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10 Cards in this Set

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Law of Universal gravitation
every body in the universe attract every other body with a force that, for two bodies, is directly proportional the the product of their masses and iversely proportional to the squre of the distance separating them.
Inverse Square law
a law relating the intensity of an effect to the inverse square of the distance from the cause. phenomena that follow this law: gravity, electricity, magnetism, light, sound and radiation.
the force than object exerts on a supporting surface, or if suspended, on a supporting string, which is often but not always due to the force of gravity.
being without a support force, as in free fall
spring tides
high or low tides that occur when the sun, the earth and the moon are all lined up so that the tides (due to the sun and moon coinciding) are higher and lower than their averages.
Neap tides
tides that occur when the moon is midway between new and full, in either direction. tides due to the sun and moon partly cancel, making the high tides lower than average and the low tides higher than average.
gravitiational field
the influence that a massive body extends into the space around itself, producing a force on another massive body. it is measured in newtons per kilogram (N/kg).
black hole
a concentration of mass resulting from gravitational collapse, near which gravity is so intense that no even light can escape.
Law of Universal Gravitation
F is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the two point masses,
G is the gravitational constant,
m1 is the mass of the first point mass,
m2 is the mass of the second point mass,
r is the distance between the two point masses.
Inverse Square Law