Time in Watts
Prime mover of a muscle is also called?
- agonist
What muscles have short fibers and are arranged obliquely to their tendons?
What is highly correlated with force production?
Muscle Cross Sectional Area
How are joints classified?
-by the number of directions in which rotation can occur
Force velocity curve says that as velocity increases?
Force decreases
To compare performances of powerlifters of different weights a formula divides load lifted by ?
-body weight to the 2/3 power
In weight bearing activity, what cells migrate to strain to secrete collagen to reinforce bone?
Where does cartilage get its oxygen and nutrients?
-synovial fluid
What is muscle hypertrophy?
-increase in the cross sectional area of existing fibers
Adding aerobic training to resistance training does what?
-compromises power gains
What fibers are bypassed as a result of selective recruitment that allows maximum power during a 1 RM snatch?
-Type 1
HR X Systolic BP as?

What does this measure?
-Rate Pressure Products

-myocardial work
Increasing strength in the left arm by training the right arm is referred to as?
-cross education
Cardiac Output
-SV times HR
1 MET is equivilant to ?
-3.5 ml per kg of body weight per minute
Most CO2 is in blood as?
Elite aerobically trained athletes adapt by?
-increase maximal oxygen uptake
-decrease blood lactate
-increase running economy
Early adaptation to high altitude?
-increased resting CO
Strength scores compared between sexes are equal when?
-relative to body weight
Bone mineral density of 2.0 standard deviations below young adult mean?
What should be evaluated 1st in a senior's training program?
-medical history
What is the most significant adaptation to chronic resistance training?
-increased muscle mass
What is the best recommendation for an already well trained woman looking for increased muscle mass?
3 X 10 @ 80% 1 RM
What variable plays the biggest role in muscle hypertrophy?
-exercise volume
Over 200 scientific journals support the use of?
-Creatine Monohydrate
Dosing method for creatine?
-20-25 g per day for 5 days, then 3-5 g per day
What improves endurance performance?
What stabilizes testosterone ratio?
-Human Chorionic Gonodotopin
2 important variables for protein recommendation?
1- quality
2- distribution of when you consume it
Best way to see if athlete is consuming adequate calories?
-by their body weight
What is the order of a test battery?
1 - Non-fatiguing; 2 - Agility tests
3- Power/Strength; 4 - Speed tests
5- Muscular endurance; 6 - long anaerobic
7 - aerobic capacity
Most valid test of muscle power for a basketball player?
- vertical jump
What is not a method of measuring body composition?
-waist circumference
If athlete wanted to increase lower body endurance what should the rest time be?
- 30 seconds
What intensity is most appropriate for increasing muscular strength?
-90% 1 RM
What volume has the potential to increase muscular strength the most?
- 5 X 5
What is the best surface to do lower body plyometrics?
- suspended wood floor
Most intense plyos?
-depth jumps
What is the most appropriate work/rest ratio for plyometrics?
- 1:5
As contraction velocity increases, force?
What most influences maximum velocity?
- stride frequency
What is the number 1 determinant when choosing agility exercises?
-if it is sport specific
What is the ability to maintain maximum velocity for more than 6 seconds?
-speed endurance
Calculation for HRR?
- 220 minus age
-APMHR minus RHR
- HRR times intensity, plus RHR
What intensity should long,slow distance training be completed at?
- about 70% of VO2 Max
What intensity should pace/tempo training be completed at?
- at lactate threshold
What intensity should interval training be completed at?
- close to VO2 Max
What intensity should Fartlek training be completed at?
- varies
For basketball, what is the best relationship between intensity and volume in the preparatory period?
-increase volume, decrease intensity
During what period are sport-specific activities performed in greatest volume?
- competition
General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)
1 - Alarm
2 - Resistance
3 - Exhaustion
What is the best activity during the 2nd transition period for a soccer player?
-low intensity recreational exercise