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109 Cards in this Set

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reduced density or mass of bone

osteoporosis not enough bone to maintain

skeletal integrity or mechanical support

osteoporosis common in (2)

older women, a metabolic disorder

cause of osteoporosis (2)

postmenopausal, elderly


decreased levels of estrogen


not certain why

possibility in elderly

think osteoblasts and osteoclasts shrink or undergo alterations that diminish their activity

decreased physical activity in elderly because

preservation of bone mass depends on skeletal stress through muscle contraction and weight bearing

other causes of osteoporosis (4)

insufficient calcium, excess caffeine, alcohol and nicotine intake, endocrine dysfunction

causes of osteoporosis in men

decreased levels of testosterone

endocrine dysfunctions (2)

excess parathyroid, thyroid or growth hormones

patho osteoporosis - normal resorption

normally bone is resorpted, new bone is formed and amount resorption equals amount replaced

patho osteoporosis - 3 causes

increase in rate of resorption, delay in rate of bone formation, deficient cells in unit needed for this process

patho osteoporosis - another rationale is that the

basic units needed for the remodeling cycle bone goes through is lost or inadequate

osteoporosis sns (4)

pain, bone deformity, fractures, bone mineral density

3 tx for osteoporosis

prevention, replace calcium, replace estrogen/progestins or testosterone

main side effect of calcium is


3 ways of preventing osteoporosis

raloxifene, calcium supplements, vit D

raloxifene aka


osteoporosis tx main one

calcitonin salmon

calcitonin salmon comes in

nasal spray

3 sub groups of calitonin salmon

rotate nostrils, fasmax, avist

fosamax approved for

post menopausal osteoporosis

osteomalacia deficiency of

vit D

osteomalacia vit d deficiency results in

a shortage or loss of calcium salts

osteomalacia low calcium salts causes

bones to become increasinlgy soft, flexible, brittle, and deformed

osteomalacia is an adult form of


5 other causes of osteomalacia

liver disease, cancer, illness inhibiting normal metabolism of vit d, anticonvulsant drugs, diabetes

main cause of osteomalacia


patho osteomalacia - vit d enhances what

absorption of calcium ions from intestine

patho osteomalacia - lack of vit d causes

plasma calcium level to drop

patho osteomalacia - low vit d leads to increased

secretion of PTH

patho osteomalacia - increased PTH secretions raises what and lowers what

serum calcium and lowers phosphate

patho osteomalacia - loweres po4 because why

stimulation for increased renal clearance

patho osteomalacia - what affects mineralization of bone

decreased level of po4

osteomalacia sns (3)

rheumatic pain, anemia, progressive weakness

rheumatic pain where (4)

limbs, spine, thorax, pelvis

osteomalacia tx

nutritional supplements

ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is what

chronic inflammatory joint disease

AS characterized by

stiffening and fusion of the spine and scroiliac joint

fusion aka


AS differs from RA by

the site of inflammation

AS occurs where

in the enthesis

enthesis is what

point at which ligaments, tendons, and the joint capsule are inserted into the bone

patho AS - caused by

unknown, possibly genetic

patho AS - what may trigger inflammatory response


patho AS - what is inflamed

fibrocartilage in cartilaginous joints

patho AS - inflammation leads to

repair beginning by macrophages and lymphocytes

patho AS - repair starts with

proliferation of fibroblasts

fibroblasts secrete what


collagen forms what

scar tissue that eventually calcifies

patho AS - scar tissue evnetually replaces

the cartilaginous structures of joint

patho AS - scar tissue causes

loss of flexibility, joint fuses

patho AS - after scar tissue, what is healed

eroded bone with osteoblasts and osteoclasts

patho AS - the repair changes what

the contour of the bone

patho AS - what happens to spinal ligaments

calcified spinal ligaments lose their concave anterior contour and appear square

AS sns classic sign

bamboo spine

AS sign similar to RA

early morning stiffness with difficulty getting up

paget disease

a state of increased metabolic activity in bone

paget disease characterized by

abnormal and excess bone remodeling, both resorption and formation

patho paget - excessive resorption of what replaced by what

excessive resorption of spongy bone replaced by extremely vascular fibrous tissue

