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73 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of a Point?
Location in space with no dimensions of width or thickness
How do you label a "Point"

B or Point B
What is the definition of a Line?
A set of point with no beginning or end; one dimensional - length only
How do you label a Line?
Two points or one lower case script letter
What is the definition of a Plane?
Flat surface extending indefinitely in all directions; two dimensional (length and width only no thickness)
Unit 1
How do you label a Plane?
Three non-collinear points or an uppercase script letter.
What is the definition of Collinear?
Points that lie on the same line
What is the definition of Coplanar?
Points that lie in the same plane
What is the definition of intersect?
Where 2 things touch or cross each other
Two lines intersect at a ________?
Two planes intersect at a ________ ?
A line and a plane intersect at a ______?
What is the definition of a line segment?
PART of a line that consists of two points called endpoints and all points in between them (endpoints are on the ends of the line segment).
How do you label a line segment?
A and B are the endpoints of the line segment
How do you label the measure of a line segment?
Using two points with nothing over the letters.

What is the difference between Congruent and Equal?
Segments or Angles are Congruent

The MEASURES of the segments or angles are equal
What is the distance formula? (used to find the distance or length of a segment)
What is the midpoint formula?
What is the definition of a Ray?
part of a line that has one endpoint and extends indefinitely in one direction
How do you label a Ray?
What are opposite Rays?
Two rays pointing in opposite directions - 2 opposite rays for a straight line
How do you label an angle?
Using 3 points - the vertex must be the middle letter
What is an angle bisector?
A ray that divides an angle into two equal angles
What is a vertex?
the corners of any shape
What is a right angle?
A 90 degree angle
What is an acute angle?
An angle that is smaller than 90 degrees
What is an obtuse angle?
An angle that is larger than 90 degrees
What are adjacent angles?
two angles that have a common vertex and a common side
1) What is a linear pair of angles?

2) How are the linear pair related?
1) a pair of angles with non common sides that are opposite rays - they form a straight line

2) the sum of the two angles in 180 degrees
1) What are vertical angles?

2) How are vertical angles related?
1) two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting straight lines

2) vertical angles are equal to each other
What are complementary angles?
What are perpendicular lines?
two lines that intersect to form a right angle (90 degrees)
What symbol represents two lines are perpendicular?
What do we know about the slopes of perpendicular lines?
They are negative reciprocals of each other
What are Parallel Lines?
Lines that never touch each other
What symbol do we use to show two lines are parallel?
What is the definition of a polygon?
closed figure formed by a finite number of coplanar segments called sides (a shape with at least three sides)
What is the name of a 3 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 4 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 5 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 6 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 7 sided polygon?
What is the name of an 8 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 9 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 10 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 11 sided polygon?
What is the name of a 12 sided polygon?
What is the name of a polygon with n number of sides?
What is a equilateral polygon?
A polygon with all sides congruent
What is an equiangular polygon?
A polygon with all angles congruent
What is a concave polygon?
A polygon whose sides when extended to not go through the middle of the polygon
What is a convex polygon?
A polygon whose sides extended goes through the middle of the polygon
What is the Perimeter of a polygon?
The sum of the lengths of the sides
What is the Area of a polygon?
The number of square units needed to cover a surface
What is the formula to find the Area of a rectangle?
A = Length x Width

What is the formula for the Area of a triangle?
A = 1/2 x base x height

What is the formula for the Circumference and Area of a circle?
What is a polyhedron?
A 3-dimensional solid with all flat surfaces
What is a Prism?
What is a Pyramid?
What is a Cylinder?
What is a Cone?
What is a Sphere?
What is a regular Polyhedron?
All faces are regular congruent polygons and all of the edges are congruent
What is the name of this polyhedron?
Triangular Prism
What is the name of this polyhedron?
Rectangular Prism
What is the name of this polyhedron?
Pentagonal Prism
What is the name of this Polyhedron?
Triangular Pyramid
What is the name of this polyhedron?
Pentagonal Pyramid
What is the x-axis and y-axis of a coordinate plane?
The horizontal axis is the x-axis

The vertical axis is the y-axis
What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
This is used to find the length of a missing side of a right triangle
What is slope-intercept form of an equation?
y = mx + b
What do we know about the slopes of parallel lines?
They are the same slope