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50 Cards in this Set

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The term used in the text to describe allegiance to a party is...
party identification
Voter qualifications were...
left primarily to the states in the Constitution
A major reason why many interest groups formed in the 1960's and 1970's was...
the growth of government during this period
By world standards, American voterr turnout is...
Efforts by party activists and interest groups to turn out potential supporters is called...
The "culture war thesis" is...
highly exaggerated. We're not nearly so polarized as many media pundits argue
Thr basic law that governs US campaign fiance is...
The Federal Election Campaign Act
If the US voter turnout were to increase to about 85% the likely effect would be...
none of the above
The presidential canidate who wins the most popular votes...
does not necessarily become president
Approximately ___ percentage of the electorate are self-identified Democrats, and about ___ percentage of the electorate are self-identified Republicans
49 & 40
Recall your reading of Micheal Munger's Senate Testimony on the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002. According to Munger, what are the functions performed by political parties?
all of the above: to simplify and present political alternatives AND to organize and manage the legislature and the law making process AND to recruit and train canidates for political office
The interest group practice of attempting to influence legislatures by appealing to their constituents is known as...
grassroots lobbying
When a congressional committee, an executive agency, and an interest group constituency work together it is referred to as...
a sub-government/iron triangle
One of the most common ways that interest groups attempt to influence governemnt officials is through...
Women were extended franchise by the ___ amendment
The direct primary is...
all of the above: a Progressive reform AND a way for ordinary people to have a voice in nominating candidates AND an American invention
Lobbying techniques include...
all of the above: drafting legislation AND providing information to public officials AND testifying before Congress
Recall your reading of Ruy Teixeira Voter Turnout in America: 10 Myths. Which of the following is NOT among the myths discussed by Teixeira?
Voter turnout is low in part because organizations are relatively weak
The most competitive electoral era in American politics was the...
Civil War/First Republican era (1874-1894/96)
How many electoral college votes does MO receive?
The chief agent that mobilizes voters in modern democracies is/are...
political parties
Which party system/era introduced the major social welfare programs such as social security?
The New Deal era
The primary reason why one should care about the level of voter turnout is because...
citizen participation in government is the core characteristic of democracy
The Federalists ceased to be a major political force by the early 19th century, but their political legacy was solidified throughout history because of...
decisions written by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall
Recall your reading of "The Big Sort". What is the trend that the article argues is increasing political tension and polarization in the US?
People increasingly move to communities with politically like-minded people.
A CRITICAL ELECTION is one in which...
the existing electoral alignment changes
US political parties were weakened by...
the Progressive reforms
The second party system is often called...
Jacksonian (1826/28-1858)
Some Americans do not vote because...
a single vote has little impact on the outcome of most elections
Which of the following is a strong predictor of whether one votes?
Recall your reading of The Religion Cap. According to this, in what year did a significant gap emerge in the partisan preferences of the least and most religious?
About what % of party identifiers vote for their party's presidential nominee?
In 1870, the right to vote was granted to all black males by...
the 15th amendment
Political action committees may contribute ___ to each candidate per election
Why does the US have a two party system?
The American single-member district, simple plurality electoral system favors it
Political Action Committees (PACS) are...
specialized organizations for raising and spending campaign funds
The free-rider problem occurs when...
those who share group goals do not join but still enjoy the results of the group's efforts
Recall your reading of "The Scope and Bias of the Pressure System." Here Schattschneider argues that a primary problem with interest group politics is that interest groups influence politics in a manner that primarily benefits...
businesses and upper class interests
One of the principal rulings in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) was...
campaign expenditures enjoy First Amendment speech protections
US voter turnout was highest in the 19th century when...
political parties were at their strongest
Professor Dow argued that one important consequence of low voter turnout is...
those who vote tend to be demographically different than those who do not vote, and unrepresentative of the population
Political parties...
all of the above: Organize government, especially in the legislature AND help citizens assign responsibility for government performance AND aggregate and balance interests
Recall your reading of "Bellwether Politics in MO." In this article Professor David Robertson argues that there are several characteristics if the State of MO that makes it a consistent bellwether state in presidential politics. These inlude:
MO is both midwestern and southern, and captures the politcal trends of both regions AND MO demographic profile is very close to the national average in terms of age, income, and other politically relevant characteristics
An electoral system in which parties receive seat shares in the legislature that approximate their vote shares in the election is called
proportional representation
The Constitution stipulates that the president is chosen by
the Electoral College
Primary elections became important in selecting presidential candidiates in...
Which of the following is probably the LEAST important bases for voter choice?
prospective assessment of party/candidate policies
One may overcome the free-rider problem through...
selective benefits AND coercion
MO does not have partisan voter registration. Based on this fact, what type of primary election does MO use?
Political concerns about the primary system include which of the following?
Political activists and extremists gain influence in the process AND Primaries weaken political parties