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561 Cards in this Set

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week 1 of gestation
week 2 of gestation
implantation complete
week 3 of gestation
mesoderm formed (trilaminar embryo)
week 5 of gestation
subdivisions of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain are formed
week 7 of gestation
heart formed
week 8 of gestation
primary organogenesis complete
week 9 of gestation
permanent kidneys begin functioning
week 10 of gestation
midgut returns from umbilical cord to abdominal cavity (while undergoing counterclockwise rotation)
week 24 of gestation
primitive alveoli are formed, surfactant production begins
week 26 of gestation
testicles descend
main source of energy for growing fetus
most common congenital heart defect
development of heart
week 3: paired heart tubes begin to work
sites of fetal erythropoiesis
yolk sac (3-8 weeks)
full-thickness abdominal wall defect with extruded intestine
what forms fetal portion of placenta
chorionic sac
development of central nervous system
week 3: neural tube formed on ectodermal surface
spina bifida
failure of neural tube to close completely
what forms maternal portion of placenta?
what indicates fetal lung maturity?
lecithin:sphingomyelin ratio > 3
what does placenta synthesize?
prenatal toxo infxn
prenatal rubella infxn
prenatal CMV infxn
5% have neuro deficits
fetal alcohol syndrome
mental retardation
cocaine during pregnancy causes
maternal htn, fetal hypoxia
narcotic use in pregnancy causes
tobacco use in pregnancy causes
decreased birth weight
phenytoin use in pregnancy causes
fetal hydantoin syndrome:
use of tetracycline in pregnancy causes
tooth discoloration
use of isotretinoin during pregnancy causes
use of warfarin during pregnancy causes
abnormal cartilage development
maternal diabetes causes
macrosomia, can lead to brith related injury
head CT consistent with TORCh infection
marked ventricular dilation
when is Apgar scoring done?
1 and 5 minutes
erythema toxicum
pustular rash distributed over trunk, face and extremities of newborn
anterior fontanelle closes at€
9-12 months
causes of large fontanelle
large tongue in newborn seen with
brushfield spots
salt and pepper speckling of the iris seen in down's
caput succedaneum
area of edema over presenting porton of scalp during vertex delivery
caused by bleeding that occurs below periosteum of overlying bone
klumpke's palsy
7th/8th cervical and first thoracic nerve roots
erb's palsy
5-6th cranial roots
diff between caput succedaneum and cephalohematoma
caput succedaneum: external to periosteum, crosses midline of skull and suture lines
treatment of chlamydia in infant
erythromycin orally, 14 days
common features of neonatal/congenital syphilis
intermittent fever
late manifestations of congenital syphilis
saddle nose deformity
treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip
Pavlik harness (special brace)
bilirubin neurotoxicity
tests performed on heel puncture
definition of premature infant
live born newborn delivored prior to 37 weeks
define low birth weight infant, very low birth weight infant
low: <2500g
CXR findings of respiratory distress syndrome
diffuse reticulogranular/ground glass pattern
Wilson-Mikity syndrome
need for supplemental oxygen beyond 28 days of life
serious sequelae of necrotizing enterocolitis
intestinal strictures
intraventricular hemorrhage
rupture of germinal matrix blood vessels due to hypoxic or hypotensive injury
harrison's groove
indentation of ribs at diaphragmatic level
name of growth chart for premature baby
order of growth of teeth
should have all primary teeth by 2.5 years
define microcephaly, macrocephaly
head circumference > or < 3 standard deviations below/above the mean
sotos syndrome
rare genetic disorder
signs of failure to thrive
renal causes of failure to thrive
chronic pyelonephritis
fanconi syndrome
disease of proximal renal tubules of kidney
fanconi anemia
result of genetic defect in cluster of proteins responsible for DNA repair
age at which baby reacts to pain
1 month
age at which baby responds to noise
1 month
age at which baby regards human face
1 month
age at which baby establishes eye contact
