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36 Cards in this Set

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What needs to be determined cognitively in a child before effective communication can be established?
Cognitive age or the understanding level of the child. determined after the age of 6 months
What types of questioned should the child be asked?
Open ended
What is the leading cause of death in children?
List Piaget stages of mental activity.
Sensorimotor (birth - 2yrs), Preoperational (2 -7yrs), Concrete operation (7 - 11yrs), Formal operational (12 - 15yrs).
List Erickson's personality changes.
Trust Vs Mistrust (birth - 1yr), autonomy vs shame (1 -3yr), Initiative vs guilt (3 -5), Industry vs inferiority (6 -12), Identity vs role confusion (12 - 18)
List Freud's psychosexual theory
Id, Ego, SuperEgo
List the Five Stages of Freud's psychosexual theory
Oral (birth – 1 yr): seeks pleasure through sucking, biting, etc.
Anal (1-3): toilet training, controls excreta
Phalic (3-6): interested in genitals, discovers difference in boys & girls
Latency (6-12): concentrates on playing and learning
Genitalia (12 and older): system reaches sexual maturity
List Kohlberg three levels moral development
Preconventional (2-7 yr): attempts to follow rules and adjust behavior
Conventional (7-12): seeks conformity, follows fixes rules
Postconventional (12 and older): strives to build a personal and functional value system independent of peers and authorities
Using Erikson’s developmental theory, if a child age 3 to 6 years does not achieve a sense of initiative, which of the following may result?
Which of the following is descriptive of a toddler’s cognitive development at age 20 months?
Realizes that out of sight is not out of reach
Which of the following characterisitics best describes the gross motor skills of a 24month old child
Walk up and down stairs
The parents of a 2 year old tell thenurse that they are concered because the toddler has started to u se baby talk since the arrival of their new baby. The nurse should reccmmend which of the following
Ignore the baby talk
A father tells the nurse that his toddler wants the same plate and cup used at every meal, even if they go to a restaurant. The nurse should explain that this is which of the following?
Ritualism, common at this age
In terms of cognitive development, the 5 year old child would be expected to do which of the following?
use of magical thinking
A 13 year old girl asks the nurse how much taller she will get. She has been growing about 2 inches per year but grew 4 inches this past year. Menarche recently occurred. The nurse should base her response on which of the following?
About 95% of height is achieved at menstruation
Which of the following statements best describes the infants physical development?
Birth weight doubles by age 5 months and triples by age 1 year
What is the best age for solid food to be introduced into the infants diet
4 to 6 months
Which of the following statements is true concerning susceptibility to pertussis (whooping cough)?
Most children are highly susceptible from birth
The psychosocial developmental tasks of toddlerhood include which of the following?
Ability to withstand delayed gratification
A parent asks the nurse about negativism in toddlers the most appropriate recommendation is which of the following?
Reduce the opportunities for a no answer
Which of the following is a useful skill that the nurse should expect a 5 year old to be able to master?
Ties shoelace
Generally the earliest age at which puberty begins is?
Begins earlier for girls than boys
An 8 year old tells the nurse that she has cancer because God is punishing her for being bad
Children at this age believe that this is punishment (being sick is a punishment)
A group of boys age 9 and 10 years have formed a boys only club that is open to neighborhood and school friends who have skate boards. This should be interpreted as which of the following?
Characteristics of middle childhood
A 9 year old girl often comes to the school nurse complaining of stomach pains. Her teacher says she is completing her school work satisfactorily, but lately, has been somewhat aggressive and stubborn in the classroom. The school nurse should recognize this as which of the following?
Signs of stress
The father of 12 year old ryan tells the nurse that he is concerned about his son getting fat. Ryan at the 50% percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight on the growth chart.
This is typical growth pattern for pre-adolescent boys
Why do peer relations become more important during adolescence?
They provide a sense of belonging
An adolescents boy tells the nurse that he has recently had homosexual feelings. The nurse response should be based on knowledge that.
The adolescent should be encourage to share his feelings and experiences.
A school nurse has provided an instructional session about impetigo to parents of the children attending the school.  Which statement if made by a parent indicates a need for further instructions.
Impetigo is most common during hot, humid summer months. It begins in an area of broken skin, such as an insect bite or atopic dermatitis. It is extremely contagious. Lesions usually are located around the mouth and nose but may be present on the extremities.
A school nurse has provided instructions regarding the use of permethrin 1% (Nix) to the parents of children diagnosed with pediculosis capitis (head lice).  Which statement if made by a parent indicates a need for further instructions?
Nix is an over the counter scabicide that kills lice and eggs with one application and has residual activity for 10 days.  Nix is applied to the hair after shampooing and left for 10 minutes before rinsing out.  The hair should not be shampooed for 24 hours after the treatment.
A mother of a 3 year old child arrives at a clinic and tells a nurse that the child has been scratching the skin continuously and has developed a rash.  The nurse assesses the child and suspects the presence of scabies.  The nurse bases this suspicion on which finding noted on assessment of the child’s skin?
Scabies appears as burrows or fine, grayish, thread-like lines.  They may be difficult to see if they are obscured by inflammation.
A child with rubeola (measles) is being admitted to the hospital, In preparing for the admission of the child, a nurse plans to place the child on which precautions?
Rubeola is transmitted via airborne particles or direct contact with infections droplets.  Respiratory precautions are required and those in contact with the child should wear masks.  Articles that are contaminated should be bagged and label.
A nurse provides instructions to the mother of a child with mumps regarding respiratory precautions.  The mother asks the nurse about the length of time required for the respiratory precautions .  The nurse most appropriately responds
Mumps is transmitted via direct contact with or droplet spread from an infected person and possibly by contact with the urine   Communicability is immediately before and after swelling begins.
A mother brings her 6 year old child to the clinic because the child has developed a rash on the trunk and scalp.  The mother reports that the child has had a low-grade fever, has not felt like eating, and generally has been tired.  The child is diagnosed with chickenpox.  The mother inquires about the communicable period associated with chickenpox. A nurse plans to base the response on which of the following.
The communicable period for chickenpox is 1 to 2 days before the onset of the rash to 6 days after the first crop of vesicles, when crusts have formed
It is important that a child with streptococcal pharyngitis be treated with antibiotics in order to prevent:
Children with Group A B-hemolytic streptococci infections are at risk for acute rheumatic fever and acute glomerulonephritis
Which of the following is the causative agent for fifths disease (erythema infectiosum)?
Human parvovirus B19 is the causative agent.  This is not the same parvovirus found in animals.