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69 Cards in this Set

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Expectancy Theory

Expectation that their extra effort will help a person attain a goal

Expectancy—employee’s perception of the likelihood that their effortswill result in their goal attainment / performance

Instrumentality—perceived likelihood that a certain performance will be followed by a particular outcome

Valence—the value a particular outcome holds for the employee

Goal Setting Theory

Conscious goals energize and direct behavior

Goals set too high can be de-motivating

Equity Theory

Equality occurs when the ratio ofwhat I receive (pay, benefits, job satisfaction) to my inputs (education,knowledge, experience, effort, time), is equal to the same ratio of a referentgroup or comparison others

McClellan's Need Theory

Achievement, Affiliation, Power

Excessive need for affiliationmay indicate management is not for you

Managers must be able toobjectively evaluate their employees

Need for power can also becomeexcessive


McGregor Theory X/Y

Theory X - employees are lazy and unmotivated to work. Managers force employee to work hard, show up on time, and avoid errors

Theory Y - employees are naturally motivated to do a good job. managers are to provide resources to help product high-quality results

Skinner's Behavioral Reinforcement Theory

Positive/NegativeReinforcement (REINFORCERS)

Punishment/Extinction (PUNISHMENT)

Empowerment (ARIA)

Authority – to make decisions

Resources – tool to do your job

Information – training, examples,operating procedures

Accountability – held accountablefor work being done

Frederick Taylor

Specialization of Division of Labor

Father of Scientific Management which is the relationships between

people and tasks

Lillian Gilbreth

Time and Motion studies

Cheaper by the dozen

Continued husband work after he died

Max Weber


Administrative management

Ford Harris

Economic Order Quantity

Published article explaining the Economic Quantity

Demonstrate how mathematics could be used in business problems

Peter Drucker

Management theory and practice

argued against command and control

saw workers as assets

Edward Deming

Total Quality Management

Management Science Theory

14 key principles

7 deadly diseases of Management

William Ouchi

Japanese vs. US Companies & Research Schools

Professor at Stanford and UCLA

Theory Z

The M Form Society

Making Schools Work

The Secret of TSL

Ethical Issues

situation, problem, opportunity

must choose



Studyof what people consider right or wrong

Helpsus thinkproperly

Systemof rules that governs ordering of values


concerned with performance of good, ethical behavior

Terminal Values

goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime

goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime

Instrumental Values

values on how life goals can be achieved

values on how life goals can be achieved

Kohler's Levels of Moral Reasoning

Level 1: Pre- Conventional

We do good to avoid punishmentand for reward

Level 2: Conventional

We do good because social normssay we should and the law requires certain actions

Level 3: Post-Conventional

We live by our principles, takethe high road, and do what we ought to do, even when its not easy

Danger Signs

1. Excessiveemphasis on short term revenues over long term considerations

2. Failureto establish a written code of ethics.

3. Adesire for simple, quick fix solutions to ethical problems.

4. Anunwillingness to take an ethical stand that may impose financial costs.

5 .Considerationof ethics solely as a legal issue or PR tool

6. Lackof clear procedures for handling ethical problems

7. Respondingto the demands of shareholders at the expense of other constituencies.

Competitive Advantage

describing attributes that allow an organization to outperform its competitors

BCG Matrx

External Environments

Types of company strategies

Concentration - does one think exceptionally well

Acquisition - grow by purchasing other companies

Globalize - find new customers overseas

Conglomerate - purchase other companies creating diversified portfolio

Low-cost Provider - reduces costs of raw material and process. doesn't just reduce price of products

Differentiate - charge a higher price for superior goods or services


tasks broken down by skills and methods

Division of labor

Assignment of different tasks to different people or groups


process by which different individuals and units perform different tasks


using communication and reporting to bring unity to differentiated tasks

Span of Control

Narrow - few subordinate

Wide - many subordinates


decisions made at the top with little to no input from below


more decision made at the lower levels and people further down the line


Fewer levels of rank and hierarchy, making them flat, lean and nimble.

