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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between natural numbers, whole numbers and integers

Natural and whole numbers are only positive

whole numbers include 0

What does the inequality equation |x| < c become?

x < c and x < -c

What does the inequality equation |x| > c become?

x > c or x < -c

If an absolute value is less than a negative number, what is the solution?

No solution

If an absolute value is greater than a negative number, what is the solution?

All real numbers

What is the union symbol?

Capital U

What is the conjugate?

A binomial formed by taking the opposite of the second term of the original binomial

What is an even function?

A function where f(x) = f(-x)

What is an odd function?

-f(x) = f(-x)

What is a quadratic function?

A equation in which the highest power an unknown is raised to is 2

What affect do vertical transformations have on parent graphs?

They cause the parent graphs to stretch or shrink vertically

What affect do horizontal transformations have on parent graphs?

They cause the parent graphs to stretch or shrink horizontally

What affect do translations have on parent graphs?

They cause the parent graph to shift left, right, down or up

What affect do reflections have on parent graphs?

They flip the parent graph over the horizontal or vertical line

What causes a vertical transformation?

The coefficient multiplying in front of a function

What causes a horizontal shift?

The coefficient inside of the functions paranethisis

What causes a vertical shift

Adding or subtracting numbers completely different from the function

What causes horizontal reflection?

Multiplying by a negative number outside of a function

What causes vertical reflection?

Multiplying by a negative number inside the function

What is the formula for combining multiple transformation?

a * f[c(x -h)] + v

a= vertical transform

c = horizontal transform

h = horizontal shift

v = vertical shift

What are piece-wise functions?

Functions broken into pieces depending on the input

What is a rational function?

A function where the variable appears in the denominator of a fraction

How do you find vertical asymptotes?

Set the denominator to 0 and solve for x. The x values will be the location of the vertical asymptotes.

What is the tell tell sign for a horizontal asymptote at 0?

If the denominator has the bigger degree

What is the horizontal asymptote if the numerator and denominator have the same highest degree?

It is the numerator coefficient divided by the denominators coefficient.

What is the tell tell sign for an oblique asymptote?

If the numerator has a higher degree than the denominator

How do you find the equation for an oblique asymptote?

Use long division of polynomials to find the quotient

What is a composition of functions?

One function action upon another

How can you graph the inverse of a function?

Graph the original function, then switch each x and y value to get the inverse

How do you find the inverse of a function?

Switch f(x) with x

Change f(x) to f^-1(x)

Solve for f^-1(x)

How do you prove that function f and g are inverses?

f(g(x)) = x and g(f(x)) = x

In a quadratic function, what is the number in front of x^2 called?

Leading coefficient

In a quadratic function, what is the number in front of x called?

Linear coefficient

In a quadratic function, what is the number not multiplied by an x called?


What is a perfect square?

(a + b)^x

What is the difference of squares?

a^2 - b^2

What is (a + b)^3

(a + b)(a^2 -ab + b^2)

What is (a - b)^3

(a - b)(a^2 + ab + b^2)