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28 Cards in this Set

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The periodontium is supporting tissues of the tooth including what 4 things?

1. Cementum

2. Periodontal ligament

3. Bone lining alveolus

4. Gingiva facing tooth (not always included)

PDL attaches __ to __

Forms aspecialized fibrous joint called?

-Tissue comes from ectomesenchyme

What covers the root and lies over Tomes granular layer in dentin?

alveolar bone to cementum



alveolar bone to cementum



What is similar to bone in composition?

-has collagen, protein, and minerals like hydroxyapatite (45-50%)


Odontoblast lay down large collagen fibers

They also secrete predentin and cells of the dental follicle give rise to?

The above comes from?

cementoblasts that form cementum

Neural crest origin (ectomesenchym)

Root sheath cells


Cervical loop becomes HERs located?

Acts like presecretory ameloblasts and induces?

At the junction of the inner and outer enamel epithelium

odontoblasts of the root

At the junction of the inner and outer enamel epithelium

odontoblasts of the root

Odontoblast first lay down __ then produce?

What gives rise to cementoblasts?

Cementum forms on root only after?

Collagen fibers, then predentin

Cells of the dental follicle
(can be neural crest or root sheath origination but still not known)

Dentin deposition begins along HERS
-this causes transformation of cells into cementoblasts

Collagen fibers, then predentin

Cells of the dental follicle

(can be neural crest or root sheath origination but still not known)

Dentin deposition begins along HERS

-this causes transformation of cells into cementoblasts

Primary cementum forms first and is __ and becomes?

As cementum is being laid down, what pass between cementoblasts and becomes embedded in the inorganic matrix?

acellular, becomes mineralized

PDL fibers (Sharpey's fibers)
-made of collagen

acellular, becomes mineralized

PDL fibers (Sharpey's fibers)

-made of collagen

Other cells of HERS migrate away from the dentin toward the?

They become epithelial cell rests of Malassez found in the?

dental sac


dental sac


Cementoblasts first make primary cementum then they make secondary cementum

The primary acellular cementum has one layer over the entire root near the __ while the secondary acellular cementum is layered over the acellular mainly in the?

Acellular is formed at a __ rate while cellular is formed at a?

-Acellular has NO embedded cementocytes while cellular does

- acellular: width is constant

- cellular: width can widen, layers can be added

- cellular can be absent in single-rooted teeth

acellular: cervical 1/3
cellular: apical 1/3 in the interradicular region of premolar and molar teeth

acellular: slow
cellular: fast

acellular: cervical 1/3

cellular: apical 1/3 in the interradicular region of premolar and molar teeth

acellular: slow

cellular: fast

Acellular primary cementum 

-cementoblasts at the surface

-Junction with dentin is the?

-Cementoblasts make collagen fibers and are the fibrous fringe at the?

Acellular primary cementum

-cementoblasts at the surface

-Junction with dentin is the?

-Cementoblasts make collagen fibers and are the fibrous fringe at the?

Tome's granular layer

Junction of cementum and dentin

Cementum has 2 striations:

Parallel incremental layers that reflect?

Horizontal striations reflect the?

Which cementum is the attachment cementum where pdl inserts into and is closer to dentin?

sequential layering of cementum

Insertion of PDL fibers

Acellular fiber cementum

Cementoid is unmineralized but then becomes mineralized trapping __ in the cellular cementum. When its trapped its called?

Canaliculi are directed toward?

-Trapped cementoblasts = cementocytes
-Cementocytes in the lacunae and collagen fibers intermingle with dentin collagen

The tooth surface toward the PDL where blood supply is

Note: cementoblast at surface and cementocytes surroun...