1 month
age at which baby eyes follow object to midline
2 months
age at which baby holds head up prone
2 months
age at which baby laughs and squeals
4 months
age at which baby has social smile
2 months
age at which baby recognizes parent
2 months
age at which baby eyes follow object past midline
4 months
age at which baby rolls over
4 months
age at which baby vocalizes
2 months
age at which baby regards hand
4 months
age at which baby sits well unsupported
6 months
age at which baby transfers objects hand to hand
6 months
age at which baby rolls prone to supine
6 months
age at which baby babbles
6 months
age at which baby recognizes strangers
6 months
age at which baby has pincer grasp
10 months
age at which baby crawls
9 months
age at which baby cruises
9 months
age at which baby says mama/dada and bye-bye
9 months
age at which baby starts to explore
9 months
age at which baby walks
12 months
age at which baby throws objects
12 months
age at which baby says 1-3 words
12 months
age at which baby follows 1-step commands
12 months
age at which baby has stranger/separation anxiety
12 months
age at which baby walks up and down stairs
2 years
age at which baby copies a line
2 years
age at which baby runs
2 years
age at which baby kicks a ball
2 years
age at which baby has 2-3 word phrases
2 years
age at which baby refers to self by name
2 years
age at which baby uses pronouns
2 years
age at which baby does parallel play
2 years
age at which baby copies a circle
3 years
age at which baby peddles a tricycle
3 years
age at which baby can build bridge of 3 cubes
3 years
age at which baby repeats 3 numbers
3 years
age at which baby speaks in sentences
3 years
age at which baby recognizes 3 colors
3 years
age at which baby engages in group play
3 years
age at which baby plays simple games
3 years
age at which baby knows gender
3 years
age at which baby knows first and last name
3 years
age at which baby identifies body parts
4 years
age at which baby copies a cross/square
4 years
age at which baby hops on one foot
4 years
age at which baby throws overhand
4 years
age at which baby uses past tense
4 years
age at which baby tells a story
4 years
age at which baby plays with kids/social interaction
4 years
age at which baby copies a triangle
5 years
age at which baby catches a ball
5 years
age at which baby partially dresses self
5 years
age at which baby writes name
5 years
age at which baby counts 10 objects
5 years
age at which baby draws a person with 6 parts
6 years
age at which baby ties shoes
6 years
age at which baby skips with alternating feet
6 years
age at which baby identifies left and right
6 years
developmental assessment test for screening kids
Denver Developmental Assessment Test (Denver II)
moro reflex
birth to 3-6 months
startle reflex
when moro disappears to 1 year
galant reflex
birth to 2-6 months
sucking reflex
becomes voluntary at 3 months
babinski reflex
birth to 4 months
tonic neck
birth to 4-6 months
rooting reflex
birth to 4-6 months
palmar/plantar grasp reflex
birth to 4-9 months
parachute reflex
appears at 9 months
associated with down syndrome are€
50% of DS infants have cardiac defects (endocardial cushion defect, ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of fallot)
long term consequences/risks of down syndrome
higher leukemia risk
special intense exams for DS infants
Edwards syndrome
trisomy 18
physical malformations of Edwards syndrome
microcephaly, prominent occiput
holt-oram syndrome
affects bones in arms and hands, may also cause heart problems
patau syndrome
trisomy 13
musculoskeletal/urogenital malformations in patau syndrome
most common signs of Downs in neonates
hypotonia with poor Moro reflex
genetic defect with hypersensitivity to atropine and pilocarpine
risk of vertical HIV transmission with use of zidovudine
DiGeorge syndrome
22q11 microdeletion
wiskott aldrich syndrome
x-linked recessive disease
severe combined immunodeficiency
fragile X syndrome
most common single gene cause of autism
physical phenotype of fragile x
large protruding ears
what needs to be supplemented in kids fed only goat's milk?
what are infants susceptible to if they drink goat's milk?
