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31 Cards in this Set

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Explain Unsaturated Compound
An unsaturated compound is a compound which is able to break the double bond and add on extra atoms to the loecule in an addition reaction
Explain Addition Reaction
An addition reaction is when
Explain addition polymer
An addition polymer is when multiple monomers add together
Polymerization is when many monmers form to make a polymer.
Are polymers saturated or unsaturated
Should polymers be reactive or unreactive
Polymers should be reactive because they are saturated.
Give the modern and more common name for propene (propylene)
Polypropylene, PP
Give the modern and more common name for phenyethene (styrene)
Polystyrene, PS
Give the modern and more common name for tetrafluoroethene
Teflon, PTFE
Why are addition polymers non-biodegradable?
They are non-biodegradable as they are all single bonds
What problems are associated with addition polymers being non-biodegradable
It leads to them not decomposing
Explian the difference between thermosofting and thermosetting polymers
Thermosetting polymers can only be heated and molded once but thermosoftening plastics can be used more than once.
Give an example of a termosoftening polymer
Give an example of a thermosetting polymer
What are the problems associated with the disposal and recycling of plastic waste
It will not rot or degrade if buried.
It gives off poisonous fumes (hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide) if burnt.
Plastics must be recycled separately according to each type.
Common name for poly(ethende)
Common name for poly(chloroethene)
polyvinylchloride or PVC
Common name for poly(phenylethene)
Common name for poly(porpene)
Common name for poly(tetrafluoroethene)
PTFE or its trade name Teflon
Common name for poly(methylmethacrylate)
acrylic or its trade name Perspex
Use of poly(ethene)
Plastic bags
Damp proof course
Poly(ethene) (High density)
Bowls & buckets
water tank
Uses of poly(chloroethene)P.V.C.
Pipes & guttering
electrical insulation
Use of expanded polystyrene
Disposable cups
cavity wall insulation
Use of poly(phenylethene) - polystyrene
Disposable cups
Egg box
model making
Equation for ethene to poly(ethene)
n CH₂ == → --(--CH₂---CH₂-)
Equations for the polymerization of propene
Equation for the polymerization of phenylethene
Equation for the polymerization of tetrafluoroethene
Equation for the polymerization of chloroethene to poly(chloroethene)
n CH₂==CHCl → --(--CH₂---CHCl--) n--