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65 Cards in this Set

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In practice, researchers collect a sample of size "n" and compute point estimates of population parameters.
Based on the Central Limit Theorem, how can sampling error be reduced?
Increasing the sample size;
What are the two population parameters that specify the location and dispersion for a normal distribution?
µ or the population mean and σ^2 or the population variance
What are the two population parameters that specify the location and dispersion for the sampling distribution of the mean?
µ or the population mean and σ^2/ √n or the population standard error
How is the Central Limit Theorem helpful when computing probabilities?
The Central Limit Theorem allows the use of the normal distribution and the standard normal z to compute
Sampling from a population may be preferred because studying all the items in a population may be too
Sampling from a population may be preferred because, contacting or listing the entire population would be
too ___________ consuming.
Sampling from a population may be preferred because, sometimes collecting statistics requires that products
be ___________.
How many different samples of size 3 can be collected from a population of ten items? ___________
What type of sampling is it when a population is first divided into subgroups and then a sample is selected
from each subgroup? _________
stratified random sampling
Auditors may select every 20th file starting with say, the 5th file in the top drawer. Then file numbers 25, 45,
65, 85, . . . are audited. What type of sampling is this? _________________
What will the sampling distribution of the mean be if a population is normally distributed?
normally distributed
What is the name of the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample means called?
standard error of the mean
The process of making statements about a population based on a sample from the population is called
statistical inference
What is a characteristic of a population called? _______________
What is the relationship of the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean to the standard
deviation of the population under study? ___________
For a sampling distribution of the means, what percent of the means would be between ± 1.96 standard
deviations? ________________________
As the sample size (n) increases, what happens to the spread or dispersion of the distribution of the sample
means? ___________
If the sample size equals the population size, what is the sampling error? _________
For populations scattered in a wide area, what is the preferred technique for sampling? ____________
cluster sampling
Which sampling method would be best to use if the population can be divided into homogeneous
subgroups? ______________________
stratified random sampling
Which sampling method would you use if every k-th item in the population sequence is selected?
systematic random sampling
What is it called when all the items in a population have a chance of being selected in a sample?
A. Random sampling
B. z-score
C. Sampling error
D. Nonprobability sampling
A. Random sampling
What is the difference between a sample mean and the population mean called?
A. Standard error of the mean
B. Sampling error
C. Interval estimate
D. Point estimate
B. Sampling error
What sample statistic is used to estimate a population parameter?
A. Parameter
B. Sampling error
C. Point estimate
D. Interval estimate
C.Interval estimate
Suppose we select every fifth invoice in a file. What type of sampling is this?
A. Random
B. Cluster
C. Stratified
D. Systematic
D. Systematic
All possible samples of size n are selected from a population and the mean of each sample is determined.
What is the mean of the sample means?
A. Exactly the same as the population mean
B. Larger than the population mean
C. Smaller than the population mean
D. Cannot be estimated in advance
A. Exactly the same as the population mean
When dividing a population into subgroups so that a random sample from each subgroup can be collected, what type of sampling is used?
A. simple random sampling
B. systematic sampling
C. stratified random sampling
D. cluster sampling
C. stratified random sampling
The true sampling error is usually not known because
A. a sample is collected from a population
B. μ is a random variable
C. s2 is unknown
D. The sample mean cannot be computed
A. a sample is collected from a population
Based on the central limit theorem, the size of the sampling error is
A. Directly related to the sample size, i.e., the larger the sample size the larger the sampling error.
B. Directly related to the population mean, i.e., the larger the mean, the larger the sampling error
C. Inversely related to the sample size, i.e., the larger the sample size the smaller the sampling error.
D. Inversely related to the population standard deviation, i.e., the smaller the standard deviation, the larger the sampling error.
C. Inversely related to the sample size, i.e., the larger the sample size the smaller the sampling error.
As the size of the sample increases, what happens to the shape of the sampling means?
A. Cannot be predicted in advance
B. Approaches a normal distribution
C. Positively skewed
D. Negatively skewed
B. Approaches a normal distribution
A statewide sample survey is to be made. First, the state is subdivided into counties. Seven counties are
selected at random and further sampling is concentrated on these seven counties. What type of sampling is this?
A. Simple random
B. Nonproportional
D. Stratified random
D. Stratified random
D. Stratified random
Which of the following is the standard error of the mean?
