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268 Cards in this Set

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Segmented worms

Phylum Annelida

Latin word which means ring


Defining characteristic of annelids

One or more pair of chitinous setae or chaetae

General Characteristics of Annelids

1. Protostomic

2. Triploblastic

3. Coelomate

4. Schizocoelous

The annelids are the first group to develop a true coelom. True or false.


Eight cell stage of protostome and deuterostome.

Pro: spiral and determinate

Deu: radial and indeterminate

Coelom formation of protostome and deuterostome

Pro: solid masses from mesoderm splits and forms coelon

Deu: from folds of archenteron

The embryonic cell layer where the muscle layer is derived in pseudocoelomates


A fluid filled space within the mesoderm

True coelom

Importance of coelom development

1. Since there is an increase in animal size, new system of transport is developed to support the size.

2. More space for complex organs.

A vermiform body

1. Worm-shaped

2. Soft-bodied

3. Circular in cross-section

4. Longer than they are wide

Secretes cuticle


Made of collagen fibers usually in layers that spiral in alternating directions so that the fibers cross each other.


The annelids that lack cuticles

Few marine annelids that live in tubes

Protect the skin of the marine annelids that live in tubes

Mucus-secreting glands in the epidermis

Made of connective tissue


Made of combination of cells and non-cellular materials


An example of a non cellular material


The layers of muscles is located below the _____.


Develop from the lining of coelom (body cavity)

2 layers of muscles

The effect of circular muscles in the segment when they contract.

Longer and slimmer

The muscle under the circular muscles.


The longitudinal muscles has ___ distinct strips.


Effect of longitudinal muscles when it contracts.

Shorter and fatter

The oblique muscles connect the underside of the body of all annelids to each side.

False. Only some annelids.

The three muscles in an annelid's body.

1. Circular

2. Longitudinal

3. Oblique

The setae (hairs) project out of the ____ to provide _________.

Epidermis; traction and other capabilities.

The simplest setae are ______ and form ________ near the ______ of each side of each segment.

Unjointed; paired bundles; top and bottom

Parapodia (limbs) that have setae often bear more simple chaetae at their tips. True or false.

False. Complex.

Examples of complex chaetae.

Jointed; comb-like or hooked

The chaetae is made of ____________ and are formed by _______, each of which has a __________ at the bottom and ________ that can ______ the chaetae.

Moderately flexible B-chitin; follicles; chaetoblast (hair-forming) cell; muscles; extend or retract

What happens when the chaeta is complete?

The microvilli withdraws back to the chaetoblast, w/c leaves parallel tunnels that run almost the full length of the chaeta

Thae annelid's chaetae is _______ from the setae (bristles) of arthropods.

Structurally different.

How does the chaetae of an annelid differ from the setae (bristles) of arthropods?

The setae of the arthropods are made of the more rigid a-chitin, have a single cavity and are mounted on flexible joints in shallow pits in the cuticle.

Where can the parapodia be found? And where is it scarce? (Referring to phylums/organisms)

Nearly all polychaetes but absent in major annelid groups.

The parapodia functions as _____.


The parapodia are ________ of the body.

Unjointed paired extensions.

The muscles of the parapodia are derived from the _______ muscles of the body.


The parapodia are often supported ________.

internally by one or more large, thick chaetae

In burrowing and tube-dwelling polychaetes, the parapodia are ________.

Often ridges w/ tips that bear hooked chaetae

In active crawlers and swimmers, the parapodia are __________.

Often divided into large upper and lower paddles on a very short truck.

The paddles are generally ________.

fringed with chetae and sometimes with cirri (fused bundles of cilia) and gills.

Body consists of serially repeating, coordinated segments.

Metametric segmentation

Each segment (metamere) has integumentary, muscular, nervous, circulatory, reproductive, excretory and digestive organs. True or false.

False. No digestive.

Metametric segmentation makes the body of the organism more rigid and less motile. True or false.

False. Allows greater flexibility of movement.

Why is the frontmost and rearmost not regarded as true segments?

They do not contain standard sets of organs and don't develop in the same way as the true segments.

The frontmost section; comtainst the brain and sense organs.


Rearmost; has the anus on the underside

Pygidium/ Periproct

1st section behind the prostomium; means around and mouth in Greek.


The peristomium is not regarded as a true segment by some zoologists but in _______, it has ____ and _____ like those of other segments.

Some polychaetes; chetae; appendages

Segments develop one at a time from a growth zone just ahead of the pygidium.

