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89 Cards in this Set

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Cote D'Ivoire's issues?
Colonial economy dedicated to export/cash crop.
-Monoculture cotton and coca..producers of goods separated from profits of goods

-Large uses of child labor
-Good for producers in bad times, not good.
-Child labor illegal yet still occurs
-29% of children are working.
-Focus on structural constraints
-Class (capital [bourgeoisie] vs. labor [proletariat])
-Core vs. periphery
Imperialism in the political sense?
world hierarchically organized with some societies with control over others
Imperialism in the economic sense?
advanced metropolitan (non-agrarian) countries exploiting colonies
-main problem of capitalism: imperialism. low wages and underconsumption by workers
developed countries' involvement in the developing world. Role in global economic and political scheme
--Slavery and forced labor
--Cost of goods
Dependency Theory
The notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former.

-Capitalistic development in south diff than in north, foreign capitalists prevent industrialization of south by forming alliance with elites (feudal landowners/comprador merchant class) in LDCs

LDCs EXPORT raw materials, import finished products. creates structural problem for south.
World-system theory
stresses that world-systems (and not nation states) should be the basic unit of social analysis.
-World-system refers to the international division of labor, which divides the world into core countries, semi-periphery countries and the periphery countries.

aka core=capitalism ...periphery= low labor jobs
Convergence between rich and poor countries, although slow in the mid-20th century, has (sped up or slowed down) in the past 30 years
SPED UP. (convergence means agreement)
The New International division of Labor (NIDL) refers to...
LDCs as moving toward manufacturing, and DC's as mostly in service secotr
Export Processing Zones (EPZs) have been criticized because...
they usually have low labor and environmental standards and minimal taxes.
HIPC stands for..
highly indebted poor countries.
Problems of LDC's?
-Capital (few domestic resources)
-Investment in infrastructure(roads, etc.)
-Customs and ideology (in some cases, traditional attitudes may inhibit development)
-Human capital (LDCs lack resources to invest in health, nutrition, education)
-Low productivity agriculture
Comparative advantage sucggests that LDCs should specialize in primary production (agricultural goods and minerals) BUT...
prices are large, export concentration can be destabilizing, and some evidence suggests terms of trade are moving towards manufacturing
Import substitution?
Policy of replacing imports by domestic production.
Export-led growth?
stresses production and income growth through exports (need to create things the rest of the world will buy)
-Successful in Taiiwan & Japan
Total loans made to low and middle-income countries?
Africa's alone?
500 billion
215 billion
Sub Saharan Africa receives 10 billion in aid, but loses 14 billion in debt payments per year.
true dat
Structural Adjustment Programs
Reschedule debt
Continue paying debt
Decrease gov't spending

results in unemployment, social unrest, fees for health education and other services, reduction in health care and education quality
Tied aid
aid tied to programs (we'll help you, but you have to buy things from us)
The Liberal perspective says....
The individual is key. The freer the better, relationship between politics and economics should be limited as possible
LDCs before WW1 were colonies, after WW2, Cold war effects & was no alternative to US investments, since late 1970s....
increased liberalization of policies, change in policies of emerging centrally planned economies, tariffs
The Grameen Bank is an example of:
the bottom-up approach. First/biggest micro-lending bank. Giving micro-loans.
TINA stands for
there is no alternative.
Human migration is a problem..
both internally in LDCs and externally for both LDCs and DCs
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the amount spent on health care is ...
about one quarter the amount spent on debt payments
The political spectrum is...
a conceptual map used to compare and contrast political ideologies
Laissez-Faire means:
let it be
True or False? Comparative advantage refers to the advantage conquering countries have over their colonies.
Amartya Sen
responsible for change in idea of what developments goals and means of development should be

expanision of freedom seen as both the primary end (goal) and means (how we get there) of development

