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20 Cards in this Set

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According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, which of the following thought processes best distinguishes a student at the formal operational stage?

Comp 1
Abstract thought
Danielle is a 4 year old who prefers to play by herself and is not comfortable interacting with other children. To best faciliatate Danielle's transition into the next stage of play development, the teacher should provide a variety of

Comp 1
individual activities and materials children can do side by side
Ms. Nguyen notices that a boy in her kindergaren class comes to school very irritable and is hyperactive most of the day. He has trouble concentrating and frequently fights with other children. Which of the following actions would be the most appropriate first response to this situation?

Comp 1
Setting up a conference with the child's parents to discuss behavior at home and sleep schedules
To best ensure that all students in a fourth-grade inclusion classroom receive quality instruction, which of the following should lesson plans always include?

Comp 2
Extra time for reteaching and needs-based modifications of student activities
A first-grade teacher has reasers who are below grade level, each at a different level. In planning individualized instruction, whic of the following is the best first step for the teacher to take?

Comp 2
Providing an assessment to identify students' reading strengths and weaknesses
An English-language learner (ELL) whi is at an advanced-high level of language proficiency is preparing a report summarizing a science experiment. The most appropriate expectation for the teacher to have of the ELL's report is that it will include

Comp 2
grade-level content information communicated with few language-related errors
Fifth-grade students have just completed a social studies unit in which they explored pioneers' everyday life during the westward expansion. Which of the following student activites would show the highest level of critical thinking?

Comp 3
Writing a journal entry from the perspective of a pioneer during westward expansion
Ms. Lyons observes that a majority of the students in her class are not following a recently taught math process on how to regroup while subtracting. Which of the following would be the best way to reteach the math process?

Comp 7
Connecting the underlying concepts to the process
When posing a question, the amount of wait time a teacher allows before calling on a student for a response primarily depends on the

Comp 7
cognitive level of the question being asked
Before beginning a unit on plant life, students in a class answer the question, "What questions do you have about plant life?" in their learning journals. At the end of the unit, the teacher has students return to their list of questions and answer as many as they can. A primary reason for using this activity is to help the teacher

Comp 7
foster student ownership in their learning about plant life
Which of the following is the most effective way for a teacher to monitor student understanding of a task during group activities?

Comp 8
Observing student interactions while circulating around the room
A middle school history teacher is planning to assign a six-week project. Which of the following teaching strategies would best help promote students' understanding of the project's expectations?

Comp 10
Discussing the grading rubric that will be used before beginning unit tasks
When assessing students' writing, a teacher uses holistic scoring. Which of the following is true of holistic scoring?

Comp 10
The score is based o the overall quality of both content and mechanics
A sixth-grade teacher recognizes that during her lesson on the human body, many students are not paying attention and one student has fallen asleep. The most appropriate actions for the teacher to take would be to

Comp 10
move on to a different activity that engages the students and reevaluate the lesson's effectiveness at a later time
A third grade teacher notices that a student frequently comes to school dressed in the same clothing and is often hungry and sleepy. The student has difficulty paying attention in class. According to Abraham Maslow, which of the following needs have not been met:

Comp 1
Students in Mrs. Campbell's fifth class come from culturally diverse backgrounds, and many are from lower socio-economic homes. Students have been working on science fair projects primarily at home, and there are considerable differences among students in terms of resources available to them. Which of the following teacher response strategies is most appropriate to address inequities of students' resources?

Comp 2
Establish a procedure for students to schedule classroom computer time, library visits, and classroom resource check-outs.
Ms. Hall is teaching first graders a unit on the life cycle of insects, and the Texas curriculum requires teachers to use developmentally appropriate terminology when teaching key concepts. Several of her students are below grade level in their reading skills. How should she decide how to teach the lesson?

Comp 3
She needs to develop a lesson plan aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and to provide extra assistance to those students with reading skills below their respective grade level.
Ms. Dee, a third grade teacher, read a story titled “Mr. Mouse and the Long Vacation” to her students. She stopped at various points of the story to ask students questions, and at times she asked students to predict what would happen next. When she finished reading the story, she asked students whether or not they would want Mr. Mouse as a friend. All students noted how they would like for Mr. Mouse to be their friend, and they were able to provide reasons for their opinions. For example, one student mentioned how Mr. Mouse liked to share in that he shared his lunch on two different occasions while another student mentioned how Mr. Mouse took care of Mr. Lark who was ill. When Ms. Dee asked students if they would like Mr. Mouse to be their friend, what type of question was she asking?

Comp 7
divergent question
An elementary teacher taught students a new type of mathematics problem. She introduced the concept, made sure students understood the background terminology, and then modeled the steps of the problem. Before placing students in small groups to work on practice problems, she checked for understanding. She went from group to group to make sure students were able to complete the problems correctly. Next, she assigned the same type of problems for homework. The teacher used direct instruction to teacher the respective concepts. Direct instruction is an effective method of instruction when teaching new concepts or skills in that:

Comp 8
A. the concept is clearly introduced and that which students are expected to do is presented in a step by step manner.
B. the teacher ensures students have the necessary prerequisite background knowledge.
C. students have opportunities pratic the modeled concept before having to do so for homework.
D. all of the above
Ms. Lee is a third grade teacher at Eagle’s Sky School. She has used portfolios to asses her students’ writing for the past two years. Every Friday she conducts short writing conferences with each student about composition assignments for that week. She discusses the strengths of each student’s writing and makes suggestions for revisions. Ms. Lee is using portfolios for what types of assessments?

Comp 10