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79 Cards in this Set

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Distance Formula


d = √ (x₂- x₁)² + (y₂- y₁)²

Midpoint Formula

⎧ x₁+ x₂ ▫︎▫︎ y₁+ y₂ ⎫

⎪--------- , ---------⎜

▫︎▫︎▫︎2▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎ 2▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎⎭

How to solve h(x) = g(x) by the Intersection Method

1. Graph y₁ = h(x) and y₂ = g(x).

2. Find each point of intersection.

3. The solutions are the x-values of each point of intersection.

How to solve h(x) = g(x) by the Zero/X-Intercept Method

1. Rewrite the equation as h(x) - g(x) = 0.

2. Graph y₁ = h(x) - g(x).

3. Find the zeros/x-intercepts.

4. The solutions are the x-values of each zero.

Standard form of a line

𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑦 = 𝐶

Slope of a line in standard form

m = −𝐴 ⁄𝐵

Slope-Intercept form of a line

y = mx + b

Point-Slope form of a line

y - y₁ = m( x - x₁)


A set of ordered pairs


Set of all input/x-values of a relation


Set of all output/y-values of a relation


A special relation such that each input corresponds to exactly one output.

Independent variable


Dependent variable


If a function contains an even radical, then its domain is evaluated by

setting the "inside" of the radical ≧ 0 .

If a function has a fraction in it (or is a fraction itself), then its domain is evaluated by

setting the denominator ≠ 0 .

Difference Quotient

A function is even if for every value of x,

f ( -x ) = f ( x )

An even function is symmetric with respect to the

y - axis

A function is odd if for every value of x,

f ( -x ) = - f ( x )

Informally, a function is continuous if

its graph can be drawn without lifting your pencil from the paper.

Vertical shift (with parent function f(x) )

g( x ) = f( x ) ± c

Horizontal shift (with parent function f(x) )

g( x ) = f( x ± c)

Reflection over x-axis (with parent function f(x) )

g( x ) = - f( x )

Reflection over y-axis (with parent function f(x) )

g( x ) = f( -x )

Vertical stretch/compression (with parent function f(x) )

g( x ) = c × f( x)

c > 1 stretch

0 < c < 1 compression

Horizontal stretch/compression (with parent function f(x))

g( x ) = f( c × x )

0 < c < 1 stretch

c > 1 compression

Two things you must do when solving a radical equation are

1. isolate the radical

2. check your answers

Discriminant of a quadratic

b² - 4ac

> 0 : 2 real solutions

= 0 : 1 real solution

< 0 : no real solutions

The x-value (h) of the vertex (h,k) of a quadratic (parabola) in polynomial form (ax² + bx + c) can be found by

▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎ - b

h = ------

▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎ 2a

Definition of absolute value

▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎⎧x if x ≧ 0

|x| =

▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎ ⎩-x if x < 0

Properties of polynomial functions

1. Domain: ( -, ) or

2. Continuous

3. Graphs are smooth & rounded

End behavior of an odd function

Ends go in opposite directions

a > 0 down on right, up on left

a < 0 up on right, down on left

End behavior of an even function

Ends go in same direction

a > 0 up

a < 0 down

A polynomial function of degree n has at most ___ zeros.


A polynomial function of degree n has at most ___ turning points/local extrema/local max/min.

n - 1

A polynomial function of degree n has at most ___ points of inflection (a point of inflection is a change in concavity).

n - 2

A product statement (aka remainder polynomial) is of the form

f( x ) = d( x ) × q( x ) + r( x )

d( x ) : divisor q( x ) : quotient r(x ) : remainder

Remainder Theorem

If 𝒇 is a polynomial and 𝒇 is divided by (x - a), then the remainder is f( a ).

Factor Theorem

If 𝒇 is a polynomial function, then (x - a) is a factor of 𝒇 ⇔ f( a ) = 0.

