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85 Cards in this Set

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This pest is less common than beetles, though able to readily infest all farinaceous products with larvae.
Indian Meal Moths
The female of this pest lays between 100 and 300 eggs and requires 6 to 8 weeks to go from egg to adult stage.
Indian Meal Moths
The larvae of thise pest spins web.
Indian Meal Moths
This pest has a copper luster on the outer two-thirds of their wings.
Indian Meal Moths
T or F
The Confused and Red Flour beetle are similar in appearance.
This pest is called "Tribolium" beetles
Flour Beetles
This pest is shiny, flattened, reddish brown.
Flour Beetles
The head and upper parts of thorax on this pest are densely covered with minute pitting.
Flour Beetles
The wing covers for this pest are ridged lengthwise.
Flour Beetles
The female of this pest lays an average of 440 eggs in her lifetime.
Flour Beetles
The eggs of this pest are covered with a sticky secretion and adhere to the sides of sacks and boxes.
Flour Beetles
This pests' hairs on outside of the larvae can cause intestinal trauma, eye irrication, dermititis, and allergic reaction
Dermestid Beetle

(Khapra Beetle)
This insect is a quarantineable insect.
Dermestid Beetle

(Khapra Beetle)
This pest, as an adult, is oval shaped.
Dermestid Beetle

(Khapra Beetle)
This pest is reddish brown with pale markings on the wing covers.
Dermestid Beetle

(Khapra Beetle)
This larvae is resistant to starvation.
Dermestid Beetle

(Khapra Beetle)
This pest can liver for several years without food.
Dermestid Beetle

(Khapra Beetle)
This is the most commonly found storage products pest aboard ship.
Saw-tooth grain beetle
This is a slender, flat brown beetle that is 2.5 m in length.
Saw-tooth grain beetle
The torax of this pest bears six saw-toothed projection on each side.
Saw-tooth grain beetle
This female can lay as many as 280 small, white, and slender eggs in a lifetime.
Saw-tooth grain beetle
This pests' eggs hatch in 3-4 days and the adult goes from egg to adult in one month.
Saw-tooth grain beetle
This adult lives 6-10 months.
Saw-tooth grain beetle
What are some food items with high insect infestation potential?
Dry mix
Cookie/cake mix
Dry beans/peas
Ready-to-eat cereal
When sampling of food items, use _______ sampling method.
When sampling food items, at what point would you inclease samplings?
When infestations are found
When sampling food items, open boxes and remove packages and plastics bags _______.
When sampling food items, take sample to inspect from the _______ area of the pallet.
When sampling food items, you would observe samples for the following:
1) Seams in sacks.
2) Pinholes in boxes and plastic bags.
3) Insect feces.
4) Webbing.
5) Cast skins.
6) Larval forms.
7) Adult insects.
When sampling food items, what items are at high risk?
Close to or past expiration date
Monthly routing sanitation inspections by the medical department to include ____ storage spaces.
Check itsms that have a high insect infestation _________.
ensure broken containers, torn sacks, and spilled food are promptly ______ from storeroom.
Stock rotation will help prevent ____________.
Ifn insects are found, separate infested supplies and notify who?
Supply Officer
If a small quantity of dry stores are found to be lightly infested with less than ____ beetles per pound (other than dermestid species and flour beetles), the infested item whould be removed immediately places in a freezer space for at least ____ days and used as soon as possible thereafter.
7 insects

3 days
Two weeks at ____ degrees F is required to kill all stages of the insects.
0 degrees F
If the dry stores are infested with:
___ living or dead dermestid larva
___ flour beetle adults or larva/pound
___ 7 insects (adult/larvae) of any kind/pound

what would need to happen?
Unfit for consumption

Dispose of the product.
Fleas are ectoparasites of _____ and ________.

What is the exception to fleas being ectoparasites?

Burrowing into the skin of host
This pest has a small, laterally compresed, hard-bodied insect that lacks wings, but are equipped with legs, especially adapted for jumping.
This pest feeds at intervals, uaually once a day.
This pest is the chief vector of bubonic plague and flea-borne typhus.
Oriental rat flea
This pest was introduced in all sections of the world with Norway and roof rats.
Oriental rat flea
This pest is most abundantly found in the sea and southern California.
Oriental rat flea
This pest is predominantely found in the summer and fall, becoming scarce in the winter months.
Oriental rat flea
What are the general protective measures in regard to the control of fleas?

Protective clothing

In regard to fleas control, in infested buildings, apply residual spray as emulsions or suspensions on floor, rugs, and on wall surfaces to a height of about _____ above the floor.
2 feet
In regard to fleas control, flea infested areas, such as yards and under buildings should be treated with what?
Residual emulsion
In regard to fleas control, to prevent entries to structures, spray the foundation to a height of _______.
2-3 feet
In regard to fleas control, when flea-borne diseases are presented, ___ _______ should be dusted with an insecticide prior to rat control measures.
Rat burrows
What pest is identifyable by their distince hard covering called the scutum.
Hard tick
This pest attaches to a host during feeding and remain there before engorgement is completed.
Hard tick
This pests' larvae and nymph take only one blood meal each.
Hard tick
This pests' adult female takes a single blood meal before dropping off the host to digest the blood and lay a single large batch of eggs.
Hard tick
Hard ticks have how many hosts during their development?
Hard ticks are the vector of what diseases?
Lymes Disease

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Tick typhus)

Tick-borne Rickettsioses of Eastern Hemisphere
Which pest lacks a scutum?
Soft tick
This pest hides in cracks and crevices in houses or in nests of their host and comes out at night to feed on the blod of the host for a short period of time.
Soft tick
This pests' larva and nymph feed several times before molting.
Soft tick
this pests' adult female feeds a number of times, laying a small batch of eggs after each feeding.
Soft tick
This pest if the disease vector for relapsing fever.
Soft tick
The soft tick is the disease vector for what?
Relapsting fever
What are the control methods for ticks?

Protective clothing


Remove from body

Clear vegitation

What are a few other names for mites?

Itch mite
How is a mite transmitted?
Close body contact


Burrows (horny layer of dermis)
This pest causes intense itching and occasionally erythema.
In regard to food infecting mites, they infest what types of foods?
Dry foods

Smoked meats
In regard to next inhabiting mites, they live in nests of birds and rodents and only bite man when deprived of what?
Normal hosts
In regard to nest inhabiting mites, the house mouse mite is an important member of this group, capable of vectoring what from mouse to man?
Rickettsial pox
Medically speaking, what can mites cause?
Respiratory complications
What are the three stages of mite maturation.


How many legs doe sthe mite larva have?
What do mite larva feed on?

Serous fluid
the nymph and adult stages of mites have how many legs?
How do you chemically treat for mites?

Head sterilization (cloths/bedding)
What are the control mesures for mite infested foods?

Sanitation (food storage/handling areas)

Residual sprays
Bedbugs infests who?
Warm blooded animals

Influding man
Bedbugs are known to vector what human disease?
None known
Bedbugs are annoying and can seriously affect what?
Bedbugs are flat, reddish brown, wingless with _______ mouthparts.
When do bedbugs feed?

When bedbugs bite, they will produce a small, hard, white, swellings called what?
Bedbugs will hide in the _____ of mattresses and bedding.
Bedbug pesticide application will be to what items?
Sides/seams mattresses


Corner of bunks

Empty lockers


Canvas bottoms/grommets


Behind all equip/close to bulkheads