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85 Cards in this Set

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Where does the word "jain" come from?
Jina, which means "Conqueror"
How do they name their traditions?
They name their own (jina-dharma or jina-marga)
Who are the tirthankaras?
Human beings who have achieved keval jnana and are teachers of the path to moksa.
They go to the siddha-loka after time on earth as a teacher
Who are nigranthas?
Freed from the chain
Who are kevalins?
Those who have obtained keval jnana including the tirthankaras.
Who are the arhats?
Those worthy of obtaining moksha.
What language are the most ancient scriples of the Jains written?
Why is Jainism nastika and shramana?
because it is non-Hindu. It rose in retaliation of corrupt practices in Hinduism and Vedic religions.
Why is Jainism shramana?
Because it is non-Vedic. They deny the authority of Vedas, Upanishads, the ultimacy of gods, and the centrality and importance of Vedic sacrifice, oppose class structure.
Do the Jains have a concept of revelation like the Hindus?
No. There is no union with an ultimate, but focuse on experience as the end product. Stess the individuality of each soul, not on union with ultimate
How are the teachings of the tirthankaras delivered?
To the gandharas as sermons via divyadhvani (devine sound)
What do the Shvetambaras say about it?
The divine sound is a universal language with miraculous effects understood by every living creature at their own level.
What do the Digambras say about it?
Monotone vibration like AUM and all creatures understand the message at their own level of understanding
How is the Agama of the Jains described?
Sermons of those without shackles
basket of gandharas
scriptural knowledge
The shvetamarbar canon is divided into 60 texts
Purva (14 texts)
Anga (12 texts)
Angabahya (35)
The digambara canon consists of two works
How large is the Jain universe?
Finite but very large (343 cubic rajus)
Central cylindar is 1 raju by 14 raju
What are the parts of the Jain universe?
3 parts
-Higher world
-Middle World
-Lower World
Higher World
Total of 30 levels surrounded by boundless space
-Kalpa heavens
-Beyond kalpa heavens
-Siddha loka (where the liberated souls reside)
Middle World
1 level
Lower World
7 levels
What does the universe resemble?
A human torso, thus linking the purusha from Hinduism and the stature of the tirthankara
How is time structured, according to the Jains?
Eternal, but a series of incalculably long cycles. Each 1/2 cycle consists of 6 periods. The best period is very happy with very long lives. The worst is unhappy with less than 20 year lives.
At what time are the tirthankaras born in the world cycle?
3rd or 4th period of the half cycles.
Why are the tirthankaras born then?
the first two cycles have people living too happily and too long to worry about after-life. The last two periods, people are too concerned with survival than after-life.
What are substances conposed of?
Substances are aggregates of qualities and modes. There are non-material, mom-sentient substances, material non-sentient substances, and sentient substances
What kind of substances are there?
There are non-material, mom-sentient substances, material non-sentient substances, and sentient substances
What are jivas?
atomistic/monadic and indivisible, but material atoms can attach themselves to it
What kind of jivas are there/
There are disembodied jivas (liberated souls) and embodied jivas. There are 5 kinds of embodied jivas starting rom one-sensed to five-sensed
what kinds of karma are there?
Soul impeding karma-determines mental impediments to lieration
rebirth conditioning karma-determines the next birth
Are jains atheist?
They do not deny the existance of gods, they only deny dependance upon gods and hence are non-theistic.
What is the ultimate in Jain religion?
Both the being who has achieved enlightenment as well as the experience of enlightenment itself, known as keval jnana or moksha.
What does Shvetambara mean?
Clad in white
What does Digambar mean?
How do Digambar and Shvetambara difer on the life of the Mahavira?
The life of Mahavaira is more embellished in shvetambara stories than in digambara stories.
What do the digambras believe about Mahavira
Of Brahmin birth, never married , and became and escetic regardless of his parents wishes
What do the shvetambaras believe about Mahavira?
More liberal, born of a kshatriya womb, he married and had children and waited to become an ascetic until his parents died
Which passions caused the soul to be "moistened?"
desire and hatred
What conditions the severity of bad karma?
the intention and intensity of emotion with which the karma is done conditions the severity.
What is soul impeding karma?
obscures perception and knowledge and slows down path to liberation.
What is rebirth conditioning karma?
determines conditions of the net birth (body type, longevity, location, etc.)
What is bliss-defiling karma?
The worst, leads to aversion and attachment (the two passions)
How does the Jain remove karma?
by asceticism and sarifice of pleasures.
What powers are acquired by the removal of karma?
when karma is removed it leads to purification and/or development of common sense, reasoning faculty, limited clairvoyance, ability to read thoughts of others and onmiscience.
What is the bhavyata?
the directedness/potentiality of the soul to achieve liberation. It is the first step to achieving liberation.
What are the five bodies of Jain anthropology?
earthly body, metamorphic body, projective body, fiery bdy and karmic body, last two of which are reincarnated besides the soul
Which bodies besides the soul reincarnate?
fiery body and karmic body
How does asceticism function in Jain soteriology?
Asceticism is like a sacrifice. It is the key to release and is equivalant to drying the soul of its karma
What is the Jain path to liberation?
Asceticism-elimination of hatred and desire and its replacement with ahimsa.
How does the path to liberation differ for mendicants and Iaity?
The mendicants have to take 5 great vows at the 6th stage including celibacy and mendicant poverty, however the laity have to vow to undergo diurnal sexual restraint and they can earn a living buy by means that are least harmful to other beings
Why is ahimsa the central Jain virtue?
Ahimsa restores bliss and repairs all other faculties and hence is the central virtue in Jainism.
What is the state of those who achieve liberation from samsara?
They are called kevalins. In siddhaloka they exist in distinguishable forms resembling their last incarmiations but more compactly.
What is the kevalins state of knowledge/experience?
knowledge without distortion
What is the meaning of The full shape of the Jain symbol?
The shape of the universe?
What is the curve at the top of the Jain symbol?
Siddha loka where the kevalins reside
What are the three dots in the jain symbol?
faith, right conduct, and right knowledge
What are the four arms of the swastika in the Jain symbol?
the four states the soul may live in
heavens, humans, animals, and hells.
What is the palm symbol of the Jain symbol?
assurance (as in Hinduism)
What is the chakra inside in the Jain symbol?
Symbol of non-violence.
the name by which Jains refer to their own tradition
the conqueror
Are also kevalins, but are also teachers
atheistic, but non-Vedic
A non-Hindu religion
(Divine word)
The way Tirthanakars give their teachings
Jain Agama
Jain scriptures
Jain universe
temporal structure of the Jain universe
eternal but in cycles
6 periods in each 1/2 cycle
One half is progressive
One half is regressive
Soul impeding karma
obscures our perception of reality
Bliss defiling karma
worst kind
Atheistic religions
deny existance of gods
Non-theistic religions
give irrelevance to gods
"moistening" of the soul
the attachment of karma to the soul moistens the soul and attracts new karma
the potential to attain moksa
14 stages to achieve liveration
No harm
central virtue in Jainism
worship to the tirthankaras
why would a Jain do puja?
because tirthankara is the ultimate expression of human being. We strive to be like him. Not done with the idea of tirthankara helping humans in any way
Highest knowledge
release from bondage/final death
final liberation
kevala jnana
highest transcendental knowledge without karmic obstructions, omniscience
one who attains kevala jnana and resides on siddha-loka after time on earth
final moksha in Siddhiloka? What is it like?
complete omniscience, kevalin knows all beings in their singularity and their multiplicity. Total bliss
Jain symbol