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54 Cards in this Set
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Goals of epidemiology
Describe distribution, understand causes, prevent spread
Epidemiologic triad
The agent (disease-causer) is sometimes directly transmitted to the host and otherwise is transmitted through a vector; agent, vector and host are all affected by the environment
Population, sample, bias (in this context)
population: everyone for whom you want to draw a conclusion
sample: representative subgroup of population bias: when sample isnt representative of population |
Prevalence, incidence, odds
prevalence: # cases/total # in sample
incidence: # NEW cases/total # in sample odds: # cases/# non-cases |
When comparing mortality rates in two groups, what is most important variable to adjust for?
AGE; because of physiological changes over chronologic time
Years of potential life lost; disability-adjusted life years; why devised?
YPLL = sigma(65-age)
DAYL = 1 healthy life lost either to death or disability Both seek to describe amont of potential life lost to disease quantitatively |
Two advantages of looking at death/discrete outcomes using survival analysis
1) Describes time until an event occurs
2) takes censoring into account |
Relative risk
describes relative chance of developing disorder; (incidence in exposed) / (incidence in unexposed)
Odds ratio
describes odds of having been exposed; (odds of past exposure among diseased) / (odds of past exposure among healthy)
Attributable risk
(Incidence in exposed) - (incidence in unexposed)
Population attributable risk
attributable risk * Prevalence of risk factor in population
Hazard ratio
Relative risk integrated over time; used in survival analysis
Central tenet of measurement theory
Score = true score + measurement error
Relationship between measurement error and reliability
high measurement error => low reliability
high measurement error biases towards the null hypothesis (i.e. biases towards finding no difference) Larger sample sizes are needed when measure is less reliable to achieve adequate statistical power |
Three kinds of epidemiologic research designs (with respect to time)
prospective, retrospective, concurrent
What is an observational study design? Three most common obs. study designs
As opposed to an experiment, an observational study doesn't involve research intervention
Three kinds: cohort, case-control, ecologic |
What is the null hypothesis?
H0: in population, there is no difference/correlation between groups
95% Confidence Interval
on repeated sampling, 95% of generated parameters
What does this result mean (no exposure is the reference group)?
Relative risk = 1.60 (95% CI: 1.1 – 3.3) |
??? Those exposed in the sample were 1.6 times as likely to develop the condition of interest than their unexposed counterparts. ???
Determinants of statistical power
Effect size, prevalence of outcome/exposure (rare exposures/outcomes require larger sample sizes), significance level (p), reliability of measures, number of covariates (measured confounds)
Genotype, phenotype, heritability
Genotype: DNA sequence of the individual
Phenotype: the outcome under study Heritability: proportion of variation in a phenotype in the population that is due to variations in genotypes |
How can sequences of nucleotides in the nucleus of our cells influence our health and behavior?
By coding for the synthesis of proteins when the DNA is transcribed
What is epistasis?
Epistasis = gene x gene interaction
Example: "Polymorphism X increases risk for cancer, but only in the presence of polymorphism Y" |
What does it mean to say that the great majority of health phenotypes are "complex" or "polygenic"?
Complex (polygenic) phenotypes are influenced by many polymorphic genes, each of which has a small effect on the phenotype
What is the premise of gene-evironment interaction?
The combined influence of genetics and environment is more than additive; that is, the influence of the environment (on phenotype) depends on our genes, and conversely, the influence of our genes depends on the environment
What is gene-environment correlation and how does it arise?
Our genes and environments are generally not independent of one another, but are correlated
G-E Correlation arises in THREE ways: 1. PASSIVELY: we receive both our genes_and_ our early environments from our parents 2. ACTIVELY: because of our genetically-influenced temperament we 'select' some environments over others 3. EVOCATIVELY: because our genetically-influenced temperament changes our environment |
Why is gene-environment correlation a major problem for studies of causal environmental risk factors?
What appears to be a causal *environmental* effect may actually be a causal effect of correlated genes
What are the two biological mechanisms for gene-environment interaction? That is, what are the two biological mechanisms for the reciprocal influence of environment and genetics on phenotype?
1. Environmental influences on transcription factors
2. Environmental causes of epigenetic modifications of the genome that increase or decrease gene transcription |
What does causal inference mean in epidemiology? Why is it so challenging? Why are observational studies not very useful in this regard?
