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48 Cards in this Set

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1. What is Spiritual Mind Treatment?
A Spiritual Mind Treatment is affirmative prayer that declares a spiritual Truth.
A Spiritual Mind Treatment, or affirmative prayer, is recognition of Spirit's Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence, and a realization of humanity's unity with Spirit.
2. How does Spiritual Mind Treatment work?
By changing our thinking, causing a shift in consciousness
3. What is required for demonstration
Technique, fire, belief. To recognize the attributes of God, unify ourselves with those attributes, realize that our desired outcome is at hand, give thanks, and let God take over
4. Can you recall some or most of “What We Believe” and “The Global Heart”?

• We believe in One God, indestructible, absolute, and self-existent Cause.
• All people are individualizations of the One Spirit.
• We believe that heaven is within us
• We believe in the unity of all life
• We believe in the healing of the sick through the power of this Mind.


• We see a world free of homelessness, violence, war, hunger, separation and
• We see a world in which there is generous and continuous sharing of heart and
• We envision a world in which forgiveness, whether for errors, injustices, or debts, is the
• We see a world in which borders are irrelevant.
5. What are the steps used in resolving conflict between you and your minister?
First pray; second is go to the person involved; third is elevate it to GEMS if still unresolved; fourth, never involve others or gossip about the conflict.
6. What are some ways you can help affect a shift in the consciousness of a person who feels her life is the result of what her parents did to her?
Treat for forgiveness of her parents. God’s love is in the middle of everything – including things we consider “challenges” or “undesirable”. Through affirmative prayer, the practitioner can help this person know that only God’s highest expression is manifesting through her life and that God is in the middle of her every life experience. The past is only a story. In this present Now moment, she is whole, perfect and complete.
7. Describe Christ Consciousness:
“Christ Consciousness” is used to refer to a universal principle of God expressing through humanity. Jesus was the great example, given to us all, of fully living our divine potential, our “Christ Consciousness.”
8. How can we best affect the Law’s power?
By declaring that It exists and speaking our truth, with conviction and faith, into the Law of Mind.
9. Name some requirements for Practitioner licensing:
• Maintain membership in a UCSL member spiritual community
for a minimum of eighteen (18) months immediately prior to
• Be an active, loyal and supporting member of a UCSL spiritual
community member organization.
• Satisfactorily complete all Professional Practitioner classes, a
psychological profile, and the application form for licensing
provided by GEMS; obtain the recommendation of the sponsoring
UCSL Minister; and pay all required fees.
• Complete the Professional Practitioner's Covenant. New
Practitioners are asked to sign this agreement as a conscious
commitment to sacred service. A copy of the signed and dated
agreement should be given to the Practitioner’s sponsoring
Minister any time prior to the candidate's oral panels.
• Satisfactorily pass the written licensing test, which is designed to
evaluate knowledge, and the oral panels, which are designed to
evaluate consciousness.
10. What are some other names used to describe God?
Source, Universal Law, One, Divine Spirit, Omnipresence, First Cause, Law of Mind, Love, One Mind
11. With what do you begin spiritual counseling?
Invocation / prayer
12. We create our own circumstances because of…
Thoughts become things; we co-create with the One Mind, we have dominion over our lives; freedom of choice. Our consciousness activates the Law.
13. Are you the results of doing or being?
Being. Being equals cause, while doing equals effect. We are the result of cause. Cause precedes form.
14. Is sickness necessary for growth?
No, but it can (like any challenge) become the catalyst to greater consciousness, wholeness and perfection of spirit.
15. What does Science of Mind teach re Jesus?
In Science of Mind, we believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a loving, powerful man who walked the earth two thousand years ago. Jesus was a Master Teacher and a great example of how to live the individual expression of God.
16. What sets the limit to demonstration?
Our faith, our conviction, our belief in our ability to manifest Truth in our lives and the lives of others. Our thinking sets the limits
17. What does the client pay you for?
My time and my skill, which is that I know the truth of the client’s spiritual perfection and union with God.
18. Does the Mind within you also run through all people, places and things?
Yes, there is only One Mind – the Mind of God – and it expresses in and through everything.
19. Does humankind create?
No. Consciousness creates. Humankind discovers the power of consciousness and uses it to manifest.
20. What is Race Thought?
Collective consciousness – positive and negative; beliefs held in common by humankind.
21. Are there two Minds?
No, there is only one mind – the Mind of God.
22. Where is principle located?
In the Mind of God.
23. What is active listening?
Listening with total awareness, understanding, non-judgment, which allows the listener to reflect back accurately the essence of what was heard.
24. Do we believe in sin?
No, we believe the correct definition of “sin” is “mistake”. We miss the mark. There is no judgment, no condemnation. We just try again, having learned from our mistake.
25. Why do we suffer?
Ignorance, or lack of awareness of God’s laws.
26. What are some important elements of the new United Church of Religious Science structure?
Core Council, instead of “board of trustees”, surrounded by four other core groups – ecclesiastical, vision, operations and stewardship.
27. Who is the spiritual leader of United Centers for Spiritual Living?
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn
28. Be somewhat familiar with the Practitioner Code
The Practitioner Consciousness

