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69 Cards in this Set

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Primary location and response of alpha-1?
Vascular smooth muscle - vasoconstriction
Primary location and response of alpha-2?
CNS synapses - inhibits sympathetic signals and interneurons.
Primary location and response of beta-1?
Heart - Increases HR and force of contraction
Primary location and response of beta-2?
Bronchioles - Bronchodilates
alpha-1 selective agonist and treats?
Phenylophrine - Hypotension
alpha-2 selective agonist(s) and treats?
1) Clonidine - Tx hypertension
2) Tizanidine - Tx spasticity
Beta-1 selective agonist and treats?
Dobutamine - Tx shock and heart failure
Beta-2 selective agonist and treats?
Albuterol - Tx asthma, bronchitis and emphysema
Frequent sideE of alpha-1 agonists?
1) Increased BP
2) HA
3) Reflex bradycardia
Frequent sideE of alpha-2 agonists?
1) Dizziness
2) Drowsiness
3) Dry mouth
Frequent sideE of beta-1 agonists?
1) Chest pain
2) Cardiac arrhythmias
Primary sideE of beta-2 agonists?
1) Nervousness
2) Restlesness
3) Trembling
Adverse effects of mixed alpha- and beta- agonists?
1) Increased CNS excitation -> nervousness, restlessness, anxiety
2) Excess stimulation of C.V. system
ending in -olol indicates?
beta antagonist (beta blocker)
ending in -phine indicates?
alpha antagonist
What kind of chemicals are norepinephrine and epinephrine?
Endogenous catecholamines
Principal application of alpha antagonists?
To treat hypertension (unless they preferentially bind to alpha-2)
The limited purpose of a non-selective alpha-antagonist?
1) balance the effects of a chatecolamine secreting tumor - prevents hypertension
Additional important function of beta blockers?
Limits extent of myocardial damage following a heart attack.
Adverse effects of B-antagonists?
1) Bronchoconstriction
2) Excess depression of cardiac fxn
alpha antagonist
alpha-1 select antagonist
beta antagonist
beta-1 selective antagonist
Adverse effects of alpha antagonists?
1) Reflex tachycardia
2) OH
Primary goals of pharmacotherapy for CHF?
1) Improve the hearts ability to pump blood
2) Decrease cardiac workload
How do you decrease the cardiac workload?
1) Decrease pressure
2) Decrease volume
Positive inotropic agent - increases contraction force
Agents that decrease cardiac workload?
1) ACE inhibitors
2) Angiotensin II receptor blocker
3) B adrenergic blocker
4) Diuretic
5) Vasodilator
Vasodilator - alpha-1 blocker
Explain the mechanism of a positive inotropic agent
1) Inhibits the Na2+/K+ activity
2) This increase Na2+ in the cell
3) This decrease the Ca2+/Na2+ exchanger
4) Thus increasing the amount of Ca2+ in the cell
5) This allows increased muscle contractility
Major con of digitalis?
It has a narrow therapeutic window
Adverse sideE of digitalis?
1) toxicity
2) arrhytmia
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor?
Used for acute or severe heart failure. It has many sideE.
Also used for acute or severe heart failure. A B-1 agonist that does not increase HR.
All of the "Other" P.I. agents?
1) Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors
2) Dopamine
3) Dobutamine
Briefly describe the clot formation process
Factor Xa converts prothrombing into thrombin. Thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin. Fibrin creates the clot.
Briefly describe the clot breakdown process.
Tissue plasminogen activator converts plasminogen into plasmin. Plasmin AKA fibrinolysis breaks down the clot yielding fibrin degredation products.
The 3 types of treatment for overactive clotting?
1) Anticoagulants
2) Antithrombotics
3) Thrombolytics
Primary anticoagulants?
Heparin and oral anticoaguants
Brief mechanism of heparin?
potentiates the effects of antithrombin III. Increased antithrombin III reduces the tendency to clot.
2 oral anticoagulants?
1) Warfarin
2) Coumadin
Mechanism of oral anticoagulants?
Impairs the Vit K-dependent synthesis of clotting factors
Disadvantages of oral anticoagulants?
1) Contra in pregers
2) Not effective for several days
General function of antithrombotics?
inhibit platelet function
Example of an antithrombotic?
Tissue plasminogen activator, or t-PA (alteplase)?
indication for t-PA?
1) treat acute MI (12hrs)
2) treat ischemic CVA (3hrs)
Example of Statin?
Primary effect of statins?
Decrease cholesterol and LDL
Primary effect of fibric acids?
Decreases triglycerides and VLDL
Primary effect of niacin?
Broad spectrum benefits to cholesterol profile
Primary effect of ezetimibe?
Decreases cholesterol absorption from gut.
5 treatments for HTN?
1) Diuretic
2) Vasodilator
3) Sympatholytic
4) Renin-angiotensin system blocker
5) Ca2+ channel blocker
Define diuretic
Increases formation and excretion of urine
3 types of diuretics?
1) Thiazide
2) Loop
3) K+ sparing
Hydrocholorothiazide (HCTZ)
a type of thiazide - Inhibits Na2+ reabsoption
Loop diuretic - inhibits Na2+ reabsorption
Loop diuretic - inhibits Na2+ reabsorption
K+ sparing diuretic
K+ sparing diuretc
Serious sideE of diuretics?
1) Volume depletion
2) Electrolyte imbalance
- Loop+thiaze = hypo
- K+ sparing = hyperkalemia
3) Impaired glucose metabolism
- thiazide
Vasodilator - maintenance
Vasodilator - emergent use
How do vasodilators function?
Directly inhibit vascular smooth muscle
Lisinopril (-pril)
Angtiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor = Renin-angiontensin system inhibitors
Angiotensin II inhibitors (blocks the receptor)
Advantage of the Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors?
Lower incidence of adverse effect than other anti-HTN drugs
Ca2+ channel blocker work two ways:
1) inhibit vascular contraction
2) inhibits cardiac contraction