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145 Cards in this Set

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Radical behaviorism

Philosophy of the science of behavior

How does skinner view personality

That its made through enviromental sources

What is functional analysis of behavior

Measurable experiences or (causes), and measurable behavior or (effects)

What are the two types of behavior investigated by behaviorists

Respondent - evoked by a stimulus . reflexes

Operant - Like driving a car, biking, instrument

What is an unconditioned stimulus

no learning to make a response happen


Whats an unconditioned response

Nonlearned response that happens naturally

Neutral Stimulus

Stimulus that is in the middle

Conditioned stimulus

was neutral before but after having some time with the UCS, it makes a conditioned response happen

Example: Footsteps after learned

Conditioned Response

Learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

example: Drool

What does a US elecit?

A automatic, natural, and predictable response called UR

What kind of response is fear

Its an unconditioned response

What happens if a behavior is reinforced

It makes it more likely that the behavior will happen again

What is a primary reinforcer?

An unconditioned reinforcer that has to do with survival (food, water, air, ********, and sex)`

What is a secondary reinforcer

(conditioned) Reinforcers.

They were neutral before but now they have reinforcing qualities/traits by dealing with primary reinforcers (grades, medals, awards, gifts, privileges)

What is a generalized reinforcer

A secondary reinforcer that is teamed up with more than one primary reinforcer

What is positive reinforcement

It makes behavior stronger, swoleness of that behavior goes up (positive added)

Negative reinforcement

A negative reinforcer is removed (subtracted) and it prevents the thing from happening

Positive Punishment

soap in mouth to decrease behavior (negative reinforcer is added)

Negative Punishment

Taking something away to make the behavior happen less

(positive reinforcer removed)

With a reinforcment

behavior goes up

With a punishment

that behavior goes down

What is a positve reinforcement

introduces a positive consequences to increase or make a behavior keep happening.

negative reinforcement

takes away a negative consequence

What are the shortcommings of punishment

unpredictable results (anger, fight back)

Might make random emotions happen (withdrawal, frustration, fear)

Only talks about what you shouldn't do

What do you need to shape behaviors

Aquisition, shaping, and differeintal reinforcement


To learn a behavior reinforce it

What is differeintal reinforcement

rewards a person/thing when they do one thing and not the other

What is stimulus generalization

changing a behavior pattern from the stimulants it was originally based off or learned of to other joints

What is stimulus discrimination

reacting differently depending on the situation


withdrawal of reinforcement

Spontaneous Recovery

reappearance of a conditioned response after a pause (smoking again)

Continous reinforcement

every time the desired response happens then its reinforced 1hundo percent of the time

Partial Reinforcement Schedules

only some of the time is behavior rewarded


Time since the reinforcement happnd

Whats an example of fixed interval

Being paid every friday

Variable interval

getting a popped quiz, dont know the time

Fixed ratio

you get a prize for meeting a quota or a goal

Variable ratio

Random with the number of responses, getting pregnant, slot machine

Partial Reinforcement Effect

Increases rate of responding, increase resistance to extinction


Accidental link between a reinforcer and a behavior (rain dance, throwing salt over shoulder)

What is mans biggest problem

How he acts is influenced by small, but immediate and definite reinforcers than by large, far but unsure reinforcers

contingency contracting is?

If I dont smoke I get 100$

How is abnormal behavior learned

Just like normal behavior

What is token economy

Behavior that is appreciated is rewarded by tokens that can be exchanged for more tokens

Walden Two (cultural engineering) is?

Fictional book where people acheived there true potential through reinfrocement

What is the token an example of?

A secondary reinforcer

What were some of the criticisms of B.F Skinners Theory

Generalized from humans to anamals (they aint the same)

Crazy about the environment

Who controlled the controllers?

What were the contributions of B.F Skinner

-Applied Value - this **** works, in education, for autistic children, sports, parenting, animals

-Science filled bro

What is a primary drive

Survival, eating, needed for survival, pain

Secondary Drive

Drive that is learned or gained from a parent primary drive (fear)

What kind of drive is fear, and what does it do

An aquired drive, that motivates behavior

What is Habit?

The link between stimuls and response

(putting the same key in the door to get a response)

Hierarchy of response

The most dominant of responses will happen

crying is more dominant than quietly going to bed.

What is a learning dilema

Not getting what you expected, so you try something else to get it

No failure means

No learning


Energizes the action, motivates it like an engine


Tells behavior what to do, when and where

a response is

what a person does to make the drive calm tf down

overt response

directly reduces that drive

internal response

makes the cue happen

Reasoning is?

solving a problem on the spot


solution of a future problem


in the same mix as drive reduction, used to reduce that drive

if drive was a thought, what would it be?

I want something

if cue was a thought, what would it be?

notice something

if response was a thought, what would it be

Do something

If reinforcement was a thought, what would it be.

get something

What are the critical training situations?

feeding, cleanliness, sex, anger and aggression and your response to these being good or bad

as fighting goes up, shocking goes down, is an example of

negative reinforcement

What is displacement of aggression

When you find a subsitution that is safer to agress to

Frustration - agression Hypothesis

getting in the way of goal attainment

Frustration leads to aggression

what is suppresion

Stopping thoughts that caused anxiety

What is reppression

When thoughts that have the potential to cause pain are dropped automatically

Describe Neurosis and symptom formation


-The Nuerotic is stupid and miserable

-Conflict is the center of the neurotics actions

How are neurotic symptoms learned

They reduce anxiety

What does psychotherapy do in relation to nuerotics

It gives a way to unlearn detremental behaviors

How does psychotherapy reduce bad behavior

Teaching ways to cope with behavior

Teaching to choose what to react to

Teaching you to chill out (drive reduction)

