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56 Cards in this Set

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Body Cavities: Cranial, Thoracic (Mediastinum cavity, pleural cavity, pericardial cavity), abdominopelvic cavity (abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity) Spinal cavity

Body Planes: Midsaggital plane, Frontal Plane and Transverse Plane

Surface Anatomy

Body Regions

Directional Terminology

Contralateral Example: left leg, right arm.

Contralateral Example: left leg, right arm.


Diaphragm underneath condenser

Diaphragm underneath condenser

Cell Parts and Organelles

Hypotonic Hypertonic Red Blood Cells

Simple Columnar Epithelium

Stomach lining, intestine, gallbladder, uterine tubes. Protection, secretion and absorption.

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

Glands,ducts, portions of kidney tubules, thyroid gland. Limited protection, secretion, absorption.

Simple Squamous Epithelium

Pleural, pericardial and peritoneal cavities, endothelia lining heart and blood vessels, inner lining of cornea, alveoli of lungs. Reduces friction, controls vessel permeability, performs absorption and section.

Loose Connective Tissue (Areolar Tissue)

Underneath the skin (areola tissue). Separates skin from deeper structures.

Adipose Tissue

Provides padding,absorbs shock, acts as an insulator,serves as packing. Common under skin, breast and buttocks.

Dense Connective Tissue

Tendons and ligaments, provides attachment, reduces friction between muscles, stabilizes position of bones

Hyaline Cartilage

Between ribs and bones of sternum,covering of bone endings at synovial joints. Provides stiff but flexible support reduces friction between bony surface.

Elastic Cartilage

External ear,auditory canal.provides support,but tolerates distortion without damage and returns to original shape


Look for a lot of fibers parallel packed tightly

Look for a lot of fibers parallel packed tightly. Pads of knee joint, between public bones of pelvis,intervertebral discs. Resists compression, prevents bone to bone contacts,limits movement.

Bone Connective Tissue

Blood Connective Tissue

Skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle

Giant multipolar neuron

Epidermis,Dermis,Subcutaneous (Hypodermis), Hair Follice, Hair Root, Hair Shaft, Arector Pili muscle, Sebaceous gland, Dermal Papilla, Touch receptor, Adipose cells, Blood vessels, Pore of sweat gland

Dermal Papilla: Lumpy surface between Dermis and Epidermis

Dermal Papilla: Lumpy surface between Dermis and Epidermis

Nail bed, Lunule, Eponychium (cuticle), nail fold, hyponychium, body of nail

Hair root, cuticle, melanocyte, medulla, cortex

Melanocyte: Under epidermal layer (look kind of like Giant multipolar neuron)

Melanocyte: Under epidermal layer (look kind of like Giant multipolar neuron)

Bone Microscopic Anatomy: Osteon, Haversian canal, Perforating (Volkmanns) canal, canaliculi, lamella, osteocyte

Long Bone: Articular cartilage, spongy (cancellous) bone, compact bone, medullary canal, yellow marrow, red bone marrow, periosteum, endosteum, proximal and distal eyiphysis, diaphysis

Skull: Sutures: Sagittal,Coronal,Lambdoid,Sqamosal. Frontal bone, Supraorbital foramen, Parietal bone, External acoustic meatus, styloid process, mastoid process, zygomatic process, zygomatic arch, temporal process

Skull: Median palatine suture, foramen magnum, occipital condyle, jugular foramen, carotid canal, foramen lacerum

Internal acoustic meatus

Scapula: Spine, acromion process, caracoid process, glenoid fossa (cavity), supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa

Humerus: Head, surgical neck, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, medial epicondyle, lateral epicondyle, olecranon fossa, coronoid fossa, capitulum, tochlea, deltoid tuberosity

Radius: head, styloid process, radial tuberosity

Ulna: Olecranon process, styloid process, head, coronoid process, trochlear notch (semilunar notch)

Hands: Carpal bones, metacarpals, phalanges

Sinuses: Frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, maxillary


Anatomy of vertebrae: Vertebral body, spinous process, transverse process, vertebral foramen, lamina, pedicle, inferior articulating process, inferior articulating facet (in front of process), superior articulating facet, superior articulating process

Atlas and Axis

Hyoid Bone

Sternum: Manubrium, Body, Xiphoid Process

Ribs: 7 True, 5 False, 2 Floating

Rib Anatomy: Head, Sternal end, Neck, shaft (body), tubercle

Sphenoid: Lesser & greater wings, sella turcica, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, foramen rotundum

Ethmoid: cribriform plate, cristae galli, perpendicular plate, superior nasal choncha

Nasal and Lacrimal bone

Palatine, palatine process

Maxilla: Alveolar process, infraorbital foramen

Mandible: Mental foramen, ramus, mandibular condyle (condylar process), alveolar process, coronoid process, mandibular angle

Vomer & Inferior nasal concha

Coxa (Pelvic girdle): Ilium: iliac crest, iliac spine, greater and lesser sciatic notch. Ischium: Ischial tuberosity, ischial spine, acetabulum, obturator foramen. Pubis: symphysis pubis

Femur: Head, neck, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, medial and later condyles, medial and lateral epicondyles, limea aspera

Tibia: tibial tuberosity, medial malleolus, medial and lateral condyles.

Fibula: head and lateral malleolus

Foot: tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges, calcaneus, talus

Cartilaginous joints: Intervertabral discs and pubic symphysis

Synovial joints: ball and socket, condyloid, gliding (plane), hinge, pivot, saddle

Parts of a synovial joint: ligament, joint capsule, synovial fluid, articular cartilage, synovial membrane, fibrous layer, tendon

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Lining of nasal cavity,trachea and bronchi,portions of male reproductive tract. Protection, secretion, move mucus with cilia.