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72 Cards in this Set

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Life, liberty and property are considered...

A) Natural rights

B) Legitimate rights

C) Illegitimate rights

D) Impossible in the state of nature

A) Natural rights

This philosopher believed the state of nature equated a state of war:

A) Locke

B) Hobbes

C) Rousseau

D) Rawls

B) Hobbes

According to Hobbes, what is the basis of human motivation?

Hobbes believes we naturally fear others and unless a social contract is put into place we will destroy each other. Constant competition over scarce resources.

People make a kind of deal in order to be a part of society. They agree to follow laws, submit to leaders and give up some power in order to reap benefits of society. This is referred to as:

A) Natural rights

B) Positive liberty

C) Negative liberty

D) Social contract

D) Social Contract

According to Hobbes, what is the most effective form of government?

A) Democracy

B) Absolute authority

C) Anarchy

D) Communism

B) Absolute authority

This is needed to stabilize a divided society. Centralized power cannot be divided by divergent private interests without losing hold on its power.

According to Locke, how is legitimate political government formed?

Legitimate government should be the result of a social contract where people in a state of nature transfer some of their rights to the government to better ensure the enjoyment of their lives, liberty and property.

TRUE or FALSE: Locke believes government exists by the consent of the people


According to Locke, what happens if a government fails to protect the rights of the people?

A) They have to accept the authority of the gov.

B) They have the right to resist and replace

C) This is an example of negative liberty

D) Political society reverts to the state of nature

B) They have the right to resist and replace gov.

_____ (natural/divine) law can be discovered by reason alone and applies to all people whereas _______ (natural/divine) law refers to God's law.

Natural; divine

TRUE or FALSE: The Ten Commandments are an example of natural law

FALSE: The Ten Commandments are an example of divine law

Which philosopher's thinking most resembles the Canadian System?

A) Rousseau

B) Hobbes

C) Locke

D) Mill

C) Locke

A good government contributes to the common good and people are able to act reasonably. Three branches of government serve as a more effective way for society to function

TRUE or FALSE: According to Locke, people are free to reject divine law but not natural law


What is the main similarity between Hobbes and Locke?

Both believed life, liberty and property were natural rights.

Which philosopher believed humans were nomadic in the state of nature?

A) Locke

B) Hobbes

C) Mill

D) Rousseau

D) Rousseau

He believed that we have no rights because we have no language or relationships to others. As soon as we start talking about rights, we have already left the state of nature.

According to Rousseau, distrust and fear only arise when there is...

A) Threat of bodily harm

B) Existence of private property

C) Lack of liberty

D) No political government

B) Existence of private property

TRUE or FALSE: Rousseau believed all rights are private

FALSE: Rousseau believed all rights are public, meaning they are bestowed on society.

TRUE or FALSE: Rousseau believed we should give up ALL natural rights to enter into the social contract


TRUE or FALSE: According to Rousseau, rights are not pre-political. They do not exist prior to the social contract.


What is the threat of totalitarianism?

Totalitarianism can be defined as absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution. The state controls the rights and creates the social contract, so they are in absolute control over the people.

What is the difference between private and public rights?

Private rights are the right to security of a person and liberty; rights that cannot be changed. Public rights are bestowed by the governments; governments can change and amend these rights.

Locke and Hobbes support ____ (public/private) rights whereas Rousseau supports ____ (public/private) rights

Private; public

(Positive/negative) liberty means the "capacity to" whereas (positive/negative) liberty means "freedom from"

Positive; negative

What is the tyranny of the majority?

The tyranny of the majority occurs when the will of the most numerous or active people in society deliberately oppress the minority. It is tyranny because the minority is always ignored - it's for the greater good to hear everyones voice.

According to Mill, what is the only legitimate power of government?

To prevent harm to others

Illegitimate power occurs when...

A) Someone is made to do something "for their own good"

B) There is interference in choices an individual makes over their own body and mind

C) Intereference with religious beliefs

D) There is an attempt to control private thoughts/feelings

E) All of the above

E) All of the above

What is utilitarianism?

Utilitarianism is the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.

Which philosopher promoted utilitarianism?

A) Mill

B) Rawls

C) Rousseau

D) Locke

A) Mill

What are disadvantages of Mill's political thought? Democracy can lead to...

A) Tyranny of the majority

B) Social tyranny

C) Threat of totalitarianism

D) A & B

E) All of the above

D) Tyranny of the majority and social tyranny

TRUE or FALSE: Mill believed an act could be inherently good or bad

FALSE: Mill believed acts were neutral - however the consequences could be deemed right or wrong depending on if they caused pleasure or pain.

From a racial point of view, how can the social contract be adapted?

There needs to be more awareness of what the ideal of equality conceals and about white racial privilege. Structures of injustice should be studied and criticism of whiteness of the social contract need to made more central. The social contract current embodies a white male perspective.

Which philosopher rejects liberty as a political goal and why?

Marx because he believes freedom is a goal only available to the rich.

What is Marx's solution to capitalism?

A) Democracy

B) Anarchy

C) Communism

D) Facism

C) Communism

Workers will revolt and capitalism will be replaced with a system where work is performed for the common good. Freedom is equal in a communist society.

Why does the capitalist have an incentive to reduce wages under the capitalist system?

Owners of the means of production are motivated by profit at the expense of the worker. This leads to exploitation, as companies are taking more from the laborer than is paid back to the laborer in the form of wages.

How does mechanization enable the capitalist to reduce wages?

Laborers will have less work to do because machines do it for them. It takes less time to produce goods and workers are more so needed for clean up and operation.

What is surplus value?

Surplus value is the difference between what a commodity costs to make and what it can be sold for.

What is the difference between CMC and MCM

CMC is the selling of a commodity for money and then using that money to buy another commodity. In contrast, MCM is the exchange of money for commodities and then exchanging those commodities for more money.

CMC begins with a (sale/purchase) and ends with a (sale/purchase)

Sale; purchase

The goal of CMC is use value

MCM begins with a (sale/purchase) and ends with a (sale/purchase)

Purchase; sale

The goal of MCM is surplus value

According to Rawls, what is the difference principle?

Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberties. c

Which philosophers endorse positive liberty?

A) Locke, Nozick and Rawls

B) Mill, Kant and Nozick

C) Hegel, Rawls, Marx

D) Marx, Locke, Rawls

C) Hegel, Rawls and Marx

Which philosophers endorse negative liberty?

A) Locke, Nozick and Rawls

B) Kant, Rawls and Marx

C) Nozick, Kant and Mill

D) Hegel, Rawls, Marx

E) All of the above

C) Nozick, Kant and Mill

How is it possible for positive liberty to threaten liberty? How is it associated with authoritarianism?

It is possible for an individual to take control of their own life although it is still being controlled by others. With positive liberty, there is no absolute freedom as you're still subjected to limits placed by others.

Why is Nozick considered Lockean?

A) Rights are private rights, everything is private

B) Theory of justice defends Lockean tradition of property rights

C) Believes in natural rights - pre-political rights

D) Negative liberty - no government control

E) All of the above

E) All of the above

Which philosopher discussed the notion of moral side constraint?

A) Nozick

B) Rawls

C) Hegel

D) Locke

E) All of the above

A) Nozick

There are absolute constraints upon what people may do to each other - cannot harm liberty, life or limbs or take property. Rights are held as side constraints.

TRUE or FALSE: Nozick advocated for limited state involvement.


Nozick thinks we should run government more like a business enterprise - no rulers, no legislative body, no parties, etc. The state has minimal control because people are able to act and exercise the freedom of choice.

Which of the following is NOT a key difference between Nozick and Rawls?

A) Rawls believed there should be a fair standard of living for all whereas Nozick did not believe there should be equality

B) Rawls claims differences in income should not be tolerated unless they serve the least well off. Nozick claims what you earn is yours to keep.

C) Rawls believes everything is private whereas Nozick claims society should benefit the least well off.

D) Rawls believes redistribution of goods and wealth sustains equality, and Nozick believes you should have freedom of choice to decide if you want to redistribute your wealth.

C) Rawls believes everything is private whereas Nozick claims society should benefit the least well off.

What is the most crucial difference between liberals and republicans?

A) How the democratic process is understood

B) Positive and negative liberty

C) Involvement of state

D) Transpolitical reasoning

E) All of the above

A) How the democratic process is understood>

TRUE or FALSE: Difference between diversity generated majority decisions and administrative power is determined by government apparatus.


The liberals are more concerned with (positive/negative) liberty


What is the point of legal order according to Liberals?

To determine which individuals in each case are entitled to what rights.

The right to vote is a paradigm case of:

A) The social contract

B) The state of nature

C) Political society

Transpolitical reason

D) Transpolitical reason

It is a reflection of transpolitical autonomy - there is protection of private rights because it is in the interest of all.

According to Liberals, how is success determined?

A) By approval of programs

B) The acquisition of votes

C) Participation in political society

D) A and B

E) All of the above

D) A and B

What is Sittlichkeit?

A natural community becomes explicitly aware of their dependence on each other and gives it explicit expression in public life.

The idea that there can be group will, the recognition of shared ethical substance, is referred to as:

A) Solidary

B) Liberal view

C) Deliberative democracy

D) Republican view

A) Solidarity

The idea of solidarity prevents political communication from being swallowed up by government apparatus or assimilated to market structures.

TRUE or FALSE: The Republicans advocate negative liberty

FALSE: The Republicans believe some condititons have to met in order to enable negative liberty. Negative liberty is pure freedom of choice, thus positive liberty is needed as well.

According to the Republican view, what is the state's purpose?

To guarantee an inclusive process of opinion and will formation in which free and equal citizens reach an understanding on which goals and norms lie in the interest of all

TRUE or FALSE: Republican laws are an expression of ethical substance


TRUE or FALSE: Republican rights are always a function of prevailing political will


What is the main advantage to the republican view?

It preserves radical democratic meaning of a society of a communicatively united citizenry that does not trace itself back to deals between private interests

What is the main disadvantage of the republican view?

It is too idealistic and makes itself dependent on the virtues of the citizens devote to the public good

Which of the following is NOT a shared ideal of liberals and republicans?

A) Competing interests need to be counterbalanced

B) Implicit agreements are required

C) Concerned with developing a collective self-understanding

D) They have no shared ideals

D) They have no shared ideals

"Compromises are reached among competing interests that are assessed as rights." This describes...

A) Solidarity

B) The liberal view

C) The state of nature

D) The republican view

B) The liberal view

"Dialogue takes place against a background of common understanding." This describes...

A) Solidarity

B) The liberal view

C) The state of nature

D) The republican view

D) The republican view

______ (republican/liberal) views the state as an ethical community and the ______ (republican/liberal) view the state as a guardian of market society.

Republican; liberal

What is power?

A) A right that everyone holds

B) The ability to repress

C) Knowledge

D) All of the above

A) A right that everyone holds

Which philosopher argued that power is not about the consolidation of one person's power over another, but rather something that circulates?

A) Nozick

B) Foucault

C) Rawls

D) Locke

B) Foucault

Opposition between legitimate and illegitimate power is referred to as...

A) Solidarity

B) The state of nature

C) Contract-oppression schema

D) War-repression schema

C) Contract-oppression schema

This is articulated around power as a primal right that is surrendered and which constitutes sovereignty

Opposition between struggle and submission is referred to as...

A) Solidarity

B) The state of nature

C) Contract-oppression schema

D) War-repression schema

D) War-repression schema

Knowledge that has been buried or disguised for the sake of coherence and systematicity is referred to as:

A) Solidarity

B) Liberal view

C) Subjugated knowledge

D) Informed knowledge

C) Subjugated knowledge

Which of the following is not considered a disadvantage women face?

A) Violence against women

B) Traditional public/private sphere

C) Gendered family structure

D) Difficulty attaining a husband

E) Marriage as creating vulnerability for women

D) Difficulty attaining a husband

TRUE or FALSE: The private sphere is considered nonpolitical


List four disadvantages aboriginals face

1. Noneconomic lifestyle

2. Forced adaptation to capitalist communist system

3. Domination of capitalist economic system produces low self-esteem among Aboriginals

4. No private property in a world of private property

5. Not all Aboriginal groups have treaty rights

6. High rates of HIV and alcoholism

7. Aboriginal women have no rights to shared property upon divorce