methylmalonic acidemia
amino acid metabolism disorder involving defect in conversion of methylmalnyl coenzyme A to succinyl CoA
deficiency of vitamin A causes
night blindness
excess vitamin A causes
increased ICP
vitamin D deficiency causes
vitamin D excess causes
vitamin E deficiency causes
hemolytic anemia in premature infants
vitamin c excess causes
possibly predisposes to kidney stones
thiamine deficiency causes
beriberi (neuritis, edema, cardiac failure)
riboflavin deficiency causes
niacin deficiency causes
pellagra (dementia, dermatitis, diarrhea)
pyridoxine deficiency causes
excess pyridoxine causes
sensory neuropathy
deficiency of folate causes
megaloblastic anemia
cobalamin deficiency causes
pernicious anemia
pantothenic acid deficiency causes
biotin deficiency causes
vitamin K deficiency causes
hemorrhagic manifestations
vitamin K excess causes
hyperbilirubinemia (water soluble vitamin K, anyway)
which infant condition would explain multiple vitamin deficiencies?
cystic fibrosis
genetic metabolic disorder: affects individual's ability to metabolize galactose
maple syrup urine disease
aka branched chain ketoaciduria
calories needed by a newborn
110-115 kcal/kg/day
maternal benefits of breast feeding
increased maternal oxytocin levels:
possible vitamin deficiencies of breast fed babies
contraindications to breast feeding
breast cancer
breast feeding jaundice
aka "not enough milk jaundice"
breast milk jaundice
syndrome of prolonged unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia thought to be due to an inhibitor to bilirubin conjugation in breast milk of some mothers
when is baby ready for solid food?
hand to mouth coordination
why is commercial soy milk bad for baby?
induces L-thyroxine depletion through fecal waste
why is goat's milk bad for baby?
allergen potential
formula for sodium repletion
(Na desired - Na observed) * body weight * 0.6
signs/symptoms of hypokalemia
decreased peristalsis/ileus
signs/symptoms of hyperkalemia
muscle weakness
excess fluoride causes
mottling, staining or hypoplasia of enamel
which vitamin needs to be supplemented at birth?
vitamin K
signs of acute hypervitaminosis A
pseudotumor cerebri (bulging fontanelle, drowsiness, cranial nerve palsies)
signs of chronic hypervitaminosis A
poor weight gain
most common form of nonnutritional rickets
familial, primary hypophosphatemia
renal osteodystrophy
bone mineralization deficiency secondary to electrolyte and endocrine derangements accompanying chronic kidney disease
schmid metaphyseal dysplasia
autosomal dominant condition
anticonvulsive drug effect on bones
phenobarbital and phenytoin patients have reduced 25(OH)D concentration
rickets 2/2 renal tubular acidosis type 2
bicarbonaturia, hyperkaluria, hypercalciuria, hypophosphatemia, phosphaturia
oncogenic hypophosphatemia
2/2 tumor secretion of phosphate regulating gene product
kussmaul breathing
deep rapid respirations associated with acidosis
labs on DKA patient
elevated glucose (400-800)
treatment of DKA
1. initial vascular volume expansion
Somogyi phenomenon
patient has nocturnal hypoglycemic episodes
contraindications to vaccines
egg allergy: influenza, yellow fever
contraindication to hepB vaccine
anaphylactic reaction to baker's yeast
contraindication to MMR vaccine
known altered immunodeficiency
contraindication to inactivated poliovirus vaccine
anaphylactic reaction to streptomycin, polymyxin B, neomycin
contraindication to varicella vaccine
anaphylactic reaction to neomycin, gelatin
Hib vaccine is given to kids under what age?
5 years
cause of most pediatric pneumonias
60% bacterial (mostly pneumococcus)
primary bacterial etiologies of peds pneumonia in first few days of life
enterobacteriaceae and group B strep
most common peds pneumonia etiologies during first few months of life
chlamydia trachomatis (infant with staccato cough and tachypnea)
most common etiology of peds pneumonia from beyond newborn to 5 years
viral pneumonia: adeno, rhino, RSV, influenza, parainfluenza
peds pneumonia cause beyond 5 years of age
mycoplasma mostly
pneumonia in intubated ICU patient with central lines
pseudomonas or fungal species (candida)
treatment for newborn with pneumonia
ampicillin + gentamicin/cefotaxime
treatment for LRTI in peds patient over 5 years
azithromycin, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime (cover mycoplasma and pneumococcus)
travel to SW US means€
coccidioides immitis
infected sheep or cattle expose patients to€
coxiella brunetti
spelunking/working on farm east of rocky mountains exposes to€
histoplasma capsulatum
leading cause of death in children <1 year old
"perinatal conditions" -->
anticipatory guidance at first week-1 month
place infant on the back to sleep
anticipatory guidance at 2 months - 1 year
childproof home!
