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33 Cards in this Set

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Difference between Ohmic and Non ohmic resistor

1) Obeys the ohm law - Doesn't obey

V/I is constant - V/I is different for different values of V and I

2)The VI graph is a straight line through origin - curved line ,not necessary to pass through origin.

3)slope of V/I graph is same at given temp - not same at given temo

Factors that affect Resistance of a conductor

1)Nature of Conductor

2)Length ( directly proportional)

3)Thickness (indirectly proportional)

4) Temp (direct)

What is resistivity

What affects specific resistance

1)Different for different substances

2) Temp ( direct) but indirect for semi conductors

What is a fuse wire made out of

Lead and tin

Filament of bulb ( non ohmic)


What is a superconductor

A superconductor is a substance of zero resistance of infinite conductance at a very low temperature example Mark III below 4.2 K and let below 7.25 K , and niobium below 9.2 k

Factors affecting emf

The EMF of a cell depends on

1) the material of the electrodes

2) the electrolyte used in cell

Factors affecting internal resistance

1) surface area of electrodes(indirect

2) distance between the electrodes( direct)

3) the nature and concentration of electrolyte ( direct(

4) temperature of the electrolyte (indirect)

Heating effect of current

1) amount of current passing through the wire (direct to the square of current )

2) resistance of the wire (direct)

3) time for which current is passed (direct)

Advantage of ring system

1)no need of direct connection to mains for every appliance hence saves money

2)Each appliance can work independently even if other have got fused

3)when installing new appliance no new lineup required but only a connection from the ring is required

Disadvantage of connecting in serioes

1)voltage gets divided into appliances

2)Resistance increases hence decreasing the current so each appliance gets less power

3)no appliance can be operated independently

Rise in temperature of fuse wire depends on?

1) current rating

2) it's radius

Similarities between solenoid and bar magnet

Dissimilarities between current carrying solenoid and bar magnet ?

1)strength of magnetic field can be changed by increasing current while magnetic field of bar magnet is fixed

2)direction of magnet can be reversed by reversing the direction of current

How to increase magnetic field of an electro magnet

1)increasing no. Of turns in the solenoid

2)increasing the current

Electro magnet Vs Permanent Magnet

Advantages of electromagnet over permanent magnet

1) can produce a strong magnetic field

2) strength of magnetic field can easily be changed

3)Polarity can be reversed

Convention for circuits ( old Nd new)

How to increase speed of rotation of DC motor

1) increasing strength of current in the coil, coil means the shaft where the current pass thru that is ABCD

2)Increasing no. Of turns in the coil

3) increasing area of coil

4) by increasing strength of magnetic field

What effect the induced emf

1) rate of change of magnetic flux with each turn

2) no. Of turns in coil

Turns ration


Es/EP= Turns ration

Es= EP*turns ratio

Turns tattoo and all formula

Step up Vs step down

Condition to hear an echo

1)distance between source and reflector must be 17 m

2) size of reflector must be large enough to compared to the wavelength of the sound

3) the intensity of sound should be such that after reflection it can be heard

Why ultrasonic waves are used

1)they can travel undeviated thru a long distance

2)They can be confined to a narrow beam

3)they are not easily absorbed into a medium


Sound navigation and ranging

Radio detection and ranging

Uses of echo

1)imaging of organs - ultrasonography

2) echo cardiography


Electron volt

The energy of atomic particles is measured in eV

eV is the energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated through a PD of 1 volt ,

1eV = 1.6*10^-19


1 calorie is the heat energy required to raise temp of water at 14.5°C to 15.5°C

1J = 0.24calorie

Relation of momentum with K.E.

Momentum = p

p = mv


What does work energy theorem say

The work done by a force on a moving body is equal to the increase in its kinetic energy

W= Kf-Ki