Teloblastic growth

Annelid's youngest segment; oldest segment

Just in front of the growth zone; peristomium

Match the locomotion with the organism:

1. Peristalsis

2. Flex the body while using parapodia to crawl or swim

3. Looping

1. Earthworm

2. Polychaete

3. Leech

This lead to the need for many new systems such as the respiratory system.

True coelom


Gas exchange through skin


Thru gills associated with most segments (extensions of parapodia)

Where does the gills of tube-dwellers and burrowers usually cluster around?

Towards the end that has the stronger water flow.

Respiratory pigments:

1. Hemoglobin

2. Chlorocruorin

3. Hemerythrin

Among the three respiratory pigments which is the most common? where are the others found?

Hemoglobin; some polychaetes

Blood flows entirely in ______.

Closed system

All species have several hearts. True or false.


Increases oxygen carrying ability.


The feeding structures are similar for any species. True or false.

False. Varies widely.

The animal's diet is mainly the reason for its feeding structure. True or false.

False. It only has a little correlation.

In many polychaetes, _______ can be everted.

Muscular pharynx

When the muscles of these segments contract, the sharp increase in fluid pressure from all these segments everts the pharynx. Why does this happen?

Foremost few segments. These segments often lack septa.

Functions of jaws.

1. Seizing prey.

2. Biting pieces of vegetation.

3. Grasping dead and decaying matter.

Two families which have jaws.

1. Eunicidae

2. Phyllodocidae

In some predatory polychaetes, they neither have jaws nor eversible pharynges. True or false.


Palps are to _______. While ______ are to filter feeders.

Selective deposit feeders; crowns of palps covered in cilia.

Function of palps.

To find food particles in the sediment and then wipe them into their mouths.

Function of 'crowns' of palps covered in cilia.

To wash food particles towards their mouths.

Generally non-specialized mouth is to _______.

Non-selective deposit feeders

Function of unspecialized mouth.

To ingest soil or marine sediments.

Feeding structure of some clitellates, _____.

Sticky pads in the roof of their mouth. (Some can evert these pads to capture the prey)

Feeding structure of leeches.

Eversible proboscis or a muscular pharynx w/ 2 or 3 teeth.

An almost straight tube supported by the mesenteries.


Vertical partitions w/n segment


Ends with the anus on the underside of the pygidium


Tube-dwelling family.


In members of family siboglinidae, the gut is blocked by a swollen lining which houses, ______.

Symbiotic bacteria

The gut in the family siboglinidae can make up ____ of the worms' total weight.


Local control centers.

Pair of ganglia

Consists of a pair of ganglia (local control centers) above and in front of the pharynx, linked by nerve cords either side of the pharynx to another pair of ganglia just below and behind it.


Where is the brain found in polychaetes?

Generally in the prostomium

Enlarged and more complex, w/ visible hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain sections.

Some very mobile and active polychaetes.

Where is the brain found in clitellates?

Peristomium or sometimes the first segment behind the peristomium

The rest of central nervous system is __________.


Consists of a pair of nerve cords that run through the bottom part of the body and have in each segment a paired ganglia linked by transverse connection.

The rest of the CNS.

Bacteria convert inorganic matter (HS, CO2 from hydrothermal vents)/(CH4 from seeps) to organic matter to feed themselves and their host. True or false.


Worms extend their palps into the gas flow to absorb the gases needed by the bacteria. True or False.


All wastes are excreted across the body surface. True or false.

False. Anus gorl duuh

Has 2 nephridia (metanephridium) that open at both ends that discharge excretory wastes and gsmetes. True or false.


Generally forms a ring around the pharynx.


From each segmental ganglion, A branching of local nerves runs into the body wall and then encircles the body. True or false.


Two main nerve cords are fused in polychaetes. T or F.


Tube-dwelling genus.


The Owenia has a single nerve chord that has ______. It is located in the ______.

No ganglia; epidermis

Each muscle fiber (cell) is controlled by more than one neuron, and the speed and power of the fiber's contractions depends on the combined effects of all its neurons. T or F.


The effect of neurons on muscle fibers is the same with annelids. T or F.

False. One neuron controls a group of mucle fibers.

The output signal lines of nerve cells.

Giant axons

The giant axom is included in the annelids' ______.

Longitudinal nerve trunks

Large diameter increases the resistance w/c allows the annelids to transmit signals exceptionally fast. T or F.

False. Decreases

Shortening their bodies enable annelids to withdraw rapidly from danger. T or F


Cutting the giant axons prevents the escape responce and normal movements. T or F

False. It does not affect normal movement.

