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35 Cards in this Set

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5 steps of policy

Problem identification

Policy formation

Policy adoption

Policy implementation

Policy evaluation


Term used to describe most American public programs and their development/implementation

Focusing event

Event that allows for non incremental change. Ex Patriot act

Sunset clause

Establishing a bills death

California's economy

Would be 6th worldwide

California population

39 million

39% Hispanic

14% Asian

7% African American

10 million in Los Angeles

Water becoming an issue

Ca state legislation

Assembly 80 member rep .5 million each 2 year terms led by speaker of assembly

Senate 40 members each rep 1 million 4 year terms led by president pro term

Carpet bagging

Politician who moves to district to run for office


Political movement incorperating antiimmigrant an xenophobic beliefd

California governor

4 year terms two term limits, one of eight state elected officials

California supreme court

7 members, Max amount is 10k in small claims

3 types of direct democracy

Initiative, write your own law 5% pass.

Referendum, starts in state houses reffered to electors.

Recall, vote to remove elected official

California constitution

600 amendments, need 8% vote from governors election, approved by simple majority

California federal juristiction

Half of CA is under federal juristiction

Sub governmentd

Counties, 58 in CA, la is most populated 10 mil

Special districts like school's


San Bernardino is largest county

Country board of supervisors

5 members 4 year term 8 yr limit

2 types of election

At large election, cabidates can be from anywhere

District board election, must live in district you represent, all county elections

Lakewood plan

When city outsources like fire and police to the county

Eminent domain

Legal right of a state to take people's property for public projects


Middle class displacing poor

Bracero program

Historical agreement between us and Mexico to allow migrant workers to enter and work

The war powers act 1973

Limits presidential use of troops to 60 days unless Congress approves

Military approaches

Dove, politician with a peaceful approach

Hawk, politician with militaristic approach

600 billion in military spending

Grand strategy

Choice government's make to balance economy military diplomatic and other resources

Exit strategy

Set of criteria that must be met before troops can be withdrawn

3 historical paradigms

Munich, must confront dictators and aggression early, Hitler

Vietnam, can't have war unwinnable, unsupported, and unpopular

Pearl harbor, can't be caught offguard

2 countries most likely to start a nuke war

Pakistan india

Flashpoint of china

Island of tiawan is remote government

2 stances on foreign policy

Interventionalist, intervention to help others

Isolationist, stay out of others business


Killing of people because of their idelible group membership, like race ethnicy

Rwabdab genocide

Most killed by interahamue, 800,000 killed in 100

Malthusian hypothesis

Theory that overpopulation will cause food to run out in, current population 7.3 billion

Economic terms

Global north\firstworld countries are richer more stable population

Global south/thirworld countries poor and have 15% of world pop increase

Failed states

When central government is so weak it can't control it's territory, resulting in crime and corruption

My state asm and senator

Asm Freddie Rodriguez #52

Senate Connie m leyva #20