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111 Cards in this Set

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The heartbeat is coordinated by:
the Cardiac Conduction System
1st in the Cardiac Conduction System
SA node
a patch of modified cardiocytes in the right atrium, just under the epicardium near the superior vena cava.
SA node
the pacemaker that initiates each heartbeat and determines the heart rate.
SA node
node located near the right AV valve at the lower end of the interatrial septum; acts as an electrical gateway to the ventricles.
AV node
acts as an insulator to prevent currents from getting to the ventricles by any other route.
fibrous skeleton
Sympathetic stimulation can raise the heart rate to as high as ____ bpm.
parasympathetic stimulation can slow the heart rate down to as low as ____ bpm
20bpm or even stop the heart for a few seconds
the sympathetic pathway to the heart originates:
in the lower cervical to upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord.
sympathetic stimulation increases the heart rate and contraction strength but dilates these:
the coronary arteries to increase myocardial blood flow.
the parasympathetic pathway begins with nuclei of the _____ nerves in the __________.
begins with nuclei of the VAGUS NERVES in the MEDULLA OBLONGATA.
Postganglionic fibers from the right vagus nerve lead mainly to the ___ node and those from the left vagus lead mainly to the ___ node.
Postganglionic fibers from the right vagus nerve lead mainly to the SA node and those from the left vagus lead mainly to the AV node.
the normal heartbeat triggered by the SA node is called:
sinus rhythm
at rest, the typical adult heartbeat is:
70-80 bpm
when stimulants cause other parts of the cardiac conduction system to fire before the SA node does, the extra heartbeat is called:
premature ventricular contraction (PVC) or extrasystole
if the SA node is damaged, the AV node produces a heartbeat of ____bpm, called:
40-50bpm, called Nodal Rhythm
parasympathetic stimulation ________ the heart rate.
a pathway by which signals leave the AV node:
AV bundle of His
forks that develop from the AV bundle of His which enter the interventricular septum and descend toward the apex
right & left bundle branches
nervelike processes that arise from the lower end of the bundle branches and turn upward to spread throughout the ventricular myocardium.
Purkinje fibers
the potential of the SA node is called:
pacemaker potential
the pacemaker potential starts at ___mv and reaches threshold at:
-60mv and gradually depolarizes until reaching threshold at -40mv
what causes the slow depolarization of the pacemaker potential?
a slow inflow of sodium without a compensating outflow of potassium.
when the pacemaker potential reaches threshold, whats the name of the gates that open? And what rushes into the cell?
when the pacemaker potential reaches threshold, fast calcium-sodium channels open and both calcium and sodium flow in from the extracellular fluid.
after the depolarizing phase of the pacemaker potential, what channels open and what leaves to repolarize the cells?
after the depolarizing phase of the pacemaker potential, potassium channels open and potassium leaves the cell, repolarising the cytosol.
each depolarization of the SA node sets off ___ heartbeat(s)
at rest, the SA node fires every ___ sec., creating a heart rate of ___bpm.
at rest, the SA node fires every 0.8 sec., creating a heart rate of about 75 bpm.
do pacemaker cells contract?
no, they don't have actin or myosin.
describe the pacemaker potential and action potential of the SA node:
-pacemaker potential starts at -60mv
-slowly depolarizes due to a slow inflow of Na+ (pacemaker potential)
-when the pacemaker potential reaches threshold (-40mv), voltage-regulated Fast Calcium-Sodium Channels open and both calcium and sodium flow in. This produces the depolarization phase of the pacemaker potential, which peaks just above zero.
- at about zero, potassium channels open and potassium leaves the cell, repolarizing it.
-when repolarization is complete, the potassium channels close and the pacemaker potential starts over.
describe the myocardial action potential:
-resting membrane potential = -90mv
-stimulus opens voltage-gated sodium channels
-sodium flows in and depolarizes the cell to threshold.
-threshold voltage rapidly open additional sodium gates.
-the action potential peaks at 30mv.
