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83 Cards in this Set

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What condition is this?
Vitiligo: compelte absence of melanin pigment. Harmless.
Mnemonic for danger signs of pigmented skin lesions
Border irregulatiry
color variation
diameter greater than 6 mm
What is this?
Junctional Nevus (mole). Macular only (not palpable) and occurs in children and adolescents
What is this?
Compound Nevi (Junctional Nevi can evolve to this). Macular and papular.
intense redness of skin from excess blood in the dilated superficial capillaries.
D/t blushing, infection, local inflammation etc.
baldness (hair loss)
circular shape to skin lesion
elevated cavity containing free fluidl arger than 1 cm diameter
skin lesions that run together
thick, dried-out exudate left on skin when vesicles/pustules burst or dry up
What condition is this?
cyanosis: dusky color d/t increased amount of unoxygenated hgb
What is this?
Cafe au lait spot, present at birth, normal finding
what are these?
cherry angioma
What is this?
erythema toxicum, common rash in first 3-4 days of life, normal, unknown cause
(boil) suppurative inflammatory skin lesion d/t infected hair follicle
linear crack in skin extending into dermis
scooped out shallow depression in skin
self inflicted abrasion on skin d/t scratching
skin lesion d/t benign proliferation of blood vessels in the dermis
hypertrophic scar elevated beyond site of original injury
tichtly packed set of papules that thickens skin, from prolonged intesnse scratching
What is this?
maceration: softening of tissue by soaking
benign fatty tumor
flat skin lesion with only a color change
elevated skin lesion > 1 cm diameter
excessively pale
palpable skin lesion, < 1 cm diameter
red-purple skin lesion d/t blood in tissues from breaks in blood vessels
elevated cavity containing thick, turbid fluid
skin lesion d/t permanently enlarged and dilated blood vessels that are visible
what are these?
vesicles: elevated cavities containing free fluid up to 1 cm diameter
What is this?
wheal: raised red skin lesion d/t interstitial fluid
linear shape of skin lesion along a nerve route
3 layers of skin
epidermis: keratin (strength, protein) & melanin (color)
dermis: inner supportive layer, mostly collagen (connective tissue)
subcutaneous layer: adipose
define 2 types of human hair
fine faint vellus hair (covers most of body)
terminal hair: darker thicker scalp, groin, axilla, face/chest in men
eccrine gland
coiled tubules that open directly onto skin surface and produce sweat
apocrine gland
produce thick milky secretion and open into hair follicles, secrete with emotional/sexual stimulation
sebaceous gland
produce protective lipid substance called sebum secreted through hair follicles
functions of this skin (9)
protection (microorganisms)
prevents penetration
temperature regulation
wound repair
absorption and excretion
production of vit D
causes of pallor
acute high stress states d/t peripheral vasoconstriction, exposure to cold, cigarette smoking, edema
describe pitting edema 4 point scale
1= mild pitting, slight indentation no perceptible swelling of leg
2= moderate pitting, indentation subsides rapidly
3=deep pitting, indentation remains for a short time, leg looks swollen
4= very deep pitting, indentation lasts a long time, leg is very swollen
generalized body edema, consider a central cause like heart failure/kidney failure
peau d'orange/pig skin
raised hair follicles from edema give this look
What is this?
peau d'orange skin or pig skin, from edema (raises hair follicles)
hypothyroidism effect on skin
skin feels dry rough and flaky
hyperthyroidism effect on skin
skin feels smoother, softer like velvet
What is this?
Mongolian spot. Normal finding in new borns, Hyperpigmentation, present in 85% of blacks, asians and american indieans 9% whites
what is this?
cutis marmorata: transient mottline in response to cooler room temps, normal in infants
tiny white papules on the cheeks/forehead/nose/chin infants d/t sebum that occludes follicle opening. Don't squeeze. resolve on own in a few weeks. Normal in infants.
What is this?
curtis marmorata: transient mottling in the trunk and extremities in response to cooler room temps.
What is this?
lentigines: or "liver spots" flat brown macules. non malignant, normal in elderly
seborrheic keratosis
dark greasy "stuck on" appearing lesions, non cancerous, normal in older adult
actinic keratosis
red-tan scaly lesions increase over the years to become raised and roughened, directly related to sun exposure can lead to squamos cell carcinoma
What is this?
acrochordon: "skin tag", overgrowth of normal skin, normal in adults
sebaceous hyperplasia
raised yellow papules with central depression,more common in older men on face, pebbly appearance
hives, wheals coalesced to form extensive reaction, intensely pruritic
difference between macule and papule?
you can feel a papule, both are < 1 cm
a bruise you can feel
purple spots caused by minor hemorrhage (broke capillaries), can be caused by intense bout of crying/coughing/vomiting
purpura vs petichia
purpura measure up to 1 cm
petichia less than 3 mm
localized collection of blodo outside blood vessel (whereas bruise is thin layer of blood under skin)
Chicken pox
small, tight vesicles first appear on trunk, errupt in crops over several days, then become pustules then crusts. Very pruritic
German measles (rubella)
pink papular rash (similar to measles but paler) first on face then spreads. Differentiated from measles by Presence of neck lymphadenopathy and absence of Koplik spots.
Measles (Rubeola)
red-purple maculopapular rash, appears on 3rd/4th day. Koplik spots in mouth (bluish white, red-based elevated 1-3 mm)
Stage I pressure ulcer
skin intact but red, blanchable in light skin. Darker skin does not blanch
An erythematous lesion that loses all redness when pressed is termed "blanchable."

Blanchable lesions are due to vascular dilatation. Non-blanchable, erythematous lesions are due to the presence of red blood cells outside of blood vessels (extravasation).
Stage II pressure ulcer
partial thickness skine rosion with loss of epidermis or also teh dermis. Looks like abrasion/open blister.
Stage III pressure ulcer
full thickness extending into Sub Q tissue
Stage IV pressure ulcer
full thickness ulcer involves all ayers and exposes muscle, tendon or bone too
skin abscess vs. furuncle
abcess is collection of pus in dermis whereas furuncle is collection of pus in hair follicle
what condition is this?
koilonychia= or spoon nails, sign of hypochromic anemia, nails are flat or even concave in shape
What condition is this?
red swollen tender inflammation of teh nail folds, usually bacterial if acute, chronic often fungal in those who perform "wet" work
what condition is this on nail?
Beau's line
transverse furrow/groove d/t trauma that temporarily impairs nail formation (acute illness etc)
What are these linear markings on nail?
splinter hemorrhages
red-brown linear streaks, embolic lesions occur with subacute bacterial endocarditis or minor trauma
What nail condition is this?
slow persistent fungal infection,more common in toenails. Fungus causes greenish color change, crumbling or breaking
What nail condition is this?
late clubbing
associated with platelet production
diseases that disrupt normal pulmonary circulation (chronic lung disease, heart defects etc) cause fragmented platelets to become trapped in the fingertip vasculature, releasing platelet derived growth factor and promoting growth of vessels, develops slowly
What is the horny cell layer?
dead keratin cells that are interwoven and closely packed Its the top outer layer of the epidermis
where is the basal cell layer in skin and what is its purpose?
the bottom of the epidermis, where new skin cells are formed
hairs are threads of ____________
by 3 wks gestation, most of infants skin is covered with this, the find downy hair of the newborn
causes of pruritis
dry skin
drug reactions
obstructive jaundice