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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the first step on the digestive path?
The mouth
What begins to break the food into smaller pieces so that many sides of the food are exposed to digestive juices?
The teeth
What helps move the food around in the mouth and propels it to the esophages?
The tongue
What is the flap of tissue that closes the airway as one swallows food preventing choking?
The Epiglottis
What does the salivary glands?
a) Produce and store digestive juices until they are needed for digestion.
b) Found in the mouth
c) Begins to digest starches
What is the Esophagus?
a) A tube like organ that connects mouth and stomach.
b) Propels food.
What is the stomach?
a) The pouch that holds food while digestion continues.
b) Begins to digest protein.
c) High acid content important for digestion and killing bacteria and viruses.
d) Has multiple muscle layers that churn food from many directions.
e) Produces intrinsic factor; essential for absorption ogf vitamin B-12.
What is the liver?
a) Produces bile that is used in the digestion of fat.
b) Has role in glycogen storage, lipid metabolism and cholesterol production, protein metobolism, filtering of toxins and the production and storage of some of the vitamins and minerals.
c) Hundreds of additional functions beyond scope of this course. (regulates blood clotting, shares rol in regulating sex hormones, shares role in immunity)
What stores bile produced in the liver until it is needed for digestion, then dumps the stored bile in the small intestines?
The Gallbladder
What is the Pancreas?
a) Abdominal organ that produces a variety of digestive juices.
b)Insulin for carbohydrate digestion and blood sugar regulation
c)Pancreativ enzymes to digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
What is the Duodenum?
a) The first segment of intestine
b)Propels food from stomach to small intestine
What does the small intestine do?
a) Continues digestive process
b) Major role in absorption of good into the blood lymphatic systems
What is the large intestine?
a) Last segment of intestinal tract.
b) Home to large numbers of bacteria that play role in final breakdown and absorption of some food and vitamins, and supporting immunie system; stores the undigested waste products.
c)Dehydrates the waste product by absorbing water.
d) Coats waste product with mucous and forms into feces for excreation.
What is the rectum?
a) Stores formed waste material until expulsion.
b) Arrival of formed waste material can stimulate expulsion.
What is the Anus?
a) Last stop in digestive track.
b) Expels waste material