places great importance in the role of public discussion nad debate.
The Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCA) is different than other US aid programs in six wayS:
1. Help support economic growth/poverty reduction in the POOREST countries in the world.
2. Independent of all other agencies. (removes political influence)
3. Offers assistnace to countries who are committed to economic growth, ruling justly, investing in their people, and encouraging economic freedom.
4. gay
5. large resources..5 billion ..twice
6. clear benchmarks
Civil society?
Voluntary associations that exist between the level of the family and the state.
idea that social movements are alternative to political parties. engage in non-violent mass movements to cause change.
Huntington's cultural argument:
Increased interactions among people causes civilizaiton consciousness and increases likelihiood of conflict. West should limit expansion of military strength to avoid conflict
Jihad vs. McWorld? (Barber's argument)
Traditional values vs. globalization/corporate control
Liberation theology originated...
within the Catholic Church in Latin America
The Bourgeoisie is the
characterized by ownership of capital.. rich group
Corporatism is ...
a system which the voernment restricts the development and operation of independent organiations
A devotee party is a type of political party...
with a charismatic leader
An aspiration gap is..
the difference between what is hoped for and what can be realistically achieved.
set of ideas that describe the world
emphasis on freedom of individual, equality, self-rule, limited gov't--John Locke
Two types of liberalism? positve and negative.
Positive-gov't has role in reducing inequality, fostering participation, promoting well-being of citizens (con creates dependency)

Negative- minimal gov't role, free market via supply and demand
Needs of society more important than those of individuals (natural inequality at birth-skills differ)
-Class-based, critical of private property and uneven distribution of wealth, predates Marx, its greatest promoter

Economy and society--shared distribution of goods/everything
Opposition to socialism and communism....inequality as part of race and nationality, strong leader key hierarchal society (hitler, mussolini)
Focus on removal of hierarchical power structures, call for voluntary cooperation as organizing principle, not unified ideology. (Zapatistas in Mexico in 1990s)
Three sources of legitimacy:
(majority of state has to approve or accept decision-making)
1. Tradition (based on cultural ways of recognizing power--this is how its always been kings etc)
2. Charisma-based upon personal attributes of leader
3. Legality -based on rules and procedures (elections)
Union organizaiton
independence curtailed by government
Independent unions
impossible or very difficult to organize in China, LA , Africa
Collective action dilemma
reality that it is hard to ge tpeopple to go forth and tak eaction
Social movement organization (SMO)
a named formal organization engaged in actions to advance a movement’s goals
Civil disobedience
Refusing to obey a law and doing it publicly and accepting consequences to call attention to an unjust law

