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88 Cards in this Set

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chronic blood loss

does not effect blood volume but instead leads to iron deficiency anemia when iron stores are depleted

acute blood loss

rbc normal size and color. hypoxia from blood loss stimulates rbc from bone marrow.

acute blood loss if bleeding controlled and sufficient iron stores are available

rbc concentration returns to normal within 3-4 weeks

what is most common cause of acute blood loss anemia

GI bleed

why blood loss anemia (2)

rbc & hgb & hct low, mcv & mch & mchc normal

aplastic anemia is what kind of disorder

life threatening

aplastic anemia is from

stem cell in bone marrow

cause of aplastic anemia

poorly understood

mcv and H&H of aplastic anemia

high mcv, low H&H

what may induce aplastic anemia

drugs (chemo)

iron deficient anemia classified as

microcytic hypochromic

4 values seen in iron deficient anemia

low H&H, low MCV, low MCH, low serum iron level

3 causes of iron anemia

increased iron demand while pregnant, inadequate iron intake, chronic blood loss

inadequate iron intake difficult to achieve because

need very little

inadequate iron intake seen in

infants who get formula only first year of life, breastfeeding is good cause get iron from mom

4 sns of iron anemia

tongue, cheilosis, hair and nails, pica

iron anemia tongue

shiny smooth beefy-red inflamed sore


cracks in corners of mouth

iron anemia hair and nails

fine brittle hair, thin nails


craving to eat unusual substances such as starch and ice chips


total serum iron binding capacity

iron anemia TIBC

is increased

serum IBC measures

iron binding by transferrin

an increase in TIBC indicates

transferrin is not carrying any iron which signals reduced iron availability

iron anemia develops slowly through 3 phases

1) body's stores of iron used erythropoesis are depleted 2) insufficient iron is transported to the bone marrow and iron deficient erythropoesis begins 3) large amount of hgb deficient cells enter circulation

iron supplements SE

nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, aggravate peptic ulcers, black or dark green stool

liquid iron supps do what

stain teeth

liquid iron supps need to do what

dilute with juice or water, admin with straw, good oral hygiene

iron supps NI (7)

assess lab values, drug better absorbed on empty stomach, give periodically to give bone continuous supply, not with dairy/antacids/tetracyclines, takes few months, IV iron fatal anaphylactic, IM iron causes skin discoloration (Z track)

B12 anemia classified as

macrocytic normochromic anemia

B12 anemia impairs

cellular division and maturation

B12 anemia labs show

increase in MCV and MCHC

pernicious anemia is body's inability to

absorb vit B12 due to lack of intrinsic factor

most common reason fro B12 anemia

lack of intrinsic factor

3 other reasons for B12 anemia

total gastrectomy or intestinal surgery, tape worm, intestinal disease (chrons)

how to determine if lack intrinsic factor

antibodies test - antibodies to intrinsic factor means pernicious anemia

B12 anemia sns

demyelination of neurons, prioception

demyelination of neurons causes

paresthesias and decreased DTR

prioception is

difficulty identifying one's position in space which may progress to difficulty with balance and spinal cord damage

B12 anemia MCV value

greater than 100

B12 for anemia given

SC or IM

B12 for anemia given oral

not effective because lack of intrinsic factor and cannot be absorbed

B12 injections

q 2 days then q 3 days then q month and is life long

B12 anemia foods

eggs, meats, dairy

Rx routes of B12 anemia

oral, SL, nasal spray

oral B12 for

milder deficiency

folic acid anemia classified as

macrocytic anemia

macrocytic mcv and hgb values

mcb high, hgb low

main cause of folic acid anemia

poor nutrition

folic acid sns different from B12 by

lack of neuro symptoms

folic acid diet

one veggie or fruit juice q day, good foods inculde - veggies, organ meats, eggs, milk

folic acid admin


folic acid used preventatively in


sickle cell anemia

severe sometimes fatal hereditary disease caused by an abnormal type of hgb ( Hgb S)

hgb S is result of

minor changes in the molecular structure

hgbS causes what

profound changes in stability and solubility of RBC

inheriting one defective gene is called

sickle cell trait

sickled red cells have a decreased

survival time - causing anemia

hgbS causes RBc to

elongate, become rigid, assume cresent sickled shape

hgbS causes cells to

clump together, obstruct capillary blood flow causing ischemia and possible tissue infarction

with normal oxygenation

the sickled RBCs resume their normal shape

repeated episodes of sickling and unsickling

weaken the cell membrane causing them to hemolyze and be removed

sickle cell crisis triggers (8)

hypoxia, low environmental and/or body temp, excessive exercise, high altitudes, inadequate O2 during anesthesia, infection, dehydration, acidosis

main trigger for sickle cell crisis


problem with patients with sickle cell

noncompliant with O2 use, would rather pain med

patho sickle cell crisis - what creats logjam effect


logjam effect causes what

blood flow through vessel to stop

patho of sickle cell crisis - stopped blood flow leads to

thrombosis and infarction of local tissue

sickle cell leads to crisis state which is

extremely painful, lasting 4-6 days

manage sickle cell crisis how

pain control

sickle cell crisis sns (3)

anemia, large joints and swollen surrounding tissue, pripism if penile veins obstructed

sickle cell crisis sns - anemia

sickled cells on smear, pallor, jaundice, fatigue, irritability


abnormal painful continuous erection of penis


a hemolytic anemia characterized by microcytic hypochromic and short lived RBC

thalassemia caused by

deficient synthesis of hgb polypeptide chains

thalassemia transmitted by

autosomal recessive genes

two types of thalassemia

major and minor

thalassemia major evident in


4 thalassemia major sns

anemia, fever, failure to thrive, splenomegaly

thalassemia major require frequent cause why

frequent transfusions because RBCs are rapidly destroyed

thalassemia major leaves what where from rapid RBC destruction

leaves large amounts of iron deposited in skin becoming bronze and freckled

cure for thalassemia major


tx for thalassemia major

treat symptoms

thalassemia minor

mild anemia and minimal red blood cell changes

thalassemia minor lacks what

clinical symptoms although pt show hematological evidence of the disease

acquired hemolytic anemia characterized by

chronic premature destruction of red blood cells

acquired hemolytic anemia associated with

blood transfusion reactions

hemolytic reaction (7)

flushed, HA, urticaria, lumbar pain, chills or fever, dyspnea, hypotension