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176 Cards in this Set

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Age for stranger anxiety
6-9 months
Common cause of severe combined immunodefiency
adenosine deaminase deficiency (autosomal recessive)
Small, pink, salmon-colored macular rash; high-spiking fevers, hepatospelenomegaly (HSM)
Systemic (10-20%), "Still's disease"
Treated with IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) and high-dose aspirin"
Kawasaki disease
treatment of croup
supportive, but racemic epi and corticosteroids reduce length of time in ER and hospital
Name the immunodeficiency syndrome characterized by cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasia, decreased T-cell function, and low antibody levels.
Ataxia telangiectasia
Hot water should be less than
Dx of HSV
Tzanck smear, tx: acyclovir
A 6 month old girl presents with optic atrophy, spasticity, and dies within 1 month. What is the most likely cause of death
Krabbes disease
Peak incidence of Wilms tumor in peds
2 years
CHF presentation in an infant
weak, diaphoretic, poor weight gain, tacypnea w/ retractions. lungs: cracckles, wheezes.
Roseola - rash
Small, blanchable macules and papules
Tuberous Sclerosis - description
Rare inheritied Neurocutaneous disorder w/ cutaneous manifestations
Presentation of TTP
1) Thrombocytopenia
2) Schistocytosis
3) Elevated serum LDH levels
4) Absence of other disease entities that could explain the thrombocytopenia and microcytic hemolytic anemia
Age for social smile
1-2 months
At what age are you able to write script?
8 years
Aniridia and hemihypertrophy (one side of body larger then other)"
Wilms Tumor
characteristics that CMV and toxo share
jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, microcephaly,
How do you diagnose absence seizures
EEG will show the classic 3-Hz spike-and-wave pattern
the type of ROP that has highly active ROP and must be considered for early treatment is
prethreshold 1
When does a child wave bye bye?
10 months
gross motor skills at 12 mo
walks alone
signs of autism may appear around the same time children receive a vaccine to prevent what dz
MMR prevents rubella
conjunctivitis with lymph nodes
viral etiology: watery, red eyes with preauricular lymph nodes
How does an annular pancreas form
A band of pancreatic tissue (from a bifid ventral pancreatic bud) surrounds the duodenum
clinical presentation of acute arsenic poisoning
"n/v/d, abdominal pain
Kallman Syndrome
X-linked hypogonadotropic hypogonadism affecting males sand females, associated with anosmia, cleft lip/palate, and other midline defects
complement deficiencies (C5 through C9) usually have
Recurrent neisserial infections
There is a prominent systolic ejection click just after S1, and a harsh systolic ejection murmur.
pulmonic stenosis
digitalis toxicity in infants
the inheritance in 90% of cases of Stargartz (juvenile blindness=fundus flavimaculatus)
Social smile"
1 - 2 months
how would you correct an amblyopic child with bilateral hyper of 7.0D with a large XP that tropes with full + correction
partially correct
how do you differentiate psoriasis from Reiter's syndrome witha psoriatic rash
Reiter's syndrome will inolve the mucous membranes, Psoriasis does not.
At what age do you use scissors?
4 years old
what is the most common cause of amblyopia
Medications that are contraindicated in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
positive ionotropes
What are the clinical manifestations of phagocytic immunodeficiency syndromes?
Poor wound healing, abscess formation, and granulomas
A 4 month old girl has a history of cyanosis while feeding. She has an x-ray that reveals a boot-shaped heart. Diagnosis?
Tetralogy of Fallot
tx of sinusitis
antibiotics for 10-14 days
what is seen in the serum of someone with a pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma?
Cold Agglutinins
PID treatment
Doxycycline for 2 wks.
Most common primary immunodeficiency
IgA deficiency
Define failure to thrive
growth below 5th percentile for age
Features of X-linked agammaglobulinemia
X-linked recessive, so seen in boys
Lymph nodes and thymus in severe combined immunodefiency are usually
hypoplastic or absent
tx of clubfoot
Features of peripheral smear in ITP
When does a child crawl?
10 months
Roseola - rash presentation?
Sudden onset as high fever lysis in healthy infant
What is the most common soft tissue tumor of childhood and adolescence
gross motor skills at 1 mo old
raises head
Treatment of Osgood-Schlatter disease
rest/activity restriction
What is a milder form of dystrophinopathy that also contains a mutated dystrophin gene
Becker's muscular dystrophy
retinoscopy (over/under) est. hyperopia in small eyes. by how much is it over/under est?
over by 1/3
fine motor skills at 4 yrs
catches ball
What is the preschooler's concept of bodily injury?
Fear of body mutilation
When does growth end?
Girl-15, boys-17
Originates from cerebellar vermis and grows to the fourth ventricle
caused by parvovirus B19. There is frequently an associated low-grade fever (100 to 101) with a rash appearing 7 to 10 days later. The characteristic rash starts as facial erythema -- the "slapped cheek" appearance. This can spread to the trunk and have an erythematous macular appearance. Central clearing of the rash appears, giving a lacy appearance. The rash often lasts longest on the extremities, where it has a lacy, reticular appearance.
Erythema infectiosum - Also called fifth disease, t
social milestones at 6 mo
recognizes strangers
What are the different types of VSD
Membranous (most common)
systemic manifest to CMV
hearing loss, rash (blueberry baby)
Which process, omphalocele or gastroschisis, has no umbilical ring
systemic manifest unique to toxo
anemia, fever, intracran calcifications, seizures
very low T- and B-cells (lymphopenia) with bacterial and fungal infections"
After a prodrome of fever (over 101), cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis, this maculopapular rash starts on the neck, behind the ears, and along the hairline. It spreads downward, and reaches the feet in 2-3 days. Immunization is very effective in preventing this infection.