In annelids, the muscle fibers is controlled by more than one neuron. T or F


Giant fibers.



Nuchal organs



For balance.


Organs for sensory projections.

Palps (feelers and for feeding)


Primarily single cells that detect light, chemicals, pressure waves and contact.

Sense organs

Present on the head, appendages (if any) and other parts of the body.

Sense organs

Found only in polychaetes

Nuchal (on the neck) organs

These are paired, ciliated structures; only in polychaetes; thought to be chemosensors

Nuchal (on the neck) organs

The ocelli (little eyes) is found in all polychaetes. T or F.

False. Only in some

The ocelli in combination with _________ that can probably form images.

Camera eyes or compound eyes

Probably evolved independently of arthropod's eyes.

Compound eyes

Ocelli in some tube-worms is ______. To detect the shadows of fish, so that they can quickly withdraw into their tubes.

Widely spread over their bodies.

The staticyst is present in _______ and ______. Tells them which way is down.

Some burrowing and tube-dwelling

These are found on the underside of the heads of few polychaete genera.


The palps is used both in ______ and as _____.

Feeding and feelers

Some of the palps have antennae that are structurally similar but probably are used mainly as ______


Only in polychaetes and obligochaetes, never seen in leeches.

Asexual reproduction

Polychaetes and obligochaetes means fo reproduction.

Binary or multiple fission

Another reproduction means for polychaetes (eg. Sabellid tube worm)


An exclusively asexual species.

Aulophorus furcatus, an obligochaete

Seasonal, where some species are asexual in summer and sexual in winter.


For reproduction or for repair after suffering damage in oligochaetes and polychaetes.


Annelids are dioecious or monoecious. True or false.


The sex of an annelid is definite all troughout its lifetime. T or F

False. Some can change during their lifetime.

Sexes are usually separate with gonads occuring in each segment. T or F


Some species have gonad specific segments. T or F


As gametes mature, they fill the coelom and are released by the _____.


Fertilization can be internal or external. T or F


Ways of sperm transfer (3)

1. Females collects sperm released in water

2. Males have penis that inject sperm into female.

3. Some store sperm in spermathecae and has clitellum that produce a cocoon that collects ova and sperm.

Methods of sperm transfer of polychaetes.

1. Female collect sperm released in water

2. Males have penis that injects sperm to female

Polychaetes: Some only breeds once in their lives, some almost continuously thru several breeding seasons. T or F


Most polychaetes are gonochoristic all their lives. Some are full hermaphrodite or change sex during their lives. T or F


Polychaetes: Most lack permanent gonads. T or F


Polychaetes: An event where the rear of the body splits off and becomes a separate individual. (Suitable envi is near the surface)

Epitoky of few species

Ctillates: most mature ctillates are ____.

Full hermaphrodites

Ctillates: in a few leech species, younger adults function as _______ and become _________ at maturity.

Males; females

Ctillates have well-developed gonads but not all copulates. T or F

False. All copulates

Ctillates: cocoon also either produces yolk when the eggs are fertilized or nutrients while they are developing. T or F


Earthworms store their partners' sperm in spermathecae (sperm stores). T or F


Earthworms: The clitellum then produces a cocoon that collects _____ and _____.

Ova from ovaries; sperm from the spermathecae

Fertilization and development of earthworm eggs takes place in the cocoon. T or F


Clitellates: leeches' eggs are fertilized in the ovaries then trabsferred to the cocoon. T/F


Trocophore larvae are remarkably similar to ________.


70% of annelids are placed under this class.

Class polychaeta

Annelids under class polychaeta are mostly _________.


How many pair/s of eyes and sensory appendages (antennae) does class Polychaeta have? Where is it located?

1 pair; anterior part

Defining characteristic of class Polychaeta.


Paired lateral outfoldings of the body wall.


Parapodium: Chitinous support rods that stiffen the parapods.


Parapodium: Functions for protection and locomotion

Notochaetae and neurochaetae

Parapodium: active polychaetes utilize parapodia for ________.

Gas exchange

The upper section of the parapodium serves a _______.

Respiratory function

Function of intersegmental septum:

1. Allows hydrostatic skeleton to function independently in each segment.

2. Localized deformation and prevents backsliding during locomotion.

3. Temporary attachment sites.

Function of intersegmental septum:

1. Allows hydrostatic skeleton to function independently in each segment.

2. Localized deformation and prevents backsliding during locomotion.

3. Temporary attachment sites.

Intersegmental septum: burrowers have ______.