A. σ 
B. x/n
C. σ/ √ n
D. s
C. σ/ √ n
Mileage tests were conducted on a randomly selected sample of 100 newly developed automobile tires. The average tread wear was found to be 50,000 miles with a standard deviation of 3,500 miles. What is the best estimate of the average tread life in miles for the entire population of these tires?
A. 50,000
B. 3,500
C. (50,000/100)
D. (3,500/100)
A. 50,000
The mean of all possible sample means is equal to the
A. population variance.
B. σ^2/ n
C. sample variance.
D. population mean.
D. population mean.
Sampling error is the difference between a corresponding sample statistic and the
A. sample mean.
B. biased sample.
C. population parameter.
D. chance error.
C. population parameter.
For a population that is not normally distributed, the distribution of the sample means will
A. be negatively skewed.
B. approach the normal distribution.
C. be positively skewed.
D. take the same shape as the population.
B. approach the normal distribution.
True or False:
In stratified random sampling, a population is divided into strata using naturally occurring geographic or other boundaries. Then strata are randomly selected and a random sample is collected from each strata.
True or False:
In cluster sampling, a population is divided into clusters using naturally occurring geographic or other
boundaries. Then clusters are randomly selected and a random sample is collected from each cluster.
True or False:
Sampling a population is often necessary because the cost of studying all the items in the population is
True or False:
It is often not feasible to study the entire population because it is impossible to observe all the items in the
True or False:
A simple random sample assumes that each item or person in the population has an equal chance of being
True or False:
The standard error of the mean is also be called sampling error.
True or False:
When systematic random sampling is used, the central limit theorem cannot be applied.
True or False:
When using stratified random sampling, the sampling error will be zero.
True or False:
In cluster sampling, a population is divided into subgroups called clusters and a sample is randomly
selected from each cluster.
True or False:
In stratified random sampling, a population is divided into subgroups called strata and a sample is randomly
selected from each stratum.
True or False:
When systematic random sampling is used, the central limit theorem cannot be applied.
True or False:
When using systematic random sampling, the sampling error will be zero.
True or False:
If probability sampling is done, each item in the population has a chance of being chosen.
True or False:
The items or individuals of the population are arranged in a file drawer alphabetically by date received. A random starting point is selected and then every kth member of the population is selected for the sample. This sampling method is called simple random sampling.
True or False:
If the size of a sample equals the size of the population, we would not expect any error in estimating the population parameter.
True or False:
We can expect some difference between sample statistics and the corresponding population parameters. This difference is called the sampling error.
True or False:
A sampling distribution of the means is a probability distribution consisting of a list of all possible sample
means of a given sample size selected from a population and the probability of occurrence associated with each sample mean.
True or False:
The central limit theorem implies that sampling with an adequate sample size provides good estimates of
population parameters.
True or False:
The central limit theorem implies that samples of size one or two are adequate to estimate population
True or False:
If a population is not normally distributed, the sampling distribution of the sample means tends to
approximate a normal distribution.
True or False:
The Central Limit Theorem states that for a sufficiently large sample the sampling distribution of the means of all possible samples of size n generated from the population will be approximately normally distributed with the mean of the sampling distribution equal to σ^2 and the variance equal to σ^(2/n) .
True or False:
The Central Limit Theorem states that if the sample size, n, is sufficiently large, the sampling distribution of the means will be approximately normal no matter whether the population is normally distributed, skewed, or uniform.
True or False:
Fish and game wardens estimate the average weight of the fish or game population by using creel checks
and other devices. Based on this sample data, a warden might estimate that the mean weight of Coho salmon caught in Lake Michigan is 2.5 pounds. This single number is called a point estimate of the unknown population parameter.
True or False:
Based on the sampling distribution of the means and the central limit theorem, the sample mean can be used as a good estimator of the population mean, assuming that the size of the sample is sufficiently large.
True or False:
If 40 samples of size 21 were selected from a population of 22,493, we would expect the mean of the sample means and the population mean to be close but not exactly equal.
True or False:
An estimate of the population mean based on a large sample is less reliable than an estimate made using a
small sample.
True or False:
If the sample size keeps getting larger and larger and finally equals the size of the population, there would be no error in predicting the population mean because the sample size and the size of the population would be the same.
True or False:
The standard error of the mean will vary according to the size of the sample. As the sample size n gets
larger, the variability of the sample means gets smaller.
True or False:
To determine the value of the standard error of the mean, the total error is divided by the sample size.