Treatment for meningitis caused by Cryptococcus
Common previous infection for TTP
mechanism behind bell's palsy in neonates
forceps deliver... usually resovles
imaging most specific for intussusception
"barium (or air) enema
TORCH cause of autism
congenital rubella
Separation in the sensorimotor stage of Cognitive development?
Self from others-4-8 months:6-8 months is when it really kicks in
Pyloric Stenosis
"Pyloric stenosis is 3 P's:
What is the cause of Hypoglycemia in a newborn from a mother with DM?
Fetal Hyperinsulinemia
List two of the most common T-cell immunodeficiency syndromes
DiGeorge's syndrome and ataxia telangiectasia
developmental dysplasia of the hip
"abnml relationship between head of femur and acetabulum --> instabilility and dislocation of hip joint
Pathology of Chediak-Higashi syndrome
defect in microtubule polymerization
embryology behind malrotation of midgut
midgut undergoes partial rotation and --> abnormal position fo abdominal viscera, can be assoc with volvulus --> compromised blood flow and gangrene
What is the most common congenital heart defect?
fine motor skills at 5 yrs
ties shoes
What is the germline deletion associated with Wilms tumor

Wilms tumor is the no. 1 cause of renal tumors in childhood
Holostyolic murmur next to sternum
Most common cause of delayed puberty
constitutional delay (normal variant)
bronchoalveolar lavage
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a medical procedure in which a bronchoscope is passed through the mouth into the lungs and fluid is squirted into a small part of the lung and then recollected for examination. BAL is typically performed to diagnose lung disease. In particular, BAL is commonly used to diagnose infections in people with immune system problems, pneumonia in people on ventilators, some types of lung cancer, and scarring of the lung (interstitial lung disease).
Preoperational stage of Piaget's Cognitive Development?
2 to 7 years
X-ray finding for epiglottitis
thumb sign on lateral neck x-ray
usual location of chorioretinitis in HSV
peripheral retina, well circumscribed hyperpigmnted scars
What cardiac defect is associated with Turner's syndrome
Coarctation of the aorta
Solitary Mastocytoma - Lesion
Solitary brown-pink plaque
Name three glycogen storage diseases
Type I- von Gierke
Type II Pompe
Type VI Mcardle
A 2 year old girl presents with a flat, hypoplastic face, prominent epicanthal skin folds, small, low-set ears, stubby fingers, a transverse palmar crease, and mental retardation. What is the diagnosis and what cardiac malformation do you suspect
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) with an endocardial cushion defect
Industry vs. Inferiority stage of Erikson's psychosocial development?
6 to 12 years
Typical age for osteosarcoma
10-20 year olds
which 3 infections if already experienced by the mother prior to preg, pos noo further risk to the fetus
primary rubella, varicella
Adult-like thinking begins at what age?
Common previous infection for ITP
viral, esp in children
Inheritance of Wiskott-Aldrich deficiency
X linked recessive
(almost exclusively males)
How much weight does a preschool child (3-5) gain each year/ inches grown each year?
5 lbs and 2-3 inches/year
Palpable purpura, abdominal pain, and hematuria"
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Antisocial personality disorder must have what diagnosis as child
conduct disorder
erythematous macules and plaques appear in stocking and glove distribution 1-3 days after onset of fever. Spreads to involve trunk and extremieits w/in 2 daiys, lasts an average of 12 days
Kawasaki's disease
Apical Click followed by a late-systolic murmur"
Mitral Prolapse
fever and petechiae on palms and soles of feet
when to do w/u for diarrhea in a child
"in infant <3mo, do blood cx
Most common kidney malignancy in children
Wilms tumor
short, Inc calcium, developmental delay, overy friendly, supravalvular aortic stenosis
Williams syndrome
Urticaria Pigmentosa - what happens when rubbed?
Darier's sign of whealing
strawberry tongue: erythematous tongue with prominent papillae
streptococcal pharyngitis and Kawasaki disease
until age 3.5, a partial correction is advised for astigmatism (T/F)
"Adrenal Failure/Hemorrhage
Major differential diagnosis of flank tumor in a child
"- Wilms tumor (kidney)
Name the three most common B-cell deficiency syndromes
X-linked aggamaglobulinemia, common-variable immunodeficiency, and selective IgA deficiency
What are the characteristics of Meckel's diverticulum
"2% of the general population, 2 ft from the ileocecal valve, 2 in. in length, 2 years old or younger, typically
causes of leukocoria
"retinoblastoma (--> death and visceral mets in all cases)
pus in middle meatus of the nose is draining from...
maxillary sinux, frontal, ro anterior ethmoid sinuses
unilateral nasal discharge, obstruction, and fould smelling discharge, purulent, maldorou,sb.oody discharge
examine for a nasal foreign body
Delayed passage of meconium, chronic constipation, FTT, air in bowel"
Hirschprung's Dz
recurrent pneumonia in an otherwise heatly child...think
foreign body/anatomical blockade of airway
What are the best nondrug measures to reduce pain in school age and adolescents?
Guided imagery
2 things that parvovirus B19 causes
Erythema infectiousum aplastic crisis
minor for RF
arthalgias, fever or