Perforated septa

Polychaete locomotion: use of ______

Use of proboscis; burrowing

Excretion: excretion for annelid nephridia

1. Protonephridium

2. Metanephridium

3. In modern annelids, the gonoduct and the nephridial tubea undergo varying degrees of fusion

The ammonia (nitrogen waste) is excreted through the _________.

Body wall

Excretory organs of annelids are more active in ______ and _______.

Regulating water and ion balances

Most marine polychaetes can survive in dilute marine environments. T or F


Dilute marine environments cause ______.

Osmotic influx of water and resulting loss of ions.

Efficient osmoregulatory abilities are only present in _______.

In few, those adapted in freshwater a

Two types of nephridia:

Protonephridium and metanephridium

Consists of a tubule; 1 bulb-like end of the tube is closed; other end is connected to the outside of the body; has a tuft of flagella in their bulb end; drives fluid through the tubule; some primitive polychaetes posses paired, segmentally arranged protonephridia - bulbular end projects through the anterior septum and passes into an adjacent segment; opens through the body wall by a nephridiopore


Present in most polychaetes; consists of an open ciliated funnel called nephrostome; projects thru an anterior septum into the coelom of an adjacent segment; other end of tubule opens thru the body wall at a nephridiopore; sometimes may open thru the intestine; one pair of metanephridia per segment; tubules extensively coiled; posterior end extensively dilated into a bladder; capillary bed is present around the tubule of a metanephridium - for active transport of ions between the blood and the nephridium


Found in some Polychaetes; associated w/ the digestive tract; funtions in amino acid metabolism in all annelids.

Chloragogen tissue

Class Polychaeta: asexual reproduction


Class Polychaeta: Exclusively sexual in most species. T or F


Class Polychaeta: Gonochoristic. T or F


In class Polychaeta, where are gametes produced?

Peritoneal tissue rather than in distinct gonads

Gametes released into associated segments (at least 6 adjacent segments; some in all segments). T/F


Marked morphological transformation in preparation for reproductive activity; sexually mature module that is highly specialized for swimming and sexual reproduction; 1 or more reproductive module that bud off from original parent or atoke; subsequently detach from the atoke and swim off to congregate with the other epitokes and discharge their eggs or sperm


Fertilization and larvae: fertilize externally. T or F


Trocophore larvae is feeding or non-feeding. T or F


Fertilized eggs develop into trocophore larvae (live as a plankton) —> sink to the sea floor —> metamorphose into miniature adult. T or F


Part of the trocophore between the apical tuft and the prototroch becomes the protostomium (head). T or F


Small area around the trocophore's anus becomes the pygidium (tail-piece). T or F


Narrow band immediately in front of pygidium is the growth zone. T or F


The rest of the trocophore beckmesr the peristomium (segment that has the mouth) T or F


Some species lack free-living larvae; embryos develop within _________.

Gelatinous egg mass

Some species lack free-living larvae; embryos develop within _________.

Gelatinous egg mass

Errant polychaetes have well-developed ______, ______ and ______.

Parapodia, acicula, and setae

Errant polychaetes have head with protrusible pharynx. T or F


Most are burrowers, some are surface dwellers. T or F

False. Most are surface dwellers and some are burrowers

Feeding habits of errant polychatetes.

Carnivorous, omnivorous, suspension and detritus feeders.

A voracious predator; feeds on dead or decaying organisms and coral polyps.

Bearded fireworm

The bearded fireworm is a slow creature and is not considered a threat to humans unless touched by a careless swimmer. T or F


Gas exchange thru diffusion requires an ______.

Extensive capillary system

Bristleworms (Nereis) have capillary beds in the ________ for gas exchange.


Sediment burrowers.

Sedentary polychaetes

Sedentary polychaetes are tube-dwellers. T or F


The parapodia for sedentary polychaetes are reduced, highly modified/absent.


Sedentary polychaetes has a functional acicula. T or F


Sedentary polychaetes lack protrusible pharynx. T or F


Feathery appendages are for protection. T or F

F. Food capture

Tube dwellers irrigating its tube with a peristaltic wave of muscle contraction. T or F


Defining characteristic of Class Clitellata.

1. Clitellum

2. Permanent gonads

A specialized epidermis.


Pronounced cylindrical glamdular region of the body for reproduction.


Secretes cocoon where embryos develop.


Secretes mucus that assists in transferring sperm between individuals


The clitellum produces this as food for the developing embryo in cocoon.