• The Practitioner has a complete conviction, based on spiritual intuition, that a higher use of the Law of Cause and Effect transcends a lower use of it.
• The Practitioner must know that conditions flow from causes and not the reverse;
• Spiritual mind practice does not call for great concentration, but for
deep realization and conviction.
• Spiritual mind practice is the recognition of a deep and abiding harmony at the center of everything.
• The Practitioner withdraws from the contemplation of existing circumstances,
and without contending against them, actually creates a new set of circumstances
through consciously reversing the law that produced the conditions which ought
to be changed.
• We should seek to combine spiritual up reaching with conscious mental action
for definite purposes. This is what constitutes spiritual mind practice on a
scientific basis.
• With childlike confidence, the Practitioner lifts up his consciousness to the
universe. The sublime act of faith is justified by its results, for the universe
honors our acceptance of it in the terms of that acceptance.
29. Describe the visioning process
The five steps of visioning are:
1) what is the highest purpose for me in the mind of God?
2) what do I need to become to realize this highest purpose?
3) What must I release?
4) what must I embrace?
5) what else must I know?

In the spiritual practice of visioning, we are opening the way for that which is unlimited to come into view—into our experience of life. We are volunteering ourselves as a place in consciousness that is available to allow the perfection and wholeness of the One Life to become manifest. We are becoming a space of deep listening available to hear Spirit’s highest Idea. Visioning is a process by which we hear, feel, see, and open to God’s
30. Describe the necessity of confidentiality
In spiritual mind treatment, complete trust is essential. Practitioners deal with people’s most intimate and private thoughts and situations and keeping our client sessions in total privacy is of the highest importance.
31. What must you know about reporting laws?
The reporting laws of your state; what agencies you should call if you sense reporting is necessary.
32. Who are considered the “healing arm” of the Church?
33. Emma C. Hopkins wrote ‘Scientific Christian Mental Practice’ and which other book?
High Mysticism, Wisdom of the Sages of the Ages
34. Ralph Waldo Emerson . . . Wrote ‘Self-Reliance,’ and ‘The Over-Soul,’ and was a transcendentalist who influenced Holmes by bringing in the element of Love
35. Be prepare to write…
• an invocation for a spiritual community
• an invocation for a secular organization
• a benediction for a spiritual community
• a benediction for a secular organization
• a treatment for successful completion of the licensing exam
• a treatment for societal judgment challenges (war, abortion, capital punishment, economy, homosexuality, etc.)
• a treatment for relationship challenges
• a treatment for health challenges
• a treatment for financial challenges
• a treatment for personal purpose challenges
36. How many CEU’s and CLU’s do you need to renew your license, and how may you acquire them?
250 CLU’s in 2 years (prayer & service)
35 CEU’s in 2 years (workshops & classes)

CEU (Continuing Education Unit): Units of continuing education and/or
professional development required for Professional Practitioner license renewal
CLU (Continuing Licensing Unit): Units of service activities required for
Professional Practitioner license renewal
37. In 25 words or less, describe Core Concept One
Oneness - God is the Source of all that is, and God is all that is. Everything in the Universe is made of the God-substance and is a unique, individualized expression of God.
38. What is “Active”?
Attend the majority of Sunday services and regularly attending and supporting other activities at the Center. Find creative outlets to be of serve to the community.
39. What is “Loyal”?
Holds the best and highest interests of the spiritual community always in mind.
40. What is “Supportive”?
Gives regularly in an identifiable way with from a sense of abundance and gratitude.
41. Why do you want to be a Licensed Practitioner? How will your dream become manifest?
I am called. It excites my very being. I can’t not do this! Walking through life with a deep, abiding consciousness of the Presence will manifest my dream.
42. In 25 words or less, describe the difference between confidence and worry
Confidence is knowing that all things are possible in the mind of God; worry is practicing doubt, losing track of my understanding of Spiritual Truth.
43. In 25 words or less, describe the dialog portion of the counseling session
To determine the underlying false belief and treat for its Spiritual opposite. To build trust and rapport with the client.
44. In 50 words or less, describe the Creative Process. Use the Teaching Symbol
Triune nature of Reality: God or Seed; Law or Soil; Effect or Plant. Thoughts become things. Cause and effect; cause being infinite and effect being finite and temporary.
46. In 50 words or less, explain the concept: “. . . the sun shines on the good and the bad, and the rain falls on the just and the unjust.”
God is constantly and spontaneously manifesting and expressing at all times. The sun and rain are examples of how God creates life on this planet. God cannot – does not – limit the good it expresses; nor can it give to one and not the other. God loves all unconditionally.
47. In 75 words or less, what is the “science” in Science of Mind?
It is science because SOM approaches the Principles of Being based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. SOM scientifically demonstrates the repeatable and dependable nature of the power of thought to create in a consistent and reliable manner.
45. In 50 words or less, describe how the Law may be used for both liberty and oppression
The Law is neutral; it responds equally to requests of freedom and/or requests of limitation and oppression. The Law has no volition, it must manifest or grow whatever seeds of thoughts have been presented to it.
48. In 25 words or less, what is the “mind” in Science of Mind?
Mind is a synonym for God, Spirit, First Cause. Mind is the unbounded field of infinite potential that is in and through everything.