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79 Cards in this Set

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The nurse recognizes that ?? is a greatest risk for undernutrition?
a 5 month old infant
When assessing a patients nutritional status, the nurse recalls that the best definition of optional nutritional status is?
sufficient nutrients to provide for daily body requirements and for increased metabolic demands
the nurse is providing nutritional info to a mom of a 1 year old. what should she say?
it is important to maintain adequate fat and caloric intake
a prego is interested in brest feeding. what info should she share?
breast milk provides the nutrients necessary for growth as well as natural immunity
a mom of a 13 year old girl is concerned about her reacent weigh gain and appetite what should you say.
suggestions for snacks high in protein, iron and calcium
assessing a 30 year old unemployed immigrant from an underdeveloped country been in US for 1 month. what nutritional status might the nurse expect?
during a nutritional assessment of a 22 yearold male refugee, the nurse must remember to:
clarify what is meant by the term "food"
What is true concerning a nutritional assessment?
it identifies patients who are at risk of malnutrition
the initial nutriional screening should include what?
measurement of weight and weight history
a patient is asked to indicate on a form how many times he eats a specific food. what is this metohod of diatary information?
food frequency questionaire
a 68 yr od female is complaining of constipation. what concern exists with her nutritional status
the absorption of nutrients may be impaired
why is it important for a nurse to aske a patient what meds they take during a nutritional assessment
certain drugs can affect the metabolism of nutrients
what is the best response to a person who stated his food just doesnt have any taste anymore
when did you first notice this change
a 15 yr old girl thinks she is fat. what should you say?
how much do you think you should weigh
what is appropriate foods for a 3 yr old
finger foods and nutritious snacks that cant cause choking
what is most likely to affect the nutritional status of an 82 yr old
living alone on a fixed income
what is the most common anthropometric measurements of a nutritional assessment?
height and weight
if a 29 yr old women weighs 146 and the nurse determines her ideal body weight to be 120. how ould dthe nurse classify the women's weight
obese 100 x 146/120 = 121%
to perform a tricepts skinfold assessment, the examiner would do what:
after applying the calipers, wait 3 sec before taking the reading. repeat 3 times
when assessing muscle mass and fat sores on a 40 yr old female the nurse would use
mid upper arm cercumference
when evaluating a mid upperarm cercumferenace and triceps skinfold of an 82 yr old what should you remember
these measurements may not be accurate because of changes in skin and fat distribution
skeletal protein reserves of a patient who has been hosp. for frequent chronic lung disease, what should be included
mid arm muscle area
what is the best description for measuring frame size?
with the right arm extended forward and the elbow extended, measure the distance from fingertips to the condyle of the humerus
to determin total body fat at home, obtain measurements of:
waist and hip cercumferences
who is increased resk for obesity-related diseases?
29yr old female whose % ideal body weight is 125% waist is 33 inches and hips 36 inches
the mom of a 8 yr old boy is concerned about his weight. to determain whether this is a problem, the nurse will measure?
waist to hip ratio
what is true when determining the body mass index of a 80 yr old man in a wheelchair
height measurements may not be accurate because of changes in bone
what lab test could determin iron deficient 30 yr old female
hemoglobin and hematocrit
a 50 yr old women with elevated serum, cholesterol and triglycerides levels needs teaching in relation to these test with what?
info regarding lwo saturated fat diet
a person lost 20 pounds quick, what lab test should be obtained
total lymphocyte count
to obtain an accurate nigrogen balance and creatinine height index, the nurse must ensure that
an accurate 24 hr urin specimen has been collected
when evaluating the results of lab tests, the nurse knows
variations based on biocultural differences may exist
imbalanced nutrition as a result of dysphagia , the following data would be expected to find
inadequate food intake
a 21 yr old woman has been on a low protein liquid diet for 2 months what would be expected
decreased serum albumin
when assessing an 80 yr old, the nurse knows what physiologic change occurs?
slowed gastriointestinal motility
when planning nutritional interventions for a healthy active 74 yr old women, should remember?
decrease the # of calories she is eating because of the decrease in energy required from loss of lean body mass
during adolescence, unless disease is suspected laboratory evaluation of hemoglobin, hematocrit levels and?