anticipatory guidance at 1 to 5 years
use toddler seat
car seat guides
kids <20 pounds in infant car seat, back seat, rear facing
risk factors for anemia
low socioeconomic status
DTaP vs Td
DTaP given under 7 years of age
DTaP diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis
RSV monoclonal antibody
antidote for TCA toxicity
intubation, activated charcoal if altered sensorium
signs/symptoms of toxicity of sulfonamides
kernicterus in infants
signs/symptoms of toxicity of chloramphenicol
gray baby syndrome
signs/symptoms of toxicity of quinolones
may cause cartilage defects in children
signs/symptoms of toxicity of tetracycline
gray enamel of permanent teeth
signs/symptoms of toxicity of salicylates
Reye's syndrome
signs/symptoms of toxicity of acetaminophen
generalized malaise, nausea, vomiting
signs/symptoms of toxicity of TCAs
signs/symptoms of toxicity of prednisone
growth retardation
signs/symptoms of toxicity of organophosphates
cholinergic effects
treatment of organophosphate toxicity
signs/symptoms of toxicity of iron
abdominal pain
treatment of heavy metal poisoning
treatment of iron poisoning
signs/symptoms of toxicity of methanol/ethylene glycol
treatment of methanol/ethylene glycol poisoning
signs/symptoms of toxicity of benzos
side effects of oral contraceptives
nausea, weight gain
pterygium colli
webbed neck
angelman's syndrome
maternal deletion 15q11-q13
prader-willi syndrome
paternal deletion 15q11-q13
inopathy, mental retardation, hypogonadism, renal failure
maps to chromosome 12
alport's syndrome
x linked recessive disorder of basement membranes of the kidney, eye, and ear
ellis van creveld syndrome
polydactyly and congenital heart disease
bardet biedl syndrome
polydactyly and obesity, pigmentary ret
meckel-gruber syndrome
triad of occipitial encephalocele, large polycystic kidneys, postaxial polydactyly
premature closing of one or more cranial sutures due to abnormalities of skull development
apert's syndrome
crouzon syndrome
first branchial arch genetic condition
pfeiffer syndrome
premature fusion of bones of the skull
pathophys of cleft lip and anterior palate
defect in fusing of both maxillary processes with the frontonasal process during weeks 5 and 6
pathophys of posterior cleft palate
defect in fusion of palatal shelves during weeks 7 and 8
herniation of abdominal contents through umbilical root, covered only by peritoneum
etiology of oligohydramnios
premature rupture of membranes
how much amniotic fluid is normal at 40 weeks gestation?
potter's syndrome
bilateral renal agenesis
pathophys of phenylketonuria
deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase or cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin
distinctive featues of phenylketonuria
fair hair and skin
signs of cholinergic excess
damage from inorganic mercury salt exposure
GI burns
chronic inorganic mercury intoxication signs/symptoms
acute arsenic ingestion signs/symptoms
treatment for acute otitis media
serous otitis media
otitis media with effusion
common bacterial pathogens for acute otitis media
strep pneumo
common organisms for neonate and immune deficient patients with otitis media
staph aureus
treatment for acute otitis media
amoxicillin for 7-10 days
complications of otitis media
treatment of otitis externa/swimmer's ear
application of topical agent (eg polymyxin and corticosteroids)
cause of swimmer's ear
apgar heart rate
0 - absent HR
apgar respiratory effort
0 - absent
apgar muscle tone
0 - limp
apgar reflex irritability
0 - no response
apgar color
0 - blue, pale
hartnup's disease
deficiency of neutral amino acids (accumulation of tryptophan)
treatment of homocystinuria
high dose vitamin B6
tay-sachs disease
deficiency of hexoseaminidase A
sandhoff disease
defect of hexoseaminidases A+B
niemann-pick disease
deficiency of sphingomyelinase
gaucher's disease
deficiency of beta-glucosidase
Fabry's disease
deficiency of ceramide trihexosidase or alpha-galactosidase A
Krabbe's disease
aka globoid cell leukodystrophy
Farber's disease
deficiency of ceramidase
hurler's syndrome
deficiency of alpha-l-iduronidase
Scheie's syndrome
milder form of Hurler's syndrome
Hunter's syndrome
iduronate sulfatase deficiency
dysostosis multiplex
large dolichocephalic skull
von gierke's disease
inherited glycogen metabolism disorder
mcardle's disease
deficiency of myophosphorylase
pompe's disease
deficiency of alpha-1,4-glucosidase
elevated galactose and metabolite levels in blood and urine
elevated fructose and metabolite levels
disorder of purine metabolism; deficiency of HGPRT
tendinous xanthomata
eruptive xanthomata
absent chylomicrons
endogenous hypertriglyceridemia
increased VLDL
when do kid's antibodies begin developing?