Thoreau, Ghandi
Alberto Fujimori
is the first leader of a country to be tried in his own country by his own gov't for human rights abuses. PERU. Shining Path.....killed many civilians in the process, abused human rights like right to public trial...exiled but brought back and jailed.
Nigeria case study ch 11
Mexico case study ch 11
State collapse
the lack of provision of basic functions of the state; accompanied by a breakdown in law and order
Refugee camps play a role in prolonging conflict
rebel fighters /movements
Throughout the 20th century, civilian toll in wartime increased.
WW2 66% of deaths were civilians. "them or us" psychological minimzation
Carl von Clausewitz
Definitions of terrorism and terrorists differ greatly. The act is well defined, it means--
acts against states and individuals intended to instill terror & fear
US definition of terrorism is...
largely externally focused
EU definition of terrorism...
focus is internal.
Turkey definition of terrorism..
terrorism and terrorists defined by target, objectives and instruments not clear. can include non-violent actors
How many of the 200 wars since WW2 have taken place outside of LDCs?
The resource mobilization approach ..
takes into account the material and non-material needs of collective action participants
The term "fallacy of electoralism" refers to..
the mistake of focusing on elections as proof of democracy
The Bush Doctrine divided the world into two groups---?
those who support terrorism and those who fight it.
"Democracy dividend" refers to...
the popular belief that democracy will bring economic expansion and an end to corruption.
A "delegative democracy"
is characterized by a system that is led by elites and an executive who claims exclusive right to interpret state's interests.
a series of economic, cultural, and social processes through which sovereign national states are criss-crossed and undermined by transnational actors with varying prospects of power, orientations, identities, and networks
Terrorism is usually a tool of weak non-state actors
Mexico's Zapatista movement, fighting to restore old legitimacy of government.
Fight for Mexico's Constitution and its calls for justice and equality . GOV'T RESPONSE...harsh atrocities against civilians
How many killed by shining path?
70,000. 10% of civilian population
Case study Nigeria....
-Since independence in 1960 two assassinations and 6 successful coups (many unsuccessful)
-Military views itself as political actor, above all other institutions (contrasts to here where military is subservient to other institutions)
-Military fraught with internal divisions, loyalties to corrupt “military godfathers”
-Civilian rule shaky
-Major issue in addition to N-S, ethnic issues discussed earlier is issue of Niger Delta and oil wealth
-Writer and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa hanged by military gov’t for role in leading non-
violent protest movement
Case Study Zimbabwe
-ZANU (led by Mugabe) and MDC (led by Morgan Tsvangirai) major factions today
-Since 2008 a power sharing government between the two following what most saw
as a wholly corrupt election that Mugabe stole
-Today that shaky coalition in danger of collapse as Tsvangirai challenges
arrangement, threatens MDC will not approve any gov’t ambassadors or judges
because Mugabe is not consulting with him
Case Studies: Iran
-Military important ally for leadership control both in Shah’s era and post 1979 revolution
-Khomeini purged military of Shah’s loyalists
-Mohammed Khatami-reformist president (1997-2005) made effort to improve freedom of expression, civil society, ultimately stymied by religious leadership
-Replaced by President Ahmadinejad elected in 2005, hardliner (extremist)--challenged by Hossein Mousavi in contested 2009 elections, (Ahmadinejad rigged election) large street protests with harsh gov’t crackdown
Case study Iran..
-Military important ally for leadership control both in Shah’s era and post 1979 revolution
-Khomeini purged military of Shah’s loyalists
-Mohammed Khatami-reformist president (1997-2005) made effort to improve freedom of expression, civil society, ultimately stymied by religious leadership
-Replaced by President Ahmadinejad elected in 2005, hardliner (extremist)--challenged by Hossein Mousavi in contested 2009 elections, (Ahmadinejad rigged election) large street protests with harsh gov’t crackdown
Case study Indonesia..
-Japan invades Dutch East Indies. Japanese help them gain independence
-Failed coup...communists killed in purge of leftists
-A key characteristic is the continuing responsiveness of the gov’t to the preferences of its citizens, considered as political equals

-Huntington & Barber-->people fight by nature
Democracies are good at adapting .
SEN: argues that not everyone in society has to say democracy is perfect, but that it has value in worth.
-historical analysis shows its attributes are not uniquely Western, nor incompatible with particular cultures
Modernization theory
-Democratization final stage of social change wrought by modernization process
-Modernization creates new conditions (econ, social, political) that ‘pre-modern’ regimes are unable to deal with
-Fairly deterministic
-How to account for exceptions?
RC Elite Explanation
(democracy happens when the elites have a fractured system, and an opening can be taken advantage of)
-Elite school argues no transition happens without division within actors in authoritarian regimes
RC Mass-based Explanation
-Mass-based approach argues ‘the people’ key, not elites
-Mass protests change the strategic environment of decision making
create mandate for change, opportunities for opposition politicians
-When mass movements sufficiently strong, regimes have little choice to accede or be overthrown
-Contrast this ‘democracy from below’ explanation with historical structuralist approach
-Not just balance of power, but highly unequal power that drives process
test through chapter 14
Everyone benefits from an open economy and free trade. Believe globalization is positive.
New International Economic Order (NIEO)
attempt by LDCs to reform the international economic system. barely any changes.
International Monetary fund (IMF)
promoting market economics. global agency originally created to aid in the postwar recorvery of Europe. RICH countries dominate.
Top-down approach
aimed at benefiting the majority and are initiated by elites.
Bottom-up approach
when projects are initiated from the grassroots or the masses