urinalysis for glucose and protein are adequate
what is appropriate when collecting current dietary intake info?
have the pt complete a food diary for 3 days, 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day
who is most likely to have an anergic response when assessing skin test antigens?
an individual with malnutrition
what measures fat, lean body mass and bone mineral density?
dual energy x ray absorptiometry
what is measurement is an early indicator of protein malnutrition?
serum transferrin
when evaluating serum albumin levels, the nurse must keep in mind that:
low serum albumin levels may be caused by reasons other than protein calorie malnutrition
what condition is due to inadequate intake of both protein and calories?
can HIV women breast feed her baby?
no, because HIV can be transmitted thru breast milk
Riboflavin deficiency is seen how?
tongue is magenta in color
what are the risk factors for metabolic syndrome?
fasting plasma glucose level greater than 110
blood pressure 140/90
the internal structures of the breast are?
the breast is composed of fibrous, glandular, and adipose tissue
where are most breast tumors located
upper outer quadrant of the breast
Axillary lymph system are located where?
central, lateral, pectoral, and subscapular
If a patient reports a recent breast infection, the nurse would expect to find:
ipsilateral axillary node enlargement
females develop breasts when?
breasts usually develop between 8 and 10 years of age
Unilateral enlargement of the right breast with associated tenderness in a 10 yr old female is:
most likely normal breast development
a 14 yr old is worried about not having reached menarche. What should be asked?
the age she began to develop breasts
a women says her breasts change all month long, what is the best response
changing hormones during the monthly menstrual cycle, cyclic breast changes are common
what should a new prego need to know about her breasts
she can expect her areolae to become larger and darker in color
what should be know about breast milk
colostrum is a fluid that contains antibodies and usually present after the fourth month of pregnancy
what happens to older women's breasts?
after menopause, the glandular and fat tissue atrophies, causing breast size and elasticity to diminish, resulting in breasts that sag
What should a nurse tell a 70 yr old man with bilateral gynecomastia?
explain that this condition may be the result of hormonal changes and recommend that he see his physician
13 yr old black girls are expected to find on the basis of TAnners data on sexual maturity?
her 2nd sex characheristics will appear earlier than those of white girls her age
what culture group has the lowest risk for breast cancer
American indian women
Breast cancer in black women in the US???
is the leading cause of CANCER death among black women
the appropriate response to a patient stating she has pain her left breast is?
I would like some more info about the pain in your left breast
a females noticed a few drops of clear discharge from her right nipple, what should the nurse do next?
ask her some questions about the medication she is taking
what is true about benign breast disease?
The presence of benign breast disease makes i more difficult to examine the breasts
The nurse should explain to women that mammography may?
NOT detect all palpable lumps
What is accurate with regard to breast feeding?
breast feeding may reduce the risk of breast cancer
who would be at risk for breast cancer?
a 65 yr old whose mom had breast cancer
if a breast is slightly larger then the other, what should be said?
this finding is not unusual, but the nurse should verify that this change is not new
what is an abnormal finding during inspection of breasts
a woman whose nipples are in different planes (deviated)
if a patient has an inverted left nipple, what should be done?
should be determined whether the inversion is recent change
how should a screen for nipple/skin retraction during a breast exam be done?
have the woman slowly lift her arms above her head and note any retraction or lag in movement
what position is most likely to make significant lumps more distinct during breast palpatation
supine with arms raised over her head
what would the nurse consider to be outside normal limits during a breast exam
a patient has had 2 pregos, and her youngest is 10, her breast tissue is soft and small amount of thick yellow discharge from both nipples
the nurse should plant to ??? when a pt says she noticed a new lump
paplate the unaffected breast first
the nurse documents this as a small, round, firm, distrinct, lump located at 2oclock 2 cm from the nipple. It is nontender and fixed, what is missing
the info about the exact size of the lump
what is the proper breast self examination?
the best time to perform BSE is 4-7 days after the first day of the menstrual period
what should be tought about BSE?
BSE on a monthly basis will help you feel familiar with your own breasts and their normal variations
why do women's breasts change as they age
decreases in progesterone and estrogen after menopause causes atrophy of the glandular tissue in the breast. this is normal
if a change in consistency of a lump is becoming harder, what should be done?
because of the change, it should be further evaluated by a physician