patho paget - what follows resorption

abnormal new bone at an accelerated rate

patho paget - what is disorganized, causing what

collagen fibers are disorganized causing bone formation to thicken and enlarge

paget sns (10)

altered mental states (dementia if skull involved), sensory abnormalities, impaired motor function, deafness, atrophy of optic nerve, headaches (if cranial nerves involved), displaced teeth, malocclusions of facial bones, curvature of extremities, pain

paget tx

often no tx required with no symptoms present. if active disease, pain relief, deformity and fracture prevention

osteoarthritis compared to


RA review

inflammatory, pain when rising, less pain with activity, joint deformity

osteoarthritis (OA) is non


patho OA - erosion of what and becoming what

erosion of articular cartilage, cartilage becomes thin and may be absent in some areas

patho OA - sclerosis of because of what

bone underneath cartilage because of being unprotected

patho OA - pain comes from

sclerosis, unprotected bone

patho OA - formation of

bone spurs which grossly alter bony contours and enlarge the joint

OA sns (4)

deformity, pain (relieved by rest), joint stiffness, crepitus

OA pain - staying bed all day will

also cause bad pain, encourage activity (with rest) even though pain persists through activity

5 OA tx

rest in afternoon, ROM, NSAIDS, cane or walker, surgery for artificial implants


high levels of uric acid in blood and synovial fluid

gout aka

gouty arthritis

elevated uric acid in blood aka


patho gout - uric acid is breakdown product from

purine nucleotides

patho gout - some people have accelerated rate of what accompanied by what

accelerated rate of purine synthesis accompanied by overproduction of uric acid

patho gout - when uric acid reaches certain concentration in fluids it does what forming what

it crystalizes forming insoluble precipitates

patho gout - insoluble precipitates deposited where

in connective tissues throughout the body

gout pain where

big toe

patho gout -insoluble precipitates deposit in synovial fluid causing

acute painful inflammation of joint

patho gout - at the kidney

fitration of urate is sluggish and urate crystals can be deposited in renal interstitial tissues causing impaired urine flow and kidney stones

patho gout - pain is usually

in a peripheral joint and just one joint

gout sns (4)

severe peripheral joint pain (big toe), joint swelling and redness, trophi in lower extremities, renal stones


small white nodules visible through the skin

gout tx goal

terminated acute attacks, prevent recurring attacks, and prevent complications (stones)

gout tx (3)

antiinflammatory drugs, uricosuric agents, low purine diet

gout diet

limit beer, wine, shellfish, legumes

antigout drugs aka


uricosuric action (3)

control acute inflammation of gout attack, increase excretion of uric acid, decrease production of uric acid

gout SE

kidney stones

gout NI (4)

increase fluid intake, comply with tx and diet, monitor cbc, provide relief for GI SE

gout NI - fluid intake

2-3 L / day


chronic difficulty in managing pain in muscles and soft tissues surrounding joints

4 terms for dx of fibromyalgia

fibromyitis, fibromyositis, fibrositis, tension myalgia

fibromyalgia does not have what characteristic


9 precipitating factors with fibromyalgia

viral illness, chronic fatigue, HIV, lyme disease, physical trauma, persistent stress, chronic sleep disturbance, family line, statins

statins given for

high cholesterol

fibromyalgia sns (6)

flu symptoms, chronic fatigue, diffuse pain, tender points, light sleepers, irritable bowel syndrome

diffuse pain is what and where

burning or gnawing in muscles

fibromyalgia tx (4)

benzodiazepine, antidepressant, low dose opioid, plenty of rest and exercise


low dose at night to relax muscles


SSRI, to release serotonin to relax muscles

SSRI stands for

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

low dose opioid

for daytime breakthrough pain, usually only 2 x day

plenty of rest and exercise

decrease stress