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44 Cards in this Set

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What 17th Century religious conflict began as a conflict between Protestants and Roman Catholics?

The Thirty War

What modern group advocates government enforcement of Old Testament laws today?

Christian Reconstructionism

What two reasons are given for why support for religious freedom increased in the American colonies?

American colonists had a need to create a unified government with various types of religious beliefs and because many of the colonists had fled from persecution

What two reasons are given for why support for religious freedom increased in the American colonies?

American colonists had a need to create a unified government with various types of religious beliefs and because many of the colonists had fled from persecution.

What four biblical arguments support the position that government cannot compel religious belief?

1. Jesus distinguished the realms of God and Caesar

2. Jesus refused to try to compel people to believe in him

3. Genuine faith cannot be forced

4. Not a worldly kingdom

What are three implications of the belief that government should not compel religion?

1. Government should never force a person to believe in a 'state' religion

2. Christians should support freedom of religious beliefs

3. Government should not support a church with tax money

What five European countries practice some type of state religion today?

United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Spain, and Germany

What evidence does your author give to support the position that state religion has a negative effect?

State religion is not the answer because historically government has weaken the church. For instance, in Norway and Sweden the church has extremely low attendance.

What two groups are mentioned that try to exclude religious views from government?

American Civil Liberties Union and the Americans United for Separation of Church and State

In what Us Supreme Court case did the court strike down an amendment to the Colorado Constitution which forbade granting homosexuals special rights, stating that the amendment "lacks a rational relationship to legitimate state interests"?

Romer v Evans

What reasons are given for rejecting the view that government should be excluded from religion?

1) It fails to distinguish the reasons for a law from the content of the law

2) It overrides the will of the people

3) It changes freedom of religion into freedom from religion

4) It wrongly restricts freedom of religion and freedom of speech

5) It was never adopted by the American People

6) It removes from government God's teaching about good and evil

7) Biblical examples of God's people giving counsel of ruler

What two appeals to God are made in the beginning of the Declaration of Independence?

God's laws and that God gives us the rights that government seeks to protect

Why is it a problem that the courts have been most instrumental in imposing an exclusion of religion in the United States?

The problem of having the United States courts ruling against freedom of religion goes directly against the first amendment

In what court case did the justices say that government's actions cannot have the effect of advancing or prohibiting religion?

The Lemon v Kurtzman

In the Lemon v. Kurtzman case what was different from the founder's intent?

They sought to eliminate religion from government and the founder's acknowledged that there is a God and that he was the one that gave us authority to create a new government

What court case first expressed opposition to the idea that government action would provide a benefit to religion?

The Everson v. Board of Education expressed opposition to the idea that government actions would provide a benefit to religion

What Bible examples are given to support the position that believers are to give counsel to government on how they should govern?

Daniel gave counsel to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, John the Baptist rebuked King Herod, and the apostle Paule counseled Felix

What verse is used to support military pacifism?

Matthew 5:39

What recent book has been central in promoting the idea that all governments are demonic? Who is the author?

The Myth of a Christian Nation by Greg Boyd

What biblical authority does Boyd use to support his thesis that governments are demonic?

Lue 4:6

How does your author refute Boyd's claim that the governments are demonic?

John 8:44

What passage suggests that Jesus authorized the use of the sword for self-defense?

Luke 22:36-38

What passage is used to authorize the use of force to protect one's family?

Romans 10:17

What passages are used to support the view that the Gospel is the good news about all of life?

Matthew 28:19-20

What two countries does your author contrast to support his position that political activism has a spiritual benefit? What verse does he use to support this position?

The author contrasts North Korea and South Korea and points out that South Korea was spreading the word of God while North Korea could not spread the gospel. 1 Timothy 2:2

What two views are akin to the idea that only spiritual (that is non-material) things matter to God?

Platonism and Gnosticism are the two views that are akin to the idea that only spiritual things matter to God

What two passages does your author use to support the position that we should seek the good of our neighbor in all aspects of society?

Matthew 22:39 and Galatians 6:10

What fraction of American abolitionists in the mid-1830s were Christian clergyman?

Two-thirds of American abolitionists in the mid-1830s were Christian clergymen

Who was the Christian pastor that led the American civil rights movement that led to the outlawing of racial discrimination and segregation?

Martin King Luther Jr.

What three documents are stated as three of the most significant documents in the history of the government?

Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution

What nineteenth and early twentieth century emphasized the church working to eradicate poverty, slums, and racial discrimination, but placed little emphasis on salvation or the authority of the Bible?

The Social Gospel

What are given as the three components of long-term national change?

1) If people's hearts change so that they seek to do good, not evil

2) If people's minds change so that their moral convictions align more closely with God's moral standards in the Bible

3) If a nation's laws change so that they more fully encourage good conduct and punish wrong conduct

Give the list of benefits to society that the church and individual Christians have been largely responsible for persuading governments to enact?

They helped outlaw racial segregation and discrimination and limited the monarchy

What was the name of the period between 1920 and 1933 "in which a constitutional amendment outlawed making or selling alcoholic beverages in the United States"?


Is Christianity the largest religion in the United States?


Was there a Supreme Court decision at one time that affirmed that the United States is a Christian nation?


Are the majority of people in the United States Bible-believing evangelical, born-again Christians?


In what court case did the Court confirm that the United States is a Christian nation?

Church of the Holy Trinity v. the United States

Where in the Constitution does it prohibit the use of religious tests for holding public office?

Article VI, Section 3

What are other names given to the doctrine of theonomy?

Christian Reconstrucionism, Dominion Theology, and Dominionism are other names given to the doctrine of theonomy

What view teaches that "the Old Testament laws that God gave to Israel in the Mosaic covenant should be the pattern for civil laws in nations today?


What arguments does your author present to refute the teachings of theonomy?

Rousas John Rushdoony and Greg Bahnsen are two of the major proponents of theonomy

What are the two minimal obligations for Christians in a democracy?

Moral and political values consistent with biblical teaching are two minimal obligations for Christians in a democracy

How long has the IRS imposed restrictions on pastors that prohibit them from endorsing or opposing candidates by name?