You can find the output of a function 𝒇 at x = c using the remainder r by doing as follows:

r = f( c )

The possible rational roots of a polynomial function with integral coefficients can be found by

factor of constant


factor of leading coef.

aka p/q

In general, given a complex number a + bi, then there exists another complex number

a - bi, called the conjugate.

Patterns of i

i = i

i² = -1

i³ = -i

i⁴ = 1

Absolute value/ modulus

of a complex number a + bi


√ a² + b²

When graphing a complex number,

the vertical axis is the imaginary axis


the horizontal axis is the real axis

Rational function

of the form

g( x ) / h( x )

where g( x ) and h( x ) are polynomial functions and h( x ) ≠ 0

Vertical asymptote of a rational function

set denominator = 0 and solve for x

Horizontal asymptote of a rational function

where m is the degree of the numerator

and n is the degree of the denominator

m = n → HA: y = a/p

m < n → HA: y = 0

m > n → NO HA

Slant asymptote

y = q( x )

where q( x ) is the quotient when the numerator of f( x ) is divided by the denominator

Holes of rational functions

If one or more factors of the function cancel, use the resembles equation to find ordered pair/s for any hole/s

for example: f(x)= [(x+a)(x+b)] / (x+b) → the resembles EQ is g(x) = x+a, and the ordered pair for the hole is (b, g(b))

Limits of rational functions

Divide the numerator and denominator by x raised to the highest power in the denominator, like so:

Divide the numerator and denominator by x raised to the highest power in the denominator, like so:

How to solve polynomial inequalities with a degree > 2

1. Write the polynomial so the leading coef. is positive and on the left hand side, and so the inequality is set to 0.

2. Factor the polynomial.

3. Identify critical numbers and region test.

note: same general steps can also be used for rational inequalities

A function is one-to-one ⇔

its inverse is also a function.

This means each input has exactly one output and each output came from exactly one input. In other words, if f(a) = f(b), then a = b.

Graphically, it must pass both the vertical line test and the horizontal line test. m

aᵐ × aⁿ =


aᵐ/aⁿ =


a⁻ᵐ =


aᵐ/ⁿ =



x = aʸ

y = logₐx

Properties of logarithms

Change of base formula

▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎ logv

logₐv = --------

▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎▫︎ loga

Compound interest formulas

Set time: A = P(1+r/n)ⁿᵗ

Continuously: A = Peʳᵗ

Where P = principal/starting amount, r = rate (percent in decimal form),

t = time (in years), and n = number of compounds (yearly)

Exponential law of growth or decay

A(t) = A₀eᵏᵗ

Where A₀ is the initial amount when t (time) = 0

​and k is a constant that represents the rate of growth or decay

Growth: k > 0

Decay: k < 0

For an arc length s, with radius r and angle θ (in radians), the arc length s can be found with the formula

s = rθ

For an arc length s, with radius r and angle θ (in radians), the area 𝑨 of the arc can be found using the formula

𝑨 = ½θr²

The three Pythagorean Identities (of trigonometry) of an angle, θ, are

cos²θ + sin²θ = 1

tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ

cot²θ + 1 = csc²θ

Sine Half-Angle Identity

Cosine Half-Angle Identity

Tangent Half-Angle Identity

Sine Double Angle Identity

sin2θ = 2sinθcosθ

Cosine Double Angle Identities

cos2θ = cos²θ - sin²θ

cos2θ = 1 - 2sin²θ

cos2θ = 2cos²θ - 1

Tangent Double Angle Identity

Sum & Difference Angle Identities

Heron's Formula for the area of a triangle

Sine formulas for the area of a triangle

Law of Cosines

To convert rectangular coordinates (x,y) into polar coordinates (r,θ) , let r = ?


r = √ x² + y²

To convert rectangular coordinates (x,y) into polar coordinates (r,θ) , let θ = ?

θ = tan⁻¹ (y ⁄ x)

How to multiply & divide complex numbers in polar form