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130 Cards in this Set

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how many levels of government are involved in the methods of taxation? what are they?
1) local govt
2) regional entities
3) state govt
4) federal govt
what is the basic formula for determining tax revenue?
base X rate = tax revenue
what are three ways that the tax base measured?
1) ad valorem (by value)
2) per unit
3) by class
is personal property tax measured by value, unit or class?
value (of the house)
is alcohol and tobacco tax measured by value, unit or class?
unit (per bottle or pack)
is personal income tax measured by value, unit or class?
class (by individual or corporation)
what is an exclusion from the base called?
what is a reduction in the base, subject to some specific criteria?
what is a credit against tax liability called?
what are the three ways of reducing tax base or tax liability?
1) exemption
2) deduction
3) credit
how is the <b>gross base</b> calculated in property tax?
(base) - (exemptions) = gross base
how is the <b>adjusted base</b> calculated in property tax?
(gross base) - (deductions) = adjusted base
how is the <b>revenue liability</b> calculated in property tax?
(adjusted base) - (tax rate) = revenue liability
how is <b>adjusted revenue liability</b> calculated in property tax?
(revenue liability) - (credits) = adjusted revenue liability
what is the different aspects of a revenue system called?
revenue structure
in a revenue structure, what is actually owed?
adjusted revenue liability
what is not paying taxes, or paying late?
what is the cost to get others to comply with paying their taxes?
compliance costs
what is a progressive tax?
tax rate increases as the amount being taxed increases
what is a regressive tax?
tax rate decreases as the amount being taxed increases
what is a proportional tax?
tax rate remains fixed no matter the amount being taxed
what is progressivity?
higher income taxpayers pay higher rates than lower income taxpayers
what is regressivity?
lower income taxpayers pay higher rates of taxes than higher income taxpayers
what is elasticity?
rate of change in revenue compared to general economic activity
what might a government do to reach tax stability?
have a broad tax base
have a low tax rate
what is revenue that is not collected because of a policy choice?
tax expenditure
what are the behavioral effects of taxes?
what are revenues dedicated to a specific purpose?
earmarked revenues
what are the three types of state and local govt taxation?
1) income
2) sales
3) property
what are the seven categories of federal taxes?
1) income
2) property
3) consumption
4) corporation
5) payroll
6) capital gains
7) inheritance
what are the four R's of taxation?
1) revenue
2) redistribution
3) repricing
4) representation
of the four R's, which is involved with externalities?
of the four R's, which is involved with transferring wealth?
of the four R's, which is involved with raising money?
of the four R's, "no taxation without ______"
what tax may be adjusted to individual characteristics of the taxpayer?
income tax
what tax is levied on transactions irrespective of the circumstances of the buyer or seller?
sales tax
list three questions that <b>tax incidence</b> involves
1) who ultimately pays the tax?
2) does it get passed on?
3) does the effect go back to the producer?
what is it called when similar people are treated in the same way?
horizontal equity
what is it called when the higher-income people pay a larger share of income in tax?
vertical equity
what is the most unpopular tax?
property tax
why is property tax so unpopular?
1) tax is direct
2) tax is on largest asset
3) tax is on unrealized gain
4) hard to see relationship
5) little choice
6) easy political target
in regards to property tax, why is reappraisal unpopular?
creates uncertainty
in regards to property tax, why are lump-sum payments unpopular?
often large annual payments
how much revenue did property tax create for local governments in 2007?
$370 billion
what are 8 reasons the property tax survives?
1) high revenue
2) indirect business portion
3) low compliance cost
4) stable revenue
5) autonomous
6) difficult to evade
7) visible
8) capture value of public investment
what is the correspondence principle?
area burdened by tax and area benefiting from tax mostly overlap
what is a trend in property taxes for the residential tax base?
45% residential reduction
what is a trend in property taxes for non-profits?
amount of charity higher than amount of foregone tax
in regards to property tax, what is the concern about burden?
rate issue <em>versus</em> base issue
how is a base valuation made?
willing buyer and willing seller test
what is the key issue of base valuation?
highest and best use of property
what is the appraised value?
amount the property would sell for in a normal transaction
what is the assessed value?
value for taxation purposes
what is the assessment ratio?
(Assessed Value) / (Appraised Value)
what is the benefit of mass appraisal?
accuracy with low cost
what is the BOE? what does it do?
board of equalization
can adjust appraisal values
how is tax revenue calculated?
(tax rate) X (assessed value) = tax revenue
how is the effective tax rate calculated?
(tax revenue) / (market value) = effective tax rate
what is owership of property thought to be related to?
what are some ways to relieve the property tax burden?
1) reduce expenditures
2) green belt
3) circuit-breaker mechanism
4) replace w/ other revenue sources
where can you publicly comment on base valuation for property tax?
where can you publicly comment on rate setting for property tax?
public hearing
where can you appeal a given base valuation of property tax?
where can you appeal the rate setting for property tax?
taxing entity
what did California's Proposition #13 do in summary?
new owner not equal to old owner; caps on assessed property
what are the two things that Utah did in regards to property tax?