between 6 months and 1 year
serum marker of anaphylaxis
serum tryptase
serum sickness
Type III hypersensitivity reaction
type I hypersensitivity
IgE mediated
type II hypersensitivity
cytotoxic antibody mediated
type III hypersensitivity
immune complex mediated
type IV hypersensitivity
cell mediated
erythema multiforme major
aka stevens-johnson syndrome
severe combined immunodeficiency
abnormalities of both humoral and cellular immunity
letterer-siwe disease
acute disseminated form of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
t-cell disorder
wiskott-aldrich syndrome
thrombocytopenia, eczema, increased susceptibility to infection
common variable hypogammaglobulinemia
inherited disorder of hypogammaglobulin
bruton's congenital agammaglobulinemia
profound defects in B lymphocytes
selective IgA deficiency
most common humoral antibody deficiency
DiGeorge's syndrome
primary disorder of t cell function
chediak higashi syndrome
abnormal neutrophil function -- autosomal recessive
treatment for chediak higashi syndrome
high dose ascorbic acid
chronic granulomatous disease
neutrophil dysfunction, but chemotaxis and phagocytosis intact (defective killing)
complement deficiency
C1q deficiency is systemic lupus erythematosus
howell jolly bodies in erythrocytes indicate
Job Syndrome
hyper IgE
Duncan's Disease
x-linked lymphoproliferative disease
most common cause of neonatal septicemia
group B strep
waterhouse-friedrichsen syndrome
adrenal hemorrhage secondary to bacterial infection (normally n meningitidis)
treatment for meningococcemia
IV penicillin
treatment for toxo in the child
pyrimethamine and sufadiazine
signs/symptoms of toxo in child
mononucleosis syndrome including fever, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
treatment for cryptococcus
amphotericin B and flucytosin
diagnosing PCP
methenamine silver staining of bronchoalveolar fluid lavage to identify cyst walls
treatment of PCP
signs/symptoms of CMV
congenital varicella syndrome
maternal varicella infection in first 20 weeks of pregnancy
aka measles
fifth disease
attacks red cell line
complications of fifth disease
HHV 6-7
complications of rubella
progressive panencephalitis
typhoid fever signs/symptoms
diarrhea later changing to constipation
treatment for typhoid fever
amoxicillin or bactrim
hand-foot-mouth disease
coxsackievirus A16 infection
rocky mountain spotted fever
rickettsia rickettsii
toxic shock syndrome
high fever, hypotension, erythematous rash
southwestern US
ohio and mississippi river valleys
schistosoma haematobium
fluke that infects bladder
schistosoma interclatum
fluke that infects mesenteric vessels
schistosoma mekongi
fluke that infects mesenteric vessels
schistosoma mansoni
fluke that infects liver
schistosoma japonicum
fluke that infects liver
visceral larva migrans
ingestion of log or cat tapeworms
pathogens in human bites
eikenella corrodens
pathogens in cat bites
pastuerella multocida
pathogens in dog bits
capnoctophagia canimorsus
kartagener syndrome
ciliopathic autosomal recessive genetic disorder
differentiate ITP from ALL
ITP commonly has bruising and petechiae BUT
differentiate aplastic anemia from ALL
pancytopenia and fever BUT
differentiate infectious mononucleosis from ALL
fever, malaise, adenopathy, splenomegaly, lymphocytosis
differentiate leukemoid reaction from ALL
resolves when underlying disease is treated
therapy for ALL
combination chemo
which diseases carry a high susceptibility to leukemia?