-Trapped cementoblasts = cementocytes

-Cementocytes in the lacunae and collagen fibers intermingle with dentin collagen

The tooth surface toward the PDL where blood supply is

Note: cementoblast at surface and cementocytes surrounded by matrix

Cementum and enamel junction can have variations: - Can be overlapping cementum
-  a gap (which can lead to __)
- cementum and enamel butting against each other 
Cementum and enamel junction can have variations:

- Can be overlapping cementum

- a gap (which can lead to __)

- cementum and enamel butting against each other


Cementum can be repaired and removed by?

Cementum is __ readily resorbed than bone
*Which is important in orthodontic movement

Cementum can be repaired and removed by?

Cementum is __ readily resorbed than bone

*Which is important in orthodontic movement


Cementum is LESS readily resorbed than bone

Lamina dura is the alveolar bone lining the tooth socket and is where the pdl inserts

They all meet at alveolar crest

Lamina dura is the alveolar bone lining the tooth socket and is where the pdl inserts

They all meet at alveolar crest

The lamina dura that lines the socket is the lamina dura. The outer part of the lamina dura has insertions of pdl and this bone is called the?

The fibers in this bone is called?

bundle bone
-this bone is often remodeled due to tooth development

Sharpey's fibers

bundle bone

-this bone is often remodeled due to tooth development

Sharpey's fibers

The Periodontal Ligament (PDL) supports/attaches/cushions teeth

It also has __ and transmits?

Has a nerve supply
-Transmits forces, pain, touch, pressure, temperature

Has a nerve supply

-Transmits forces, pain, touch, pressure, temperature

Blood vessels leave the __ of the alveolar bone proper to supply the PDL

Blood vessels leave the __ of the alveolar bone proper to supply the PDL

Volkmann's canal

Volkmann's canal

Tooth movement:

-When you move a tooth it squishes the pdl against bone and bone is __

-on the other side you pull the pdl and new bone will get laid down

What resorbs bone?

Bone is resorbed


Bone is resorbed


PDL Development:

Starts in the __ around the enamel organ (dental sac)

What gives rise to fibroblasts, cementoblasts, cementoclasts, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts?

-Also gives rise to fibers and ground substance (collagen and elastic fibers)



HERS is disrupted and __ form from ectomesnchymal cells of the dental sac

__ forms from the dental sac

Osteoblasts develop and form?



Alveolar bone



Alveolar bone

The fibers in periodontal ligament are?

They are remodeled in response to?

Type I and III collagen and elastic microfibrils

Function (orthodontics and chewing)
Metabolism (vitamin C)
Aging (more fibrous, less cellular, less replacement)

Type I and III collagen and elastic microfibrils

Function (orthodontics and chewing)

Metabolism (vitamin C)

Aging (more fibrous, less cellular, less replacement)

*** What are the 5 sets of fibers located in the PDL?

1. Alveolar crest fibers
2. Horizontal fibers
3. Oblique fibers
4. Apical fibers
5. Interradicular fibers

1. Alveolar crest fibers

2. Horizontal fibers

3. Oblique fibers

4. Apical fibers

5. Interradicular fibers

In the PDL there are __ that are located in the middle, it surrounds the tooth like a basket

Blood vessels form a single-layered vascular mesh

Blood vessels form a single-layered vascular mesh

Nerves run form the __ to the __

What are the 4 types of nerve endings?

apical region to the gingival margin

1. Free nerve endings (pain/pressure/Temp)
2. Ruffini endings (pressure)
3. Coiled ending
4. Encapsulated

apical region to the gingival margin

1. Free nerve endings (pain/pressure/Temp)

2. Ruffini endings (pressure)

3. Coiled ending

4. Encapsulated

What connects the cervical cementum from one tooth to the next?
-resists rotational force
-holds teeth in interproximal contact

What connects the cervical cementum from one tooth to the next?

-resists rotational force

-holds teeth in interproximal contact

Interdental ligament

Interdental ligament

***This group is located in the lamina propria of the marginal gingiva and supports the gingival tissue in order to maintain its relationship to the tooth

Gingival fiber group


Gingival fiber group