Causal inference: identifying a risk factor that /causes/ a health problem
Difficult b/c many criteria for comfortably declaring correlation 'causative' Observational studies aren't so useful for establishing causation because they aren't highly controlled (and so are more likely to have confounds which are not adjusted for) |
Minimum requirements for inference of causation from a correlation (ESSENTIAL)
First two: Measurement criteria |
1. Standardized, reliable, and valid measurement of hypothesized causal risk factor and outcome
2. Measurement of candidate risk factor is not biased by the outcome (e.g. retrospective recall bias in depressive vs non-depressive subjects) |
Minimum requirements for inference of causation from a correlation
Third requirement: Sampling |
3. UNBIASED sampling from population of reference!! i.e. Sample must represent group of interest
Minimum requirements for inference of causation from a correlation
Fourth and fifth: Timely and 'Forward' |
4. Temporal precedence of candidate causal risk factor before outcome (i.e. exposure BEFORE onset of outcome)
5. Reverse causation ruled out, controlled, or incorporated in causative model (e.g. reciprocal causation) |
Minimum requirements for inference of causation from a correlation
Sixth and seventh: Comparable and Consistent |
6. Full comparability across levels of risk factor (i.e., lack of confounding)
7. Consistency of finding (replication) |
What is a confound?
A variable that is correlated with both the risk factor and the outcome, which may be the true cause of the outcome.
What kind of confound is the most serious enemy of causal inference?
Which of the seven requirements for causal inference is most directly relevant to the statement "correlation doesn't equal causation"
6. Full comparability must be achieved on all levels of risk factor (i.e. no confounds)
What is a moderator (also called an effect modifier)?
A variable that statistically interacts with another predictor variable as it influences the outcome. That is, they combine more than additively.
What are two kinds of validity in research designs?
Internal validity: the logic of the design is sound and allows causal inference
external validity: the results of the study generalize to the population of reference |
What two general kinds of designs allow us to move beyond correlation and make causal inferences?
Experimental (i.e. Randomized control trial) and quasi-experimental
What are the two research designs that allow for causal inference and what are their relative strengths?
RCTs have strong internal validity but the results are difficult to extrapolate to the general population.
Quasi-experiments are always flawed internally (i.e. _full_ comparability not achieved) but have good external validity. |
What is confounded with exposure in a typical cohort or case-control design?
How do randomized control trials (RCT) move us beyond detecting correlations to strong causal inference?
They achieve _full comparability_ by breaking all genetic and environmental confounds through random assignment.
What kind of risk factors do adoption and twin studies disentangle? What questions can they answer?
Twin studies separate genetic and environmental risk factors, and they are useful for addressing two main questions:
1. How much genetic and/or environmental causal influences are there on the health phenotype? 2. Are the environmental exposure and outcome related because they share the same genetic influences? |
How can an environmental exposure and an outcome share the same genetic influences? How is it tested?
GENE-ENVIRONMENT correlation!! Passive, active or evocative
The genes that influence an outcome often influence risk environments through passive, active, or evocative gene-environment correlation. Whether or not an environmental exposure and an outcome share the same genetic influences is tested using multivariate twin modeling. |
Twin studies divide the variance in a phenotype into what three causal components?
Genetic: variation in the phenotype due to genetic polymorphisms
Shared environment: variation in the phenotype due to experiences that are similar by siblings and make them more similar Nonshared environment: Variation in the phenotype among individuals due to unique experiences that make siblings _less_similar_ ** PLUS MEASUREMENT ERROR** |
What are three kinds of health services outcome studies?
from least to most pragmatic:
Efficacy: Does the program work in an ideal setting? Effectiveness: Does the program work in the field? a. Can it be implemented with fidelity? b. Will the field adopt it? Do patients tolerate it? Does it work with real-world patients? c. Does it work with real-world patients? Efficiency: How effective is the program relative to its costs? |
What is the gold standard for designs for health services outcomes research?
Randomized control trials!!!
RCTs are the gold standard for health services outcome studies. ~ But quasi-experiments have a role ~ |
Evaluating health screening programs: do they promote health and well-being?
Effective screening requires screens with high: sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV
What are sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value?
Sensitivity: proportion of true cases the measure identified as positive
Specificity: proportion of true non-cases that the measure identified as negative positive predictive value: the proportion of positive-identified cases that are in fact 'true' cases negative predictive value: the proportion of negative-identified cases that are, in fact, 'true' non-cases |
What are the four kinds of bias that complicate the evaluation of screening programs?
Any evaluation of a screening program must address and eliminate four potential sources of bias:
1. Selection bias 2. Overdiagnosis bias 3. Prognostic bias 4. "Lead time" bias |
Selection bias
In observational studies, when people can select to be screened or not, healthier, more educated (etc) people voluntarily get screened. Because healthier people live longer, this inflates the apparent benefits of screening.
RCTs effectively control selection biases. |
Overdiagnosis bias
If a screening program leads to many false positive screens, then this overdiagnosis of healthy persons will falsely indicate better outcomes, even if the screen does not lead to effective treatment
Prognostic bias
People with better long-term prognoses may have longer preclinical phases, and therefore may be more likely to be detected by screens during their _longer_ preclinical phase
Lead time bias
The lead time created by early diagnosis can give a false impression of longer survival even when death is not actually delayed. Screening is only helpful when it actually results in a gain of life (delay of death)