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216 Cards in this Set

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institution where the political power is exercised

what is most important aspect of government

political power

government consists of

rulers and ruled (subjects)

Why do we need government?

-to provide social services

-to maintain law and order

-to defend the nation

-to ensure justice

Hobbes 1651 Leviathan

states most iportant service of gov is maintain law and order

John Locke

metions in his social contract that law and order importance

Different types of demcracies

direct democracy

indirect democracy

direct democracy

you are representing yourself

ex. initiative, referendum, recall

indirect democracy

electing officials to represent the peoples wants

Initiative direct democracy

*can only add laws *

ex.) propositions

Referendum direct democracy

act of reffering something to the people for approval or disapproval

- you ask question like yes or no to people

*can add and abolish laws*

Recall direct democracy

procedure to remove an elected official from office

4 advantages of a democracy

-peaceful transfer of power (has power hierarchy)

-freedom of speech, press and express

-checks and balances

-effective relationships between government and the people

effective relationships between governement and the people because

they are elected by the people

transfer of power



speaker of house

president protempore


3 branches of gov




judicial branch

interpret the law

-judicial review is the most important power

executive branch

enforces law

legislative branch

makes laws

conditions for candidate of prez of us

prez must be at least 35, live in us at least 14 yeas consequtively in us, natural born us citizen

checks and balances

power of prez


judicial review

power of prez

president can veto laws

power of congress

congress can override prezs veto

power of judicial

judicial review- to declare a law unconstitutional

judicial review

to declare a law unconstitutional

The declaration of independance 1776 has 3 major points

1. human rights declaration

2. revolutionary declaration

3. independance declaration

human rights declaration of declaration of independance

life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (john locke originally said with property)

revolutionary declaration of declaration of independance

universal declaration

- social contract (citizens responsibilities ex. jury duty, taxes)

independence declaration of declaration of independance

13 colonies reeived indpendance from Britain

2 houses

house of representatives and senate

house of representatives

has 435 people which is distributied by population per state


has 100 people which is distributed by 2 per state

in case of impeachment

house charges and must be approved through senate needs 218 votes (1/3) from house and 67 votes from senate (2/3)

order of governments from largest to smallest

federal, state, county, city

direct democracy

democracy w/o representation

- only state and local

ex. refferendum, recall, and initiative

indirect democracy

deomcracy with representation

- no direct democracy at national level

- designed for larger nations

universal sufferage

the right to vote

peope who dont have the right to vote



mentally ill

non us citizens

voting for prez election is

first tuesday of november

most important documentation of human rights

declaration of independence 1776

second most imporant documentation of human rights

french declaration of human rights

third most important documentation of human rights

UNs universal declaration of human rights 1948

classification fo human rights

-civil and political rights

-participation in the political process

-freedom of speech, press and expression

-religious freedom

-seperation of church and state

- the right to petition the govt

- the right to peaceful assembly

pariticaption in the political process

voting, jury duty, legal defense fund, running for office

freedom of speeh, press and expression

has limitations

- no slander= offending others

-no libel- destroying the name of someone through writing or publishing


offending others


destroying credibility of someone through your words or writing

seperation of church and state

two insititutions are seperate

not absoloute seperation

us has relative seperation

US has __________ of church and state

relative seperation

social and economic rights

1. social and economic conition = right to certain quality of life

2. right to work

3. right to education

homelessness is a violation of

social and economic rights

examples of social and ecnomic rights

rights based on equality


the process of resolving conflicts and deciding

- lasswell descrived it in his classic definition " who gets what, when, and how"

" who gets what, when, and how "

is a definition of politics by Harold Lasswell

__________ is the struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant benefits or privileges


examples of politics

when church decides to hire new minister, in schools, social groups, and any other organized collection of individuals

the most imporant organization that is controlled by political activity

the government


an ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society and that has a life separate from the lives of the individuals who are part of it at any given moment

politics is

the struggle over power or influence within organization or infformal groups that can grant or withhold benefits or priveleges


an ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society


an institution within which decisions are made that resolve conflicts and allocate benefits and privileges

________ is the preeminent institution within society because it has the ultimate authority for making these decisions


why is government necessary

maintanance of security or order


a state of peace and security. maintaining order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activity is the oldest purpose of government

order is needed for government

to provide any other benefit

47 of worlds countries ( 34%) are

not free

institutions in which the people are not free

dictatorships= syrias bashar al assad and North Korea kim jon un

communisty party of china

military may rule: Myanmar

in institutions where people are not free

freedom of speech and the right to a fair trial are typically absent

may also suppress freedom of religion

- revolution violent or not is ususally the only way to change the government

dictatorial governments often

torture or execute their opponents

_______ is often the only way to change the government

revolution, violent or not


the greatest freedom of the indidvidual consistent with the freedom of other individuals society.