-the sodium gates close quickly
-as the action potentials spread over the cell membrane, they open slow calcium channels
-a small amount of calcium enters and binds to ligand regulated calcium channels on the sarcoplasmic reticulum which causes the SR to release even more calcium into the cytosol.
-the second wave of calcium binds to troponin and triggers contraction.
-at the end of plateau, calcium channels close and potassium channels open.
-potassium leaves the cell rapidly and calcium is transported back to the SR and extracellular fluid.
How long is the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle compared to skeletal muscle?
the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle is 250 msec., compared with 1 to 2 msec. in skeletal muscle.
a composite recording of all the action potentials produced by the nodal and myocardial cells
electrical activity proceeding contraction =
P wave =
signal from SA node that depolarizes the atria.
PQ segment =
atrial systole 100msec. after P wave begins.
PQR complex =
AV node signal depolarizing ventricles & atrial repolarization and diastole.
ST segment =
ventricular systole
T wave =
ventricular repolarization just before diastole.
List the features of the ECG:
-P wave
-PQ segment
-QRS complex
-ST segment
-T wave
One complete contraction and relaxation of all 4 heart chambers:
a Cardiac Cycle
Fluid dynamics: Flow is governed by these two main variables:
Pressure: which impels a fluid to move, &
Resistance: which opposes flow.
Blood pressure is measured with a:
A fluid flows only if:
it is subjected to more pressure at one point in space than at another.
The difference in pressure that allows movement of fluids is called:
a Pressure Gradient
Fluids always flow ________ their pressure gradient, from ________ pressure to ________ pressure.
Fluids always flow DOWN their pressure gradient, from HIGH pressure to LOW pressure.
Pressure is _________ proportional to the volume of a container.
Pressure is INVERSELY proportional to the volume of a container.
If P₂ > P₁ then pressure gradient is:
If P₁ > P₂ then pressure gradient is:
If P₂ > P₁ → pressure gradient
If P₁ > P₂ → pressure gradient
Do the heart valves exert effort to open & close?
No, they are passively pushed open and closed by the changes in blood pressure.
The first heart sound =
The second heart sound =
The first heart sound =S₁ "lubb"
The second heart sound = S₂ "dupp"
Which heart sound is louder & longer?
Which one is softer and sharper?
S₁ is louder & longer.
S₂ is softer and sharper.
The third heart sound, S₃ is only heard in:
Children & adolescents and is rarely heard in those older than 30.
What are the 4 phases of the cardiac cycle?
-Ventricular filling
-Isovolumetric contraction
-Ventricular ejection
-Isovolumetric relaxation
What are the 3 phases of Ventricular filling?
-rapid ventricular filling: 1st. 1/3rd; blood enters quickly
-diastasis: 2nd 1/3rd; slower filling
-atrial systole: last 1/3rd; completion of filling
The P wave of the electrocardiogram occurs at which phase of ventricular filling?
At the end of ventricular filling, each ventrical contains an End-diastolic volume (EDV) of:
about 130mL of blood
Phase where contraction of the ventricles takes place but there is no blood pumped out of the heart. S1 is heard at this phase:
Isovolumetric contraction
The amount of blood ejected during ventricular ejection is ___ mL and is called:
70mL and is called the stroke volume. (% of EDV ejected = 54%, called ejection fraction)
The blood that remains behind in the ventricles is called:
End-systolic volume (ESV)
EDV-SV=ESV therefore:
130mL - 70mL = 60mL
Isovolumetric relaxation =
early ventricular diastole
The amount of blood ejected by each ventricle in 1min. is called:
cardiac output (CO)
CO =
CO= 75bpm x 70ml/beat = 5,250mL/min
CO= 5.25L/min.