Decisions are made at every level within the organization, instead of handed down from the top as orders to be followed

Types of Organizational Structures









EI and SI


Understanding Others


ManagingOthers (aka Relationship Management)

EI and SI Competence

Contingency Leadership Theory

Leader-member relations

Task structure

Positional power

Will run into trouble at extreme times (wants one type of leader for good and another for bad)

Path-Goal Leadership Theory

Help followers find their owngoals and align those goals with the organization

Internal locus of control- responsible for own outcome

External locus of control - external factors determine outcomes

Charismatic Leadership Theory

uses charm or magnetism

use of person persuasion skills

excites others to willingly follow

Leadership Trait Theory

develop your traits but done expect such traits to determine leaderships

perceptions are sometimes more important than facts

"bearing" of a leader

Transformational Leadership Theory

implements BIG changes


Transactional Leadership Theory

Do this for me and I will dosomething for you (

incentive based-pay

Authentic Leadership Theory

Leadership come from consent ofthe governed Authority is derived from thosebeing led

Ofthe people, by the people, and for the people

Why organizations control?

To direct the activities of individuals in the organization toward the achievement of the organizations goals

Consequences of lack of control

Lax Management

Lack of agreement about standards

Lack of ethics

Absence of implemented policies/procedures

Bad information about condition of company

Bad information on data and ineffective reporting

Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002

Setnew/enhanced standards for all US public company boards, management and publicaccounting firms

Namesafter sponsors US Senator Paul Sarbanes US Representative Michael G Oxley

Enactedas reaction to corporate scandals (ENRON)

Contains11 sections ranging from additional board responsibility to criminal penaltiesAND requires the SEC to implement ruling on requirement to comply with the law

Role of Board of Directors

is appointed to act on behalf of the shareholders to run the day to day affairs of the business.

hires the CEO

Control Strategies

Bureaucratic - formal authority that guides employees (rule based)

Market - forces of supply and demand that are out in the market place

Clan - agreed upon norms or values established amongst employees

Six Sigma


Controlprocess standard of less than 3.4 defects per million

Data driven

Customer focused

Results-oriented methodology

Uses statistical tools

Focuses on bottom line, integrates teamwork culture and customer focus, improvement is overall approach, provides unique leader development



5 S’s: Straighten, Shine,Standardize, Sort, Sustain

Customers will not pay for your mistakes

Customer will only pay for the valueof product or service

Customer defines VALUE - any action or process forwhich the customer is willing to pay


Prepared for upcoming year

Include anticipated revenues and expenses

Broken down by month

Monthly reports show what items are above or below budget

Latitude with budgets – sense of centralization

Types of budgets: Sales, Production, Project, Capital, Master, Operating

income statements

revenues, expenses, and net income


balance sheets

assets, liabilities, and stockholders equity


cash flow statements

operational,investing, and financial cash flows

Cash inflows and outflows of the company

Annual Reports to Shareholders

10K - annual report that gives a comprehensive summary of a

company's financial performance.

10Q - Quarterly report to be filed to SEC

8K - form used to notify investors of specified events that may be

important to shareholders or SEC

Current Ratio


How much in assets to how much in liabilities a company has

Current Assets : Current Liabilities

>1 a company is considered in good standing

=1 a company has as much values in assets as liabilities

<1 a company will have trouble paying bills

Quick Ratio (Acid Test)


can a company pay back a loan without selling its inventory to do so

(Current Assets - Inventory) : Current Liabilities

>1 is desired



compares the size of the company debt to the size of shareholders equity

= Total Liabilities / Shareholders Equity

EPS (Earnings Per Share)


Serves as an indicators of a companies profitability

=Net Income / Shares of Stock Outstanding

ROE (Return on Equity)


measures a corporation's profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested

=Net Income - Preferred dividends / Common Shareholders Equity

Divine Command

Obey God’s commands


Do what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people

In situation where all choice are bad, do what will cause the least harm

Ethics of Duty

do what you are obligated to do

Ethics of Respect

do what respects the basic human rights of others

Ethics of Conscience

do what your conscience tells you to do

Ethics of Justice

do what is just and fair without favoring any

Ethics of Rights

do not violate the rights of other human beings

Virtue Ethics

do what a good person would do