A second major political value, along iwth order


the right and power to enforce its decisions and compel ovvedience

when authority is broadly accepted we say that it has



popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority

Totalitarian regime

a dictator or group of dictators makes all deisions for the society

where every aspect of political, social, and economic life is controlled by the government

totalitarian regime


only the government itself is fully controlled by the ruler

-has social and economic institutions, such as churches, buisnesses, and lavor unions that are not under the governments control


"rule by the best"

rule by wealthy members of ancient families


"rule by god"

rule by self appointed religious leaders


"rule by a few"


rule by the people

__________ is usually considered the purest model for direct deomcracy because the citizens of that community debated and boted on all laws directly, even those put forward by the ruling council of the city

the Athenian system of government in ancient Greece

direct democracy

systemof government in which political decisions are made by the people directly, rather than by their elected representatives

the most important feature of the athenian government was that

the legislature consisted of all citizens


a governmental body primarily responsible for the making of laws

in modern adaptation of direct democracy, representative democracy ,there is

initiative, refernedum, and recall


procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment


proposal by people


an electoral device whereby legislative or constitutional measure are referred by the legislature to the voters for approval or disapproval


procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from office before his or her term has expired

at times of american and french revolution (1700-1800)

the idea of government based on the consent of the people gained increasing popularity

at the time of the american revolution

the masses were considered to be too uneducated to governthemselves, too prone to the influence of demagogues (political leaders who manipulate popular prejudices), and too likely to subordinate minority rights to the tyranny of the majority

james madison menioned

the problems inherent in a pure democracy in the constitution

- he feared that it would deteriorate into mob rule


government in which sovereign power rests with the people, rather than with a king or a monarch

a republic is based on ____________

popular sovereignty

popular sovereignty

the concept that ultimate political authority is based on the will of the people

democratic republic

a republic in which representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies

represenentative democracy

form of government in which representative elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies, but in which the monarchy may be ratained in a ceremonial role

difference between demecratic republic and representative democracy

both have representatives but representative deomcracy the monarchy may be retained in a ceremonial role

universal sufferage

the right of all adults to vote for their representatives

majority rule

basic principle of democracy asserting that the greatest number of citizens in any political unit should select official and determine policies

free competitive elections

allow elections for all groups popular or unpopular

for all elections to be totally open

freedom of the press and of speech must be preserved so that opposition candidates can present their criticisms of the government to the people

key feature of the western representative democracy is that it is based on the principle of

limited government

limited government

a government with powers tht are limited either through a written document or through widely share beliefs

is dependent on popular soverignty and the powers of the government are also clearly limited, either through a writted document or through widely shared beliefs

representative deomcracy

the constitution

sets down the fundament structure of the government and the limits to its activities

many theories about american deomcracy

majoritariansim, elite theory, and pluralism

advocates of the majoritarianism, elite theory, and pluralism use them to describe

american democracy either as it actuallly is or as they believe it should be

some scholars argue that none of the three theories fully describe the workings of the american democracy

instead they all serve as a part but we need all three theories to gain a full understanding of american politics


a political theory holding that in a democracy, the government ought to do what the majority of people want

elite theory

the argument that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their self interests

movements that advocate simple versions of the elite theory

tea party movement and occupy wall street

occupy wall street members believe that

the top 1 percent of income earners, especially those who work in the finance industry, have too much power

tea party supporters believe that

the elite is the federal government itself


a theory that views politics as a conflict among interes groups. political decision making is characterized by bargaining and compromise

pluralism supporters see politics as

a struggle among groups to gain benefits for their members

many political scientists belive that pluralism

works well as a descriptive theory (how democracy should function)

problems with pluralism

-poor citizens are rarel represented by interest groups

-rich citizens may be overrepreseneted

-doubts as to whether group decision making always reflects the best interests of the nation

-danger that groups may grow so powerful that all policies become compromises crafted to satisfy the interests of the largest groups.

