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61 Cards in this Set

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Monocots and Eudicots are groups found within the larger group _______________


Secondary Growth is more characteristic of ___________


Which of the following is (are) true for a monocot?

A.) Leaf Veins are Reticulated

B.) Taproots are common

C.) Single Cotyledon

D.) Two of above

*Single Cotyledon

-Veins Parallel

-Roots are adventitious

-Flower parts in multiples of three

-Vascular bundles scattered

-Secondary growth absent

A carrot is a ___________


Which of the following is (are) more representative of a eudicot than a monocot?

A.) soybeans

B.) grains

C.) Narrow leaves

D.) two of the above


Point on a stem where buds, leaves, and branches originate best describes a(n) ___________.


A(n) ______________ is most directly associated with forming a new branch.

Axillary Bud

Bud scale scars __________.

Provide a measure of annual growth

Veins in a monocot leaf __________.

Are generally parallel and contain xylem and phloem

Relative to the primary cell wall, a secondary cell wall is ________ the plasma membrane of a plant cell.

Closer to

_____________ is a branched polysaccharide in plant-cell walls that cross-links microfibrils.


Guard cells and root hairs are __________ tissues.


Derivatives of ground tissue include ____________.

Sclereids and Parenchyma

Provides flexible support for non-woody stems best describes ____________ cells.


___________ contains the highest amount of lignin.


The “strings” in celery primarily are composed of ___________.


___________ are more closely associated with xylem than with phloem

Vessel Elements

A sieve-tube element ________________.

Is part of the vascular tissue and contains cytoplasm

Consist(s) of undifferentiated cells that continue to divide and differentiate into new tissues best describes ___________


Apical meristems include _______________.

Axillary Buds and Terminal buds

Cells that form a root cap are derived most directly from a(n) ______________.

Apical Meristems

Root hairs develop from the ______________.


The endodermis ______________.

Produces Suberin and is composed of xylem and phloem

The stele of a root includes the ______________.

Phloem and Pericycle

Lateral roots develop from the:


Vascular bundles generally form a ring in ____________.


In eudicots, secondary xylem and phloem are derived from the ______________.

Vascular Cambium

Bark includes the ____________.

Cork, Phloem, and Cork Cambium

__________ wood is generally less dense.


The “wood” of a tree is mostly composed of ____________.


Which of the structures below is not a leaf cell?

Cuticle and Pericycle

Leaf veins consist of ____________.

Xylem vessels and Phloem vessels

Leaf epidermal hair cells that protect against insects and solar radiation are called __________.


Leaves primarily lose water to the atmosphere through ___________.


_________ carries sucrose from leaves to other parts of the plant.


A stalk that attaches a leaf to a stem is a:


A _____________, characteristic of eudicots, consists of a primary root and lateral roots.


Along a stem, there are multiple _____________ that are points where buds, leaves, and branches originate.


The primary function of a(n) ____________________ is to form new branches.

Oxillary Bud

One-year of growth in a plant can be determined by measuring the distance between two_________________ on a stem.

Bud Scale Scars

A ________________ usually attaches a leaf to stem.


_________________ is a layer between plant cells that is composed primarily of a glue-like substancethat is rich in pectin.

Middle Lemela

___________ is a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls that often is used for the gel of jams andjellies.


Vascular plants develop from ground, vascular, and ________________ tissues


_________________ is a type of ground tissue that provides flexible support for non-woody stems.


Stone cells that are responsible for the gritty texture of some pears are groups of sclerenchymal cellscalled ___________________.


The end walls of sieve-tube elements are called ___________________.

Sieve plates

The “life-support system” of a sieve-tube cell is a ___________________ cell.


A ______________ is a group of undifferentiated cells that gives rise to new tissues for the life of theplant.


The _________________ of a eudicot stem will give rise to new xylem and phloem.

Vascular Cambium

______________, which is the outer part of the bark, consists of thick-walled cells waterproofed withsuberin.


Photosynthesis in a leaf primarily occurs in the spongy and __________________ mesophyll cells.


_____________ is a large group of seed-producing plants that includes conifers.


Describe three differences between monocots and eudicots.

Monocot: Single Cotyledon, Veins parallel, and vascular bundles scattered

Eudicot: Two Cotyledons, Veins Reticulated, and Vascular bundles in a ring

What are bud scales and why are they helpful in determining the yearly growth of a stem?

Bud Scales are modified leaves protecting modified buds. They are helpful in determining the yearly growth of a stem because the distance between two scars shows one year's growth

Name the polysaccharides that compose the primary cell wall of a plant, and describe the role of each.

The polysaccharides that compose the primary cell wall of a plant are Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Pectins.


Cellulose---Forms major microfibrils

Hemicellulose---Cross-link Microfibrils

Pectins----Gives Hextin

Match numbers of the statements at right with cell types below. 1) flexible support for leaf petiole, 2)primary photosynthetic cells in leaves, 3) strings in celery, 4) stone cells, 5) highest amount of lignin, 6)ground tissue, 7) primary cell walls generally are thickened just at the corners, 8) storage of starch inroots

Collenchymal, Parenchymal, and Sclerenchymal

Collenchymal Cells: 3, 6, 7

Parenchymal Cells: 1, 2, 6

Sclerenchymal Cells: 4, 5, 6

Describe the structure (in detail) and function of phloem (including any associated cells).

The Sieve tube retains cytoplasm, loses nucleus, and org.; connected end to end with sieve tube at the end. connected to companion cell for life support. Sieve tube transports carbs. Sieve plates have pores.

Order the following root tissues from outside to inside: pericycle, cortex, xylem, epidermis, endodermis

Order: Epidermis, Cortex, Endodermis, Pericycle, and Xylem

Describe how secondary xylem, phloem, and new cork cambium are generated in a eudicot.

Vascular Cambien generates xylem and phloem. -> Xylem to inside, and Phloem to outside of the stem.

Cork Cambium is formed from cells lying near the Secondary Phloem

Describe the primary roles of the cuticle, palisade cells, guard cells, and trichomes in a leaf.

The cuticle prevents water loss

Palisade Cells: Photosynthesis

Guard Cells: Opening and Closing Stimata

Trichomes: Protection from water loss, radiation, and insects