Tachycardia =
Bradycardia =
persistent resting adult heart rate ↑ 100bpm
persistent resting adult heart rate ↓ 60bpm
Factors that raise the heart rate:
Factors that lower the heart rate:
positive chronotropic agents
negative chronotropic agents
The nervous system doesn't initiate the heartbeat but it does modulate its:
rhythm & force
autonomic output to the heart is initiated by the:
cardiac centers of the medulla oblongata
S₁ = (sound) & occurs because of:
S₂ = (sound) & occurs because of:
S₃ = (sound) & occurs because of:
S₁ = "Lubb" & occurs mainly becuase of the L. ventrical blood turbulance/ hitting wall and valves.
S₂ = "Dupp & occurs mainly because of blood hitting semilunar valves
S₃ = occurs because of blood filling the ventricles.
When auscultating the heart, the sound heard are made by:
turbulence of the blood
the heart is under _________ nervous system control.
The two stimulatory effects of the neurons in the cardiac centers are:
cardiostimulatory &
the cardiostimulatory effects of the cardiac centers are transmitted via the _________ pathway; the cardioinhibitory effects are transmitted via the __________.
Cardiostimulatory center:
The sympathetic postganglionic fibers are adrenergic and release ___________ which then:
norepinephrine which then binds to beta-adrenergic fibers in the heart. This activates the cAMP second messenger system in the cardiocytes and nodal cells. cAMP activates an enzyme that opens up calcium channels in the plasma membrane. The inflow of calcium accelerates depolarization of the SA node and contraction of the cardiocytes, speeding up the heart. cAMP also accelerates the uptake of Ca2+ by the SR which enables cardiocytes to relax more quickly. Thus, norepinephrine and cAMP accelerate both the contraction and relaxation, increasing the heart rate.
hormones produced by the adrenal glands that also serve as neurotransmitters, aka catecholamines:
epinephrine, norepinephrine, & dopamine.
What do beta-blocker do then?
they would prevent the increase of the heart rate from sympathetic stim.
What are the two types of adrenergic receptors:

Describe them and their subtypes:
Alpha α & Beta β

Alpha: all are innervated and respond to norepinephrine
-α1: causes muscle contraction & glandular secretion
-α2: causes muscle relaxation & inhibits glandular secretion

β1: causes muscle contraction; innervated= responds to norepinephrine
β2: causes muscle relaxation; uninnervated= responds to epinephrine more
What are the two types of ACH receptor types:
Nicotinic = on skeletal muscle NMJs, stimulation causes action potential and contraction (Na+ rushes in)
Muscarinic = inhibits cardiac muscle action potentials, ∴ Slows ♥ rate
Cardioinhibitory center:
The Vagus nerves release ______ which:
ACh, which have an inhibitory effect on the SA & AV nodes. ACh binds to muscarinic receptors and opens K+ gates in the nodal cells. As K+ exits the cells, they become hyperpolarized and less likely to fire, so the heart rate ↓.
Which have a faster-acting effect on the heart, the vagus nerves or sympathetic nerves?
the vagus nerves because ACh acts directly on ion channels in the plasma membrane, whereas the sympathetic effects are delayed by the 2nd messenger system that acts on the ion channels.
List some positive & negative chronotropic agents?
Positive chronotropic agents:
-Sympathetic stim.
-hypercapnia & acidosis

Negative chronotropic agents:
-Parasympathetic stim.
Chronotropic agents influence:
Inotropic agents influence:
Chronotropic agents influence: Heart Rate
Inotropic agents influence: Contraction Strength
List some positive & negative Inotropic agents?
Positive Inonotropic agents:
-Sympathetic stim.

Negative Inonotropic agents:
-Myocardial hypoxia
-Myocardial hypercapnia
When catecholamines act on β1 receptors, they cause muscle to constrict. When they act on β2 receptors it causes muscle to dialate, so which receptors do coronary arteries have?
coronary arteries have β2 receptors, thus when catecholamines are affecting β1 receptors causing the rate & force of contraction to ↑, they act on the β2 receptors to relax and dilate the coronary arteries, increasing blood to the heart muscles.
The intrinsic rate of the SA node is:
The resting heart rate is held back from the intrinsic rate of the SA node by:
Vagal tone: a steady background firing rate of the vagus nerves, about 70-80bpm.
