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60 Cards in this Set

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Action Research
method of investigating a problem in a school or classroom that involves the scientific processes where teachers serve as the primary investigator to improve their own teaching practices
Campus Improvement Plan
stratagem for involving teachers in individual campus-level planning, evaluations, and decision-making processes at their own school
Continuing Professional Education
state requirements for certificate renewal specifying time and participation in approved learning experiences
Family Liaisons
school reps who serve as contacts and promote positive links between school personnel and the (grand)parents and relatives of enrolled children
generally a beginning teacher who receives guidance and individualized assistance from a more experienced educator
nonverbal communication
conversing with another individual without using spoken words
new or beginning teacher who has limited teaching experience
online teacher networks
voluntary associations of teachers who communicate using digital tools such as message boards, blogs, and wikis
parent educators
school personnel who provide info about child growth and development and support for family members in their roles as primary caregivers of children
professional development
activities that enhance teachers' professional knowledge, competence, expertise, and growth as educators
beginning teacher who benefits from the wisdom and guidance of a mentor
giving serious thought or consideration to issues, activities, or events related to teaching and learning
reflective practitioners
teacher who contemplate, look at again, or study their past teaching moments to enhance professional growth and student achievement
reflective teaching
the natural outcome of teachers' reexamination and reevaluation of their teaching
reflective thinking
process of probing, inspecting, and studying to improve one's teaching practice
school community
all those individuals and organizations that assist one another in providing opportunities for students at a school
site-based decision making
procedure whereby teachers participate in the management, decision making, and governing of certain aspects of their own school
individuals within the school community who have specific knowledge, understanding, and expertise in a particular area of info
summative evaluation
final comprehensive evaluation of a teacher's performance at the end of a period of time
support systems
individuals and organizations who are a source of strength, guidance, and encouragement for teachers and students
teacher appraisal system
procedure for the evaluation, assessment, and critiquing of teachers' ability to provide meaningful learning outcomes for their students
teacher self-report form
requirement of the PDAs that encourages teachers to look within themselves, closely examine their personal convictions, and work towards improvement goals
verbal communication
use of spoken words to transmit info to other individuals
Zero reject
all children with disabilities regardless of severity
free, appropriate public education
for all children
least restrictive environment
appropriate setting in which all students may function to their fullest capabilities
due process safeguards
to protect the rights of children with disabilities and their parents
Individual Education Program (IEP)
legal document or contract between school district and family documenting long- and short-term goals for students. It includes goals and objectives to be met, modifications to be made, least restrictive environment.
Classroom IEP modifications
include ways teachers must accommodate special education students such as allowing more time for tests, decreasing the number of multiple choice items, decreasing number of question items, and supplying highlighted reading materials
cooperative learning
disabled and nondisabled students work together
peer tutoring
one student tutors another student
multisensory approach
using touch, hearing, sight, and movement
self-instructive training
teacher writes down for student a method of problem solving
making changes based on the need of the student
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
federal law that protects the privacy of parents/guardians and children
FERPA requires teachers to avoid
talking about children/families' personal info
have children grade each others' work
revealing to parents/students other children's grades
leaving grade records where others can see them
Section 504
provides modifications for students who have physical or mental impairment
home language survey
identifies children as speaking another language and is required for students new to the district
Bilingual education
involves using more than one language for instruction
Limited English Proficient (LEP) or English Language Learner (ELL)
indicates that a student's primary language is not English
Copyright: for edu use, a teacher may make a single copy of
a chapter from a book
article from a periodical or newspaper
short story, short essay, or short poem, regardless of whether from a collective work, an illustration from a book, periodical, or newspaper
multiple copies
cannot exceed the number of students in a class
fair use
copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of criticism or commentary
acceptable use policy
statement of expectations for how students and faculty will use school resources, procedures they are expected to follow, and consequences when expectations and procedures are violated
Admissions, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee
committee whose members (1) determine eligibility for special edu services, (2) create, review, and modify the child's IEP, and (3) may decide the child no longer needs special services
Child Protective Services
any suspected abuse or neglect of a child must be reported to this agency within 48 hours of suspicion
commissioner of education
the chief educational officer in the state of Texas who is appointed by the governor and has administrative responsibility for the TEA and for overseeing the implementation of legislation into school and district operations
corporal punishment
physically punishing a child
due process
teachers and schools must follow procedures set up ahead of time when disciplinary actions occur
Educators' code of ethics
standards of ethical conduct for educators developed by the SBEC,
excessive force
when disciplining or restraining a child, only appropriate force can be used so that a larger, stronger teacher does not injure a child intentionally or unintentionally
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
a far-reaching federal law that requires the provision of special education and services for children with disabilities
local school board
community elected board of trustees that oversees the operation of schools in the local school district
teacher who neglects his or her duty and a child is hurt can be found at fault and held liable
person responsible for an individual school
Public Law 94-192 (education for all handicapped children act)
provides for a free and appropriate public education for children who qualify
State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)
an agency within the TEA that has responsibility for all rules related to educator certification, teacher preparation programs, and the Educators' Code of Ethics
State Board of Education (SBOE)
state-level elected body that has specific areas of responsibility for education in the state
chief educational leader employed by the local school board who has responsibility for the provision of quality educational offerings in the district in compliance with all laws, regulations, and policies
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
administrative state agency, directed by the commissioner of education, that assists in the development and enforcement of regulations required by education laws