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29 Cards in this Set

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All protozoa of the Phylum Apicomplexa are ________. Examples are____________ & ____________ parasites.
Toxoplasmosis & Malaria
What is unique about the protoza of the Apicomplexa Phylum?
Sporozoites & Merozoites have an unusual organelle called the Apical Complex.
Where is the Apical complex located and how is it detected?
at the anterior end of sporozoites & merozoites and only deteced under eletron microscope.
The Apical Complex consists of:
1 or 2 polar rings
subpellicular microtubules
What is the function of the micropores.
function for ingestion of the host cytoplasm & other food materials durning the intracellular life.
Genius Toxoplasma & Plasmodium belong to what Phylum?
Briefly describe the reproduction cycle of Toxoplasma & Plasmodium.
Asexual reproduce by means of multiple fission.
Sexual reproduce by means of syngamy.
Oocyst are the end product of sexual reproduction.
Toxoplasma gondii cause what diease and what is the drug of choice for treatment?
Pyrimethamine (Daraprim) and Sulfadiazine.
Taken together they act synergistically.
What causes Toxoplasmosis? Method of infection?
Ingestion of zoitocysts containing bradyzoites. Ingestion of tachyzoites. Ingestion of Oocyst.
Undercooked meat(pork, lamb, beef) Unwashed vegs or other contamination from cat feces.
Sypmtoms of Acute Toxoplasmosis.
Swollen lymph nodes
headache & muscle pain
What causes Sub-Acute Toxoplasmosis.
Occus as immunity develops slowly. signs & sypmtoms extended. Tachyzoites continue to damage cells and cause extensive lesions in the liver, lungs, heart, brain & eyes.
sypmtoms of Chronic Toxoplasmosis.
Severe damage to the brain, retina, heart & skeletal muscles may occur.
Congenital Toxoplasmosis.
Tachyzoites cross through the placenta & infect fetus. Asymptomatic, however can cause spontaneous abortion, still-birth or mental retardation.
Prevention of Toxoplasmosis.
do not eat undercooked meat.
get rid of stray cats.
do not allow cats in house.
make sure sandboxes have lids.
freeze meat below -14 C for a few hours.
Toxoplasma gondii:
Definitive Host.
Intermittent host.
DH: Members of Cat Family.
IH: Humans, other mammals and birds.
V: Cockroaches and filth flies.
Bradyzoites are:
tachyzoites that are in the brain, eyes, heart & skeletal muscles and multiple more slowly.
What 4 species causes Malaria.
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium oval
3 of the species that cause malaria do not have reservior host. What species does and what is the reservior host.
Plasmodoum malariae.
What is the Definitive Host for Malaria species?
Anopheles Mosquito
What is the signet- ring stage?
Merozoites enter RBC transforms into a trophozoite which ingest host cytoplasm and develops a large food vacuole.
Plasmodium vivax is also referred to as what and why?
Benign Tertian Malaria, Vivax malaria, or Tertian Ague. 48 hour fevers, gracious because only invades young RBC and vivax for signet-ring stage. Ague (fever that returns at intervals).
Plasmodium falciparum is also referred to as what and why?
Malignant tertian malaria, Sutertian Malaria, Estivoautumnal, falciparum Malaria. 40-48 hrs, harmful invades all RBC, occurs during summer and fall.
Plasmodium malariae is also referred to as what and why?
Quartan malariae. fevers occur every 72 hours. Merozoites infect aging RBC.
Plasmodium ovale is referred to as what and why?
mild tertian malaria or ovale malaria. Rarest. only invades young RBC.
What is Blackwater fever?
Acute massive lysis of RBC as autoimmune condition. Hemoglobin and hemozoin are present in blood & urine resulting in dark urine(blackwater). fever, jaundice and vomiting. death from renal failure. Inadequate drug treatment of falciparum malaria infection.
Relaspes of Malaria occur why?
P. vivax & P. ovale cause relapses when trophozoites & merozoites destroyed in the blood but not in the liver (hypnozoites). the cycle in the liver is delayed up to 8 years.
Recrudescence of Malaria occurs why?
P. malariae can remain alive in the blood up to 53 years and cause symptoms to reappear.
Treatment for Malaria.
Chlorquine is effective against all strains (even hypnozoites). Primaquine is used for P. vivax & P. ovale. Mefloquine (Lariam) is used for Chlorquine resist P. faclciparum.
Name 2 drugs used as prophylactic for travelers to malarious regions.
Mefloquine (Lariam) and Doxycycline.