bloom syndrome
autosomal recessive
what makes you think ITP in a kid?
platelets less than 20,000 with a recent viral illness
sandifer's syndrome
treatment for GERD
antacids, H2 blockers, PPI
most common cause of esophagitis
treatment for ulcers
antacids, sucralfate, misoprostol
paroxysmal abdominal pain, severe crying, usually in infants <3 months old
pyloric stenosis
not usually present at birth; most commonly idiopathic
what maternal condition makes you think atresia?
duodenal atresia is also associated with which anomalies?
"lead points" in intussusception
meckel's diverticulum
classic triad of intussusception
intermittent colicky abdominal pain
contrast enema rules for intussusception
barium column should not exceed height of 3 feet
meckel's diverticulum
persistence of omphalomesenteric (vitelline) duct -- which normally disappears by 7th week gestation
hirschsprung's megacolon
absence of ganglion cells in bowel
signs and symptoms of crohn's
perianal fistula
signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis
bloody diarrhea
treatment for crohn's
treatment for ulcerative colitis
antibiotic for aeromonas
antibiotic for campylobacter
antibiotic for c diff
metronidazole or vanco
antibiotic for enterotoxigenic e coli
antibiotic for salmonella
ampicillin or chloramphenicol or bactrim
antibiotic for shigella
bactrim or ceftriaxone
antibiotic for vibrio cholera
tetra or doxycycline
why isn't e coli 0157:H7 treated with antibiotics?
higher incidence of hemolytic uremic syndrome with treatment
enterobius vermicularis
trichuris trichuria
ascaris lumbricoides
pneumonia, loeffler's pneumonitis, intestinal infection/obstruction, liver failure
necator americanus, ancylostoma duodenale
strongyloides stercoralis
similar to hookworm, plus diarrhea for 3-6 weeks
trichinella spiralis
myalgias, facial and periorbital edema, conjunctivitis, pneumonia/myocarditis/encephalitis/nephritis/meningitis
peutz-jeghers syndrome
mucosal pigmentation of lips and gums with hamartomas of stomach, small intestine, colon
gardner's syndrome
multiple intestinal polyps, tumors of soft tissue and bone
carcinoid tumors
tumors of enterochromaffin cells in intestine (usually appendix)
familial polyposis coli
autosomal dominant!
juvenile polyposis coli
mucus filled cystic glands with no adenomatous changes, no potential for malignancy
tropical sprue
generalized malabsorption associated with diffuse lesions of small bowel mucosa
gilbert's syndrome
benign condition: missense mutation in transferase gene resulting in low enzyme levels with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
crigler-najjar 1
autosomal recessive, secondary to mutations in glucuronyl transferase gene
crigler-najjar 2
autosomal dominant, variable penetrance
alagille syndrome
absence or reduction in number of bile ducts 2/2 progressive destruction of the ducts
zellweger syndrome
autosomal recessive progressive degeneration of liver and kidneys
extrahepatic biliary atresia
distal segmental bile duct obliteration with patent extrahepatic ducts up to porta hepatis
infants of diabetic mothers are at increased risk for€
congenital malformations
erythroblastosis fetalis
increased RBC destruction due to transplacental maternal antibody passage active against infant's RBC antigens
findings of jaundice in newborn suggestive of NONphysiologic jaundice
1. appearance in first 24-36 hours of life
presentation of gilbert syndrome
negative Coombs
mean intubation time of hepA
4 weeks
signs and symptoms of hepB
increased ALT prior to lethargy, anorexia, malaise (6-7 weeks post exposure)
reye's syndrome
acute encephalpathy and fatty degeneration
alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency
wilson's disease
autosomal recessive, copper deposition in brain and liver
treatment for wilson's
associated with beckwith-wiedemann syndrome
treatment for hepatoblastoma
complete resection of tumor
causes liver abscess
amebic abscess
liver abscess
respiratory rate at age birth - 6 weeks
respiratory rate at age 6 weeks - 2 years
respiratory rate at age 2-6 years
respiratory rate at age 6-10 years
most common viruses causing common cold
drugs for flu
parainfluenza causes
mc cause is parainfluenza virus
mc cause s pneumo, h flu
mc cause s aureus, h flu
mc cause RSV
mc viral or group A strep
mc bacteria in pulmonary abscess
s aureus
aka acute laryngotracheobronchitis
treatment of croup
racemic epinephrine, early corticosteroids
admission criteria for croup
suspected epiglottitis
spasmodic croup
aka laryngismus stridulus, midnight croup
when do you give steroids to a febrile child with stridor?