1) Truth in Taxation
2) Certified Tax Rate
how often is a certified property tax rate calculated?
each year
what is a certified property tax rate?
if valuation increases, rate decreases so the revenue stays the same
where do most property tax dollars go?
school districts
(city gets sliver)
what is an example of a consumption tax?
sales tax
what is a consumption tax often thought to encourage?
what does sales tax tend to lower?
property tax burden
how many states have a general sales tax?
how much revenue did sales tax create for state governments in 2008?
$1.9 billion
how much revenue did sales tax create for local governments in 2008?
$470 million
what is "blood money"?
aluminum chips to pay fraction taxes
what does annexation mean?
why would a city care about annexation?
what is a "use" tax?
tax on internet purchases
why is "use" tax different?
focuses on point of delivery, not point of sale
what governments generally have an income tax?
1) federal
2) state
how many states have local (city) income tax?
is income tax seen as progressive or regressive?
what form do you use for filing a basic income tax?
federal 1040
what is AGI?
adjusted gross income
how is <b>AGI</b> calculated for income tax?
(gross income) - (adjustments) = AGI
how is <b>taxable income</b> calculated for income tax?
(AGI) - (deductions + exemptions) = taxable income
how is <b>tax liability</b> calculated for income tax?
(taxable income) X (tax rate) = tax liability
how is <b>tax due</b> calculated for income tax?
(tax liability) - (tax credits) = tax due
how much revenue did income tax create for Utah in 2008?
$2.6 billion
what is a "fair tax"?
flat 5% sales tax on all consumer goods
what is a user charge?
charge for access to a service
what type of tax is a user charge?
benefit tax
have user fees increased or decreased in the last 20 years?
are user charges the same for a long time?
no, they should be reviewed frequently
what are six advantages of user charges?
1) reduces waste
2) shows level of service
3) equitable
4) improves productivity
5) market-based alternative
6) pricing influences behavior
when a government charges for a service, what four key issues should be addressed?
1) more equitable as fee or tax?
2) what do others do?
3) how do others feel?
4) what effect will fee have?
what are five obstacles to user charges?
1) it's new
2) saves little tax
3) complicated
4) antiquated
5) staff resistance
what are excise taxes?
selective sales taxes
what are two reasons to impose an excise tax?
1) recover part of cost of public service from people who benefit
2) discourage consumption
how is an excise tax measured?
sumptuary (per unit)
what are some examples of an excise tax?
1) transaction privilege tax
2) motor fuel tax
3) beer tax
4) cigarette/tobacco tax
what is a transaction privilege tax?
generally % of gross receipts
what are six influences in the pricing of an excise tax?
1) recover costs
2) make $$$
3) invest
4) influence
5) efficiency
6) equity
<b>important:</b> what are four ways you pick a price for an excise tax?
1) arbitrary
2) competitive
3) market
4) cost-recovery
when establishing pricing in an excise tax, what are the three forms of cost?
1) fixed costs
2) variable costs
3) contingency costs
when establishing pricing in an excise tax, once you've established your cost, how do you establish your <b>price</b>?
(costs) / (#units sold) = price to charge per unit
what is sensitivity to changes in pricing?
price elasticity of demand; if price changes a little, demand will change a lot
what is the largest source of revenue for nonprofits? what percent?
fees and charges for services
how much ($) is currently available in grants?
over $13 billion
how many steps are usually in a grant application?
6 steps
what are the six steps in the grant-writing process?
1) idea
2) discovery + contact
3) prepare proposal
4) submit proposal
5) grantmaker responds
6) administer / start over
what are four ways that grantmakers respond to grant proposals?
1) full award
2) partial award
3) defer consideration
4) deny request
what are five benefits from volunteers?
1) more labor
2) more skills
3) more advocacy
4) better understand needs
5) humanize the experience
what is "the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others"?
who said, "He that does good to another, does good also to himself, not only in the consequences but in the very act; for the consciousness of well-doing is, in itself, ample reward"
Seneca, Roman Philosopher
what else is required, besides altruism, to garner volunteers?
1) social interaction
2) affiliation
3) belonging
4) growth
which "volunteer experience" is the most important?
the first
how do you protect against liability concerns with volunteers?
what are four organization capacities to support volunteers?
1) training
2) supervision
3) support
4) recognition
what is a good/service that is both excludable and rival?
pure private good
what is a good/service that is both non-excludable and rival?
common pool good
what is a good/service that is both excludable and non-rival?
toll good
what is a good/service that is both non-excludable and non-rival?
pure public good
what are the two elements of service delivery?
1) production
2) provision
why do governments exist? (four reasons)
1) respond to market failure
2) stabilize the economy
3) distribute wealth
4) allocate resources
what is the underlying philosophy of privatization?
"private sector is a better solution"
why is privatization seen as an alternative to govt? (2 arguments)
1) political arguments
2) efficiency arguments
how is privatization funded?
1) grants (to subsidize agencies)
2) vouchers (to individuals)