- democractic system can be almost paralyzed by the struggle among interest groups

writers of us constitution belived that the structures they had created would

provide for both popular sovereignty and a stable political system and believed that the nation would be sustained by its political culture

political culture

the patterened set of ideas, values, and ways of thinking about government and politics that characterizes a people

political socialization

the processs by which people acquire political beliefs and values

two most important sources of political socialization are the

family and the educational system

dominant culture

the values, customs, and language established by the groups that tradionally have controlled politics and government in a society

the most fundamental concepts of the american political culture are those of the

dominant culture

dominant culture in the US has its roots in

western european civilization which allowed american politics to inherit a bias toward individualism, private property, and judeo christian ethics

civil liberties

those personal freedoms, inclduing freedom of religion and of speech, that are protected for all individuals in a society

democracy cannot endure without

freeddom of speech

bill of rights

the first ten amendments to the U.S. Consititution

supreme court has held

right to privacy can be derived from other rights explicity stated in the bill of rights and government cannot ban abortion or private homoesexual behavior by consenting adults

when security of americans are fearful or vulnerable the government

emphasizes on national security over civil liberties

ex. japanese internment camps as a result of pearl harbor


as a political value, the idea that ll people ar of equal worth

equality and liberty go hand in hand

the more equality a nation has the less liberty people have.

ex. people can not say whatever they please or do whatever they please to people of race(take away liberty) so that racial groups have equality


universal equality

eglitarian system

a system in which wealth and power were redistributed more quallly


anything that is or may be subject to ownership. as conceived by the political philosopher John Locke, the right to property is a natural right superior to human law (laws made by government).

the value of reducing economic inequality is in conflict with the right to


b/c reducing economic inequality typically involves the transfer ot property

capitalist system is based on

private property rights


an economic system characterized by the private ownership of wealth creating assets, free markets, and freedom of contract

under capitalism, property consists of

personal possessions and wealth creating assets such as farms and factories

_________ is characterized by considerable freedom to make binding contracts and by relatively unconstrained markets for goods, servieces, and investments.


american politics in the twenty first centruy can be described largel yin terms of

ambivalence about big government

government can gain power when taking aggressive force

yet, lose power when making a whimsy mistake that affects all


benefits you are entitled to receive if you meet specific requirements

political ideaology

is a closely linked set of beliefs about politics

entitlements are a neccessary part of the social contract


political ideaology

a comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature of people and the role of government

almost everyone who has political opinions can be said to have an


_______________ offer people well organized theories that propose goals for society and the means by which these goals can be achieved.

political ideologies

the two ideologies most commonly referred to in discussions fo american politics are

conservatism and liberalism


a set of beliefs that includes advocacy of a limited role for the national government in helping individuals, support for tradititional values and lifestyels, and a cautious response to change

conservatism ideologists tend to favor

traditional practices and institutions

many conservatives view the __________ to be a time when american took a wrong turn

roosevelt administration (30s)

conservative movement

an american movement launched in the 50s that provides a comprehensive ideological framework for conservative politics

conservative values

-place a high value on the the principle of order.

-support for partiotism and traditional ideals

-oppose same sex marraige

-strongly endorse liberty (or more the freedom from government support of non traditional ideals)

-believe that the private sector probably can outperform the government in almost any activity

-usually oppose initiative that would increase the role of the government in the economy

-low value on equality

-typically oppose high levels of antipoverty spending and government expenidtures to stimulate the economy, favoring tax rate cuts instead


a set of beliefs that includes advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of individuals, suppor for civil rights, and tolerance for political and social change

liberals have always been skeptical of

- the influence of religion in politics

- in nineteenth century skeptical of govenment as well

during wilson and roosevelts reigns american liberals increasingly sought to

use the power of government for non traditional ends

- including support for organized labor and for the poor

-roosevelt introduced social security and unemployment insurance

modern liberalism


-civil rights movement

-women rights

-wom federal health care programs such as medicare and medicaid

-reacted more negatively to us participation in the vietnam war, resulting in skepticism about the us of US military forces abroad

liberal values

-high value on social and economic equality

-champion the rights of minority group members and favor antipoverty spending

-support affordable insurance that all can get

-often support government intervention in the economy

-believe that captialism works best when the government curbs captialisms excesses through regulation

-high value on liberty(live life to one owns values)

-support gay rights


a political ideology based on strong support for economic and social equality. Socialists traditionally envisioned a society in which major buisnesses were taken over by the government or by employee cooperatives


left side of the spectrum

socialists advocate for

-replacing investor ownership of buisnesses with either government ownership or ownership by employee cooperatives. They believe this would break the power of the very rich and lead to an egalitarian society

-limited programs that redistribute income


a political ideology based on skepticism or opposition toward most government activities


right side of the spectrum

libertarians values

- support property rights and oppose regulation of the economy and redistribution of income

- support laissez-faire capitalism (let it be)

-oppose government attempts to regulate personal behavior and promote moral values


advocate the most complete freedom possible in social matters

-tend to be economically successful individuals who hold libertarian opinions


often described as an ideology that supports "big government"

left of the spectrum to right


SOCIALISM VIEWS ON how much power should te government have over the economy? and what should the government promote?

active government control of major economic sectors


economic equality, community

LIBERALISM VIEWS ON how much power should te government have over the economy? and what should the government promote?