acute life threatening infection of supraglottic tissues
treatment of epiglottitis
med emergency!
mc causes of tracheitis/laryngitis
s aureus, h flu b
viral infection of upper and lower respiratory tract
treatment for bronchiolitis
humidified oxygen
abnormal and permanent dilatation of bronchi
infection of conductive airways of lung
rhinovirus, adenovirus, coxsackievirus, group A beta hemolytic strep in kids >2, mycoplasma
suppurative complications of group a hemolytic strep
peritonsillar abscess
nonsuppurative complications of group a hemolytic strep
acute glomerulonephritis
pneumonitis syndrome
chlamydia trachomatis
treatment of peds pneumonia
1-3 months old: erythromycin or cefuroxime
where do pulmonary abscesses most commonly occur?
posterior segment of upper lobe
causes of whooping cough syndrome
bordatella pertussis!
stages of whooping cough
incubation: 1-2 weeks
membranous nasopharyngitis or obstructive laryngotracheitis
treatment of diphtheria
antitoxin: dose depends on site of membrane, degree of toxic effects, duration of illness
ppd test for kids
>5mm positive for: kids in contact with known/suspected cases of TB
what predisposes to asthma?
cromolyn, nedocromil
used to treat asthma
rate of growth in children
1st year of life: 23-28 cm/year
constitutional growth delay
healthy child's growth slower than expected, but parents were 'late bloomers'
if child with pneumonia has pseudomonas isolated from sputum, think
cystic fibrosis
features of CF
chronic tonsillitis
7 in past year
indications for adenoidectomy
persistent mouth breathing
Waldeyer's ring
tonsil and adenoids are part of it
peritonsillar abscess
occurs in space between superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle and tonsils
retropharyngeal abscess
potential space between posterior pharyngeal wall and prevertebral fascia
treatment of peritonsillar abscess
antibiotics (penicillin)
treatment of retropharyngeal abscess
clindamycin or ampicillin-sulbactam
mild intermittent asthma
symptoms up to 2x/week
mild persistent asthma
symptoms >2x/week, but <1x/day
moderate persistent asthma
daily symptoms
severe persistent asthma
continual symptoms
treatment for asthma
indications for mechanical ventilation in asthmatic peds patient
failure of maximal pharmacologic therapy
NOT approved for kids <12yo
floppy epiglottis and supraglottic aperture
if kid has tracheoesophageal fistulae, think€
esophageal atresia
cystic adenomtoid malformation
excessive overgrowth of bronchioles
most frequent cause of stridor in infants
most common congenital lung lesion
congenital lobar emphysema
epidemiology of murmur in kids
50% of kids have a murmur
accentuation of murmur for PDA
increased with supination
accentuation of murmur for atrial septal defect
valsalva can cause temporary middiastolic murmur
accentuation of murmur for aortic stenosis
increased with valsalva release, sudden squatting, passive leg raising
accentuation of murmur for subaortic stenosis
decreased with valsalva maneuver, standing
accentuation of murmur for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
increased with valsalva maneuver, standing
accentuation of murmur for mitral valve stenosis
increased with exercise, left lateral position, isometric handgrip, coughing
accentuation of murmur for tricuspid stenosis
increased with inspiration, passive leg raising
pulmonary flow murmur
still's murmur
venous hum
innocent murmur
normal QTc in kids
<0.45 for <6 months
definition of QTc
QT interval divided by square root of R-R interval
atrial flutter
rapid atrial rate with varying ventricular rate
atrial fib
very fast atrial rate (350-600)
ventricular tachycardia
series of 3++ PVCs with HR between 120 and 200 bpm
ventricular fibrillation
very irregular QRS
causes of right axis deviation
severe pulmonary stenosis with right ventricular hypertrophy
causes of left axis deviation
with RVH: AV canal, consider with down's
signs of right atrial enlargement on EKG
peaked P waves in leads II and V1