Approach approach

Both are good outcomes

Approach avoidance

You dont want to do neither one

Approach avoidance

You want to do it, it will benefit you, but then it will hurt you in the same token

What are the criticisms of Dollard and Miller

Didnt mix hull and freuds theory right

generalized animals to humans

too simple

Contributions of donald and miller

Mixed Hull and Frueds theory a little

Had scientific rigor

clearly described how therapy went down

Double approach avoidance

two cars, both have pros and cons

What are the conflicts learned from feeding?

feeling satisfied of the basic need vs. fear loneliness and helplessness

What are the conflicts learned from cleanliness?

being able to have fun and enjoy things vs. fear, anger and guilt

What is congnitive social learning theory

People are like active agaents

Wants to know social origins of behavior

cognitive thought processes

Learning complex shiz with no reinforcements

What is recipricol determinism

When behavioral, personal, and enviromental factors all effect each other over a time

What is encoding

How we see situations in our own eyes

What is expectancies

what we think will happen in the end

What is behavior outcome expectancies

What should i expect if i act this certain way

(run = make the bus)

(study = A)

What are compentencies

Skills we can do, and knowledge that you got

Stimus outcome expectancies

I know exactly is gonna happend after that stimuli makes its appearance (JJ eats fruit, he will throw tf up)

Subjective values

Whats worth having or doing

some examples of competencies

knowing what the world is made of

social rules and conventions

rehearsing stuff to learn it

Self regulatory systems and plans

Graduating from college after four years to get a degree

Goals and plans

people can either pat themselves on the back or punish themselves for reaching goals

What is self efficacy

What you can achieve, I am a lawyer, but i want to be a judge soon.

What you can do

Perceived self efficacy

Competency - i think I can do it, what you think you can do


Your past acheivement, makes future goals easier

Vicarious experiences

Looking at a role model do it, and saying that you can too!

Verbal Persuassion

people telling you that you can do it!

Emotional Arousal

How scared or cool and collected we are in a situation

What do people with high self efficacy have?

They are calm, organized, try hard things and are persistent

Moral justification means

" it was done for a higher purpose so its all goood in the hood"

Euphmisitc labeling

using softer, gentler words in replacement to harsher ones like, died, or fucged; they slept together, or passed away

Advantagous comparison

Comparing it to something worse that happened so that you dont look so bad in comparison

What motivates Human beings

Behavior outcome expectancies

What are the important factors of learning



delayed modeling

moter repoduction


What does attention mean in learning

observing the target

-whats the target look like (attractiveness, power, charisma, similarity to observer)

What does retention mean in learning

remembering what happened with the target

(mental images)

(verbal instructions)

motor reproduction

doing what the target did, but better ;)


Wanting it (behavior outcome expectancy)

This should happen now, if I do this


Whats an example of vicarious conditioning

watching psycho and being scared to shower

Watching boogeyman and being afraid of the closet

Vicarious training is the result of

Watching other people and learning from that

How do psychological problems happen from dysfunctional exspectancies

You can develope a fear of spiders for no reason at all, or a fear of germs that could handicap your life.


It creates a way for neurosis to be unlearned

Whats the major assumptionn that Donald and Miller make about neurosis that is true

That it is learned and that means it can be unlearned

The goal of psychotherapy is

to change the persons thought on what they think they can do, to more realistic stuff

What is most effective in reducing phobias

Live modeling is the best, followed closely behind by symbolic modeling and desensitization

What is the consistancy coeficciant


what is the consistancy paradox

Psychologists and people in general keep thinking that peoples behavior is consistent when its really not according to the proof

What did Mischel find out in his research of delay of gratifcation

The ability to do it increases with


-How smart you are

-shorter intervals of not getting it

-and modeling

It caused a better human to form in society

Bandura said self control is VERRY importante because....?

Without it we would be impulsive humans, like animals

Criticisms of Bandura and Walter Mischel

Situations in the mind cant cause behaviors

Important personality traits were ignored

They study non humans only, and the experiments cant be done in real life

Contributions of Bandura and Walter Mischel

Really emphasized human empirical research

You can use this in a real world setting

How Media modeling is very powerful

Darwin - struggle for existance

When more babies are made than the earth can support, and only the best adapted will survive

Darwin - adaption

any added trait behavior that helps in survival and reproduction

Darwin - natural selection

The enviroment decides who survives and who dosnt

Sexual selection

Traits that cant be explained with natural selection ,kept in the gene pool because of sex benifits

Survival of the fittest

Only the best adapters will survive in this world and make babies

Inclusive fitness

When you help family out, and have kids. so they can reproduce

What do women prefer in long term mating

Men that have good things and know how to get those good things

What do women prefer in short term mating

Men with verry good genes, alpha traits, that will make better

What do men look for in long term mating

A lady that can have kids, with youth and health who shows sighns of not cheating and commitment.

What do men look for in short term mating

Low standards

Whats the coolidge effect

Not having to wait after you bust when theres a new partner around

How do men decieve women

Keep a rival from having anything that would help them out

Men looking for just a hookup will do this to deceive women

Pretend about commitment

For females, what do they want when looking for long term mates

Pay for dates, dinners and movies

What do women do to deceive males

Say another women is a slut, and lie about if they can have sex or not. Pump faking

What is Altruism

Risking your marbles so that someone else can have some

What is Kin Altruism

Your more likely to help your family or close bloodline relative in a life or death situation than others

How does kin altruism work in a dire situation

The ones who can have kids will be helped first

In every day situations how do Kin Altruisms work

We help the neediest

What condition is primary and secondary resources

Primary is unconditional

Secondary is conditional