Class Clitellata is hermaphroditic. T or F


Subclasses of class Clitellata

1. Oligochaeta

2. Hirudinea

Subclass Oligochaeta has many setae. T or F

False. Few

Subclass Oligochaeta are mostly freshwater/terrestrial. T or F

T. Marine is only (6.5 %)

The parapodia is lacking in subclass Oligochaeta. T or F


The protostomium has complete sensory structure (eyes and tentacles). T or F

False. Lacks

Setae less densely distributed in the body. T or F


Gas exchange by ______ across moist body wall.


Divide the body coelomic cavity into s series of semi-isolated compartments


Musculature of Oligochaeta same with Polychaeta. T or F

T. Inner layer of longitudinal muscles overlain by layer of well-developed circular muscles

Ex. of species that belong in Oligochaeta.

Lumbricus terrestris

Oligochaeta has an absent anterior and lateral appendages. T or F


A glandular region characteristic of Clitellates.


Oligochaeta is hermaphroditic. T or F


Few segments in Oligochaeta produce gametes. T or F


Gametes are produced within distinct testes and ovaries. T or F


Sperms are exchanged simultaneously between two mating individuals. T or F


Where is the spermathecae located in the Oligochaeta?

4 pairs in each ,6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th segments (ventro-laterally)

The spermathecae of Oligochaeta is open outside thru ________ of _______, situated ventro-laterally in the grooves between 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9

4 pairs of spermathecal pores

Another term for spermathecae as it stores spermatozoa from another worm during copulation.

Seminal receptacles

Life cycle of worm:

Cocoon production —> cocoon —> hatchling —> juvenile —> adult (fully developed sex organs) —> reproduction

Type of reproduction more common in Oligochaeta especially in freshwater species


Process of asexual reproduction involves transverse division of the adult into separate section and subsequent regeneration of each section into a complete individual. T or F


This subclass usually has fixed number of segment (34)


Each metamere consists of several annuli. T or F


Hirudinea has posterior sucker. T or F


Hirudinea has a parapodia, other specialized respiratory appendages and head appendages. T or F

F. Absent parapodia

Hirudinea has a parapodia, other specialized respiratory appendages and head appendages. T or F

F. Absent parapodia

Hirudinea has few setae. T or F

F. Lacks setae

Hirudinea lacks septa. Has a continuous coelomic space filled with ______.


For blood transport.

Channels and sinuses

For circulatory fluid.

Coelomic fluid

Leech locomotion: lacks septa between metameres. Incapable if moving like oligochaetes. T or F


Leech uses anterior and posterior suckers to move. T or F


Some leeches are ectoparasitic blood suckers but many are _______.


A leech has _______ within the mouth which incise skin of the host.

3 toothed aws

Leeches has protrusible proboscis. T or F


Hirudinea reproduces asexually. T or F

F. No asexual reproduction

Hirudinea are simultaneous hermaphrodes. T or F


Hirudinea fertilize externally. T or F


Free-living larval stage is absent. T or F


Gian tube worms/ beard worms.

Family Siboglinidae

Family Siboglinidae is formerly known as __________.

Phylum Pognophora

Family Siboglinidae is part of which class?


Live sedentary lives in long protective tubes in marine sediments on deep seafloor.


Siboglinidae has a digestive system. T or F

T (intestine is only present in embryo)

Siboglinidae: Nutrient uptake from water and via symbiotic bacteria. T or F


Tentacles are continuous with the body cavity or coelom and contain________.

Blood vessels.

Rows of very thin single-celled units found on the tentacles; formed by the free or fused tentacles intermeshed to form a filter.


Function of pinnules.

Filter feeding, digestion, and absorption

Spoon worms

Class Echiura (formerly a phylum)

Clss Echiura has a closed circulatory system; generally Gonochoristic; spiral cleavage; trocophore larvae; ova or spermatozoa produced by unpaired gonad, shed into the coelomic fluid contained in the body cavity, nourished until maturation; external fertilization. T or F


Anterior nephridia functions for excretion. T or f

False. For reproduction. Lost its excretory function.

Burrowers in sand and mad; most are detritus feeders (in the seafloor) ; anterior proboscis is highly muscular and nontractable - ti sweep organic msterial from substrate. T or F


Unsegmented. T or F


Occur in seabeds; some rock crevices; mostly burrows in mud; few occur in brackishwater. T or F


Respiration takes place ______.

Across the body wall.

Hind gut is often utilized as a _________ by pumping water in and out through the anus.

Respiratory organ

Species under class Echiura.

1. Echiurus sp.

2. Bonellia viridis