positive government action in the economy


economic security, equal opportunity, social liberty

CONSERVATISM VIEWS ON how much power should te government have over the economy? and what should the government promote?

positive government action to support captialism


ecnomic liberty, morality, and social order

LIBERTARIANISM VIEWS ON how much power should te government have over the economy? and what should the government promote?

almost no regulation of the economy


total economic and social liberty

four cournered ideological grid


two fundamental political values are

order(security against violence)

liberty(greatest freedom of the individual consistent with the freedom of other individuals)

for a govenment to be effective it must be

backed by legitimacy

the united states is a

democratic republic also called a representative democracy

3 theories of american democracy include


elite theory


fundamental american values inclue

liberty, order, equality, and property

value of order competes with

civil liberties

the value of economic equality competes with

property rights





when citizens of a nation do not enjoy liberty, the government frequently will

a. abolish the right to a fair trial

b. provide government funds to churches

c. hold regular elections


A democratic republic is based on all of the following principles except

a. popular sovereighnty

b.majority rule

c. unlimited government


A word or phrase used to describe our democratic system in terms of competition among groups is

a. majoritarianism

b. elite theory

c. pluralism


conflict of liberty vs order

when security measures are high, certain liberties are stripped

liberty vs equality conflict

promoting equality often requires limiting the right to treat people unequally

A major theme of american politics during the twenty first century has been

a. arguments over whether all citizens should have the right to vote

b. controversies over the proper size of government

c. disputes as to whether the government should assume the ownership of major banks


Popular american ideologies include

a. conservatism, liberalism, and libertarianism

b. conservatism, liberalism, and socialism

c. communism, liberalism, and libertarinaism


the process through which individuals learn a set of political attitudes and form opinions about social issues is called

a. political socialization

b. public opinion

c. social reform

d. social democracy


The rights of all adults to vote for their representatives called

a. universal suffrage

b. democracy

c. human rights

d. natural rights


The procedure allowing the people to dismiss an elected official from office before his

term is expired called:

a. recall

b. referendum

c. restructure

d. initiative


A form of government that controls all aspects of the social and political life of the


a. federalism

b. totalitarianism

c. democracy

d. monarchism


The condition of having no law and no government is referred to

a. anarchy

b. democracy

c. socialism

d. democracy


The art or science of government called

a. government

b. politics

c. aristocracy

d. socialism


In california we have

both direct and indirect democracy

According to scholars, politics is

who gets what, when and how.

the authoritative allocation of values.

the balance between greed and corruption and justice and equality.

a and b.


Harold Lasswell defined politics as “who gets what, when, and how.” This definition implies that

1. both a and b.


Government is

an institution that makes rules.

any club or organization that allocates values

found in all organized groups

who gets what when and how.


It becomes necessary to establish a government when

a society reaches a certain level of complexity.

the tribal leaders feel it is a good idea.

the United Nations authorized it.

there is enough money in the treasury to support a permanent bureaucracy.


The American and French Revolutions shared a goal of

government with consent of the people.

establish a monarchy.


establishing governments with universal suffrage.


A republic is

a conservative

an indirect democracy

a totalitarian state

an oligarchy.


In the pluralist view, politics is

only useful for the wealthy is society

the struggle among groups to gain benefits for their members.

Insignificant at the lower levels of government.

The major problem in modern society.


Active government control of the major economic sector is called:






Advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of individuals is







Advocacy of a limited role for the national government in helping individuals is







Placing high value on total equality and security is a characteristic of






Divided government is:

the separation of power between the executive and the legislature.

the ability of the President to veto and Congress to override.

when the executive is of one party and the Congress is of other.

the separation of powers between state and federal governments


why do we need a government?

- to provide social services (health care, transportation, environmental protection)

- law and order

-to defend the nation

-to insure justice

Four advantages of democracy

-peaceful transfer of power

-freedom of speech, press and express

-checks and balances (judicial review, veto, impeach)

-effective relationships between gov and the people

main points of the declaration of independence and who wrote it

Jefferson 1776

-human rights declaration (basic rights:life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness)

-revolutionary declaration (inform rest of world that they have right to change their government)

-independence declaration (13 colonies free)

purpose of checks and balances and the power of each branch

checks and balances is to make sure no branch has too much power

- judicial has judicial review, can state something unconstitutional

-executive has veto, can turn down a law

-legislature has impeachment

ancient democracy

direct democracy (Athens)

contemporary democracy

indirect democracy

for large nations

has universal sufferage

name 10 human rights

right to equality

right to marriage and family

right of peaceful assembly

right to rest and leisure

right to work

right to education

right to adequate living standard

freedom from slavery

right to fair public hearing

freedom of belief and religion