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44 Cards in this Set

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USES of "por": To express...

1. Motivation, reasons, compulsion

("because of, out of, for, on behalf of, on account of")
No pudimos ir POR el mal tiempo.
(We couldn't go because of the bad weather.)

Benavides actuó de esa manera POR celos.
(Benavides acted that way out of jealousy.)

Gonzalo hace muchos sacrificios POR sus hijos.
(Gonzalo makes many sacrifices for his children. -for their sake)

El abogado rogó al juez POR su cliente.
(The lawyer pleaded with the judge on behalf of his client.)

El Papa recibió el Premio Nobel POR su labor POR la paz.
(The Pope received the Nobel Prize on account of his work for peace.)
2. Feelings or attitudes of the subject toward a person or thing;
also "to be for, to be in favor of"
Siento gran admiración POR ese autor
(I feel great admiration for that author.)

Su odio POR aquel hombre no podía describirse con palabras.
(His hatred for that man could not be described with words.)

María siempre vota POR los candidatos republicanos.
(María always votes for the Republican candidates.)

Estoy cien por ciento POR esa ley.
(I am 100% for that law.)
3. The object of an errand, usually with verbs like "ir, venir, mandar, enviar"
Vine POR el libro que dejé aquí ayer.
(I came for the book that I left here yesterday.)

Como no quería cocinar, envié el robot al restaurante POR comida.
(Since I didn't want to cook, I sent the robot to the restaurant for food.)

Mi esposa se siente muy mal. Voy POR el médico.
(My wife feels very sick. I am going for the doctor.)
4. Approximate location or time; place of transit

("around in by through, throughout, along")
El explorador dijo que había piedras preciosas por ahí.
(The explorer said that there were precious stones around there.)

Nos gustaría viajar POR España.
(We would like to travel around Spain.)

La Alhabmra se comunica con el Generalife POR un túnel.
(The Alhambra is connected to the Generalife by a tunnel.)

--POR dónde se sale de este edificio?
--POR aquí.
("How does one get out of this building?" "This way.")

Pasó POR mi lado sin verme.
(He passed by my side without seeing me.)

El día está precioso. Demos un paseo POR la avenida.
(The day is very beautiful. Let's stroll along the avenue.)
5. Duration of an action. "Por" is frequently omitted in this case.
Nos quedaremos en la ciudad (POR) una semana.
(We will stay in the city (for) a week.)

Estuvo discutiendo con el vendedor (POR) dos horas.
(He was arguing with the salesman for two hours.)

Estuvimos sin vernos (POR) un mes.
(We didn't see each other for a month.)
6. Substitution, exchange, price
No creo lo que dices. Me tomas POR tonta?
(I don't believe what you're saying. Do you take me for a fool?)

Mi amigo está enfermo. Puedo examinarme POR él?
(My friend is sick. May I take the exam for him? [-in his place])

Como el novio vive en Europa, se casarán POR poder.
(Since the bridegroom lives in Europe, they'll be married by proxy.)

Un inversionista me ofreció mucho dinero POR este cuadro.
(An investor offered me a lot of money for this painting.)
6. Substitution, exchange, price

~"Sustituir por" does not mean "to put (be) in the place of," but "to replace with."
Note that the elements involved are inverted in the Spanish sentence:
~"Sustituir por" does not mean "to put (be) in the place of," but "to replace with."
Note that the elements involved are inverted in the Spanish sentence:

Sustituya los nombres POR pronombres.
(Replace the nouns with pronouns.)

Sustituiré el azúcar POR sacarina.
(I will replace sugar with saccharin.)

~"To substitute for" in the sense of one person taking the place of another = "Sustituir a" :

Ayer el profesor Padilla sustituyó a nuestro profesor, que estaba enfermo.
(Yesterday Professor Padilla substituted for our professor, who was sick.)
7. Percentage, rate, multiplication.

Frequent English equivalents: "per, by"
Con el cinturón volador, una persona podía recorrer una milla por minuto.
(With the flying belt a person could go one mile per minute.)

Tres POR cuatro son doce.
(3 x 4 = 12)

Trabajas POR hora o trabajas a destajo?
(Do you work by the hour or do you work on a piecework basis?)

El 40 POR ciento de los habitantes del país son analfabetos.
(40% of the inhabitants of the country are illiterate.)
8. Means, manner, instrument, agent
Echaron a los huelguistas POR la fuerza.
(They threw the strikers out by force.)

Usando mi calculadora resolví la ecuación como POR arte de magia.
(Using my calculator I solved the equation as if by magic.)

Me dieron todas las instrucciones POR teléfono.
(They gave me all the instructions by telephone.)

La terraza estaba protegida POR una campana aisladora.
(The terrace was protected by an isolating dome.)

Las piedras del río habían sido redondeadas POR el agua.
(The rocks in the river had been rounded by the water.)
9. Incompleteness

("yet to be done, yet to be finished")
El puente está POR terminar.
(The bridge is yet to be finished.)

Hay todavía muchos inventos POR perfeccionar.
(There are stil many inventions to be perfected.)
Idiomatic Phrases with "por" :

al por mayor
al por menor
por adelantado
in advance
por ahora
for the time being
por casualidad
by accident
por completo
por consiguiente
por decirlo así
so to speak
por desgracia
por encima
hastily, cursorily
por entero
por escrito
in writing
por eso
for that reason
por gusto
unnecessarily, for the fun of it
por las nubes
(price or praise)
por lo general,
por regla general
as a general rule
por lo menos
at least
por lo visto
por ningún motivo
under no circumstances
por otra parte
on the other hand
por suerte
por supuesto
of course
for the....time

Elena visitaba el barrio de su amiga POR primera VEZ.
(Elena visited her friend's neighborhood for the first time.)
Common Verbs Followed by "Por":

acabar por
to end up by
brindar por
to drink to
esforzarse por
to strive to, for
interesarse por
to be interested in,
to inquire about
luchar por
to struggle to, for
morirse por
to be dying to
optar por
to choose to,
opt for
preguntar por
to inquire about, to ask for
preocuparse por
to worry about
trepar por
to climb up
votar por
to vote for