The cardiac centers receive input and integrate signals from:
-Baroreceptors (carotid sinus & aortic arch)
-Chemoreceptors (carotid & aortic bodies & medulla)
Describe the proprioceptors:
Proprioceptors in the muscles and joints provide information on changes in physical activity. Thus the heart can increase its output even before the metabolic demands of the muscles rise.
Describe the baroreceptors:
the Baroreceptors are pressure sensors found in the aorta and internal carotid arteries. They send signals to the medulla which may increase or decrease heart rate & pressure depending on circumstance.
Describe chemoreceptors:
The chemoreceptors occur in the aortic arch, carotid arteries, and the medulla itself. They are sensitive to blood pH, CO₂, & O₂. Hypercapnia and acidosis stimulate the cardiac centers of the medulla to ↑ the heart rate.
The chemoreceptors also respond to hypoxemia by ↓ heart rate.
Such responses to fluctuations in blood chemistry & blood pressure are called:
Chemoreflexes & Baroreflexes respectively, and are good examples of Negative feedback loops.
The electrolyte with the greatest chronotropic effect is:
Describe the effects of a quick onset of potassium:
Sudden increase in extracellular potassium makes cells more excitable. Outward diffusion of K+ is reduced, more K+ remains in the cell, and is closer to threshold. Can quickly lead to cardiac arrest. Used for euthanasia.
Describe the effects of a slow onset of potassium:
nerve and muscle fibers become LESS excitable. Inactivation of sodium gates, the heart rate becomes slow and irregular and the heart may arrest in diastole.
What can cause a Fast onset of Hyperkalemia?
When a crushing injury, rapid hemolysis, or old transfused blood releases large amounts of K+ from ruptured cells.
What can cause a Slow onset of Hyperkalemia?
renal failure & acidosis
Describe the process of Hypokalemia:
As ECF potassium concentration falls, more potassium moves from the ICF to the ECF and the cells become hyperpolarized and harder to stimulate.
The electrolyte with the most important Inotropic effects:
Hypercalcemia produces ________________ contractions and _____ heart rate; may lead to:
Hypercalcemia produces STRONG PROLONGED contractions and SLOWS heart rate; may lead to: ARREST IN SYSTOLE
Hypocalcemia produces ________________ contractions and _____ heart rate; may lead to:
Hypocalcemia produces WEAK, IRREGULAR contractions and RAPID heart rate; may lead to: TETANY
3 factors that affect stroke volume:
The amount of tension in the ventricular myocardium immediately before it begins to contract:
factor that affects stroke volume:
=strength of contraction
-the more the heart fills with blood during diastole, the greater the force of contraction during systole (or “the ventricles eject as much blood as they receive”)
the Frank-Starling law of the heart.
Factors that increase contractility:
Factors that decrease contractility:
Factors that increase contractility: Positive Inotropic agents
Factors that decrease contractility: Negative Inotropic agents
The blood pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk immediately distal to the semilunar valves; opposes the opening of these valves and thus limits stroke volume:
↑ afterload = __ stroke volume.
↑ afterload = ↓ stroke volume
___________ and __________ increase afterload.
Hypertension and atherosclerosis increase afterload.
Right ventricular failure due to obstructed pulmonary circulation is called:
Cor pulmonale; a common complication of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and black lung disease.
Explain how exercise affects proprioceptors and blood flow:
Proprioceptors in the muscles and joints transmit to the cardiac centers signalling the need for increased blood flow to muscles → Muscular activity increases venous return → This ↑ preload on R. Ventricle → ↑ preload in L. ventricle as more blood flows through the pulmonary circuit → stroke volume to body ↑ to match ↑ venous return.
Training → ventricle hypertrophy which:
→ ↑ SV and allows the heart to beat more slowly and still maintain the same cardiac output.
Solution of these is used for the emergency treatment of heart attacks:
calcium chloride & glucagon
cardiac stimulant from the foxglove plant that raises the intracellular calcium level and contraction strength; used to treat congestive heart failure: