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45 Cards in this Set

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what does the CNS contain
brain and spinal cord
What 2 divisions does the Peripheral Nervous System have
Senosyr and Motor
What is the sensory divison of the PNS
afferent to CNS, heat,light, pain and pressure
What is the motor division of the PNS
efferent form the brain to skeletal muscle
What class of drugs are under the Sympathetic
alpha 1 & 2
Beta 1 & 2
What does the sensory and motor lack outside the CNS
a synapse

synpase = a functional space
What class of drugs do most respiratory drugs fall under
What does the parasympatheic system do?
cholinergic NS- uses neurofibers that synthesize and use ACH drugs that mimic = cholinergic agents
What parasympathic has 2 effects what are they?
Muscarinic and Nicotinic
What is a Muscarnic effect
stimulate parasympathetic sites*affects are mediated through the vagus nerve* affects mucus & salivary gland discahrge, decrease in HR, causes vasodilation, decrease in BP
What is a Nictinic effect?
receptor sites that stimulates both the parasympathetic and sympatheic NS* end result can icrease BP through vasoconstriction* will increase HR
What does the sympatheitic system do?
prepares the body for a stressful encounter
What chemical mediators does the symaptheic system use
uses norepinphrine and dopamine
** alpha effect, Beta 1,2 effects, Dopaminergic receptors.**
What do alpha 1 drugs do
What do alpha 2 drugs do
What type of effects does a Beta 1 drugs have?
excitatory effects
What type of effects does a Beta 2 drugs have?
inhibitaory effect
What does a B1 drug do
receptors increase rate and force cardiac contraction
What does a Beta 2 drug do
relaxes bronchial smooth muscle and vascular beds of skeletal muscles
What is a dopaminergic receptoe and what effect does it have
Da1 and Da2 and both inhibitory
what is a parasympathomimetic
agents that stimulate the terminal nerve sight either directly or indirectly
what is direct acting
drug that resmbles ACH
What is indirect acting
drugs that inhibit cholinesterase resulting in an increase in ACH
What does a parasympatholytic do?
block ACH receptors - anticholinergics, reverse the blocks by increase ACH, have effects at neuro affector jucntion
What are the 2 types of catecholamines
COMT _ Catechol-O methyl transferase, MAO- Monoamine oxidase
what is metabolism
analobism + catabolism
What do the alpha receptors do
stiilmate the intestion- slows down; alpha-excitability
What do Beta receptors do?
stimulation is genreally a relax or excitatory inhibitor with exception to the heart---stimulation occurs
What is excitaory b1 responsible for
increase rate and force of contraction
What is inhibitory beta 2 responsilbe for
relax bronchial smooth muscle and vascular beds of skeletal muscle
Catecholamine receptor site "heart" plays what effects on Alpha, Beta 1 &2?
Alpha minimun/ no recprtos
Beta 1- inc. rate & contraction
Beta 2 No receptors
Catecholamine receptor site "arteries" plays what effects on Alpha, Beta 1 &2?
Alpha- constricts inc BP
Beta 1 dilates dec BP
Beta 2 nothing
Catecholamine receptor site "bronical smooth muscle" plays what effects on Alpha, Beta 1 &2?
Alpha- no receptors
beta 1 no effect
beta 2- relaxes
Catecholamine receptor site "skeletal muscle" plays what effects on Alpha, Beta 1 &2?
alpha- no effect
beta 1 no effect
beta 2 tremor
Catecholamine receptor site "CNS" plays what effects on Alpha, Beta 1 &2?
Alpha Unsure
Beta 1 Unsure
Beta 2 Stimulates
Stimulation of a parasympathetic response =_________?
What does cAMP do?
relaxes smooth muscle and inhibits mast degranulation
What do cyclic GMP do
increases and enhances the release of mast cells
% is always equla to what measurment
What is the formula for calaculating with proportions
orginal dose = desired dose
Amount Amount
What is the equataion for solving percentage - strength Solution Problems
Amt of solute = Amt of solute
Total Amt 100 Parts
When calculating a solution strnegthwhat goes on top and bottom out of wight and volume
weight on top
volume on bottom
If solving for % you do what
_________ x 1/100 & plug in weight & vol from problem and cross multiply
If solving for mg you do what
(% of mg dose) x X
100 (30ml)
If solving for ml you do what
% x Weight
100 X