signs of left atrial enlargement on EKG
wide P wave (notched in II, deep terminal inversion in V1)
signs of right ventricular hypertrophy on EKG
r wave >98% in V1 or S wave >98% in I or V6
signs of LVH on EKG
R > 98% in V6
causes of increased pulmonary vascular markings in acyanotic child
causes of increased pulmonary vascular markings in cyanotic child
transposition of great arteries
boot shaped heart on CXR
think tetralogy of fallot
egg shaped heart on CXR
think transposition of great arteries
snowman shape heart on CXR
think total anomalous pulmonary venous return
risk of rheumatic fever after strep pharyngitis
untreated: 1-3%
diagnosis of rheumatic fever
Jones Criteria: 2 major or 1 major + 2 minor
diagnostic path of rheumatic fever
aschoff bodies in atrial myocardium
arthritis of rheumatic fever
erythema marginatum
pink, erythematous macular rash
treatment for rheumatic fever
benzathine penicillin G to eradicate strep (IM injection)
most common etiology of endocarditis
alpha hemolytic strep (strep viridans 67%)
signs of endocarditis
fever, heart murmur
high risk predisposing factors for endocarditis
prosthetic cardiac valves
moderate risk predisposing factors for endocarditis
acquired valvular dysfunction: rheumatic fever, libman sacks valve, antiphospholipid syndrome associated valve disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
libman sacks endocarditis
nonbacterial endocarditis seen in systemic lupus
low risk predisposing conditions for endocarditis
isolated ASD, secundum type
difference between janeway lesions and osler's nodes
janeway lesions are painless, osler's nodes are painful
when is prophylaxis for endocarditis recommended?
most dental and periodontal procedures
most common cause of myocarditis
viruses, ie coxsackie and echo
mc causes of pericarditis
signs/symptoms of pericarditis
precordial pain with radiation to shoulder and neck
signs of cardiac tamponade
distant heart sounds
most common causes of CHF in first 6 months of life
treatment of CHF in kids
digitalis: improve ventricular function. Contraindicated in complete heart block, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
what can precipitate digitalis toxicity?
henoch schonlein purpura
immune mediated vasculitis affecting GI tract, joints, kidneys
kawasaki's disease
aka mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
diagnosis of kawasaki's disease
need 5+ of:
treatment of kawasaki disease
IVIG, usually one dose
polyarteritis nodosa
necrotizing inflammation of small and medium sized muscular arteries
treatment of polyarteritis nodosa
corticosteroids suppress clinical manifestations
takayasu's arteritis
aka aortoarteritis, pulseless disease
wegener's granulomatosis
rare vasculitis of arteries and veins leading to widespread necrotizing granulomas
diagnosis of wegner's
c-ANCA present
treatment for wegener's
cyclophosphamide or azathioprine
4 components of tetralogy of fallot
right ventricular outflow tract obstruction
cyanotic heart defects
truncus arteriosus
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
aortic valvue hypoplasia, stenosis, atresia
subendocardial cushion defect
ostium primum ASD, VSD
eisenmenger's syndrome
left to right shunt caused by congenital heart defect causes increased flow through pulmonary vasculature, causing pulmonary hypertension
initial management of VSD
diuretics, digitalis
ebstein's anomaly
congenital heart defect: tricuspid valve opening is dispalced towards apex of right ventricle of heart
treatment for tricuspid atresia
PGE1 to maintain ductal patency
characteristic murmur of aortic stenosis
crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur
murmur for aortic insufficiency
diastolic decrescendo murmur present at left upper sternal border
murmur for mitral stenosis
opening snap, presystolic murmur
murmur for mitral valve prolapse
midsystolic click, late systolic murmur
total anomalous pulmonary venous return
no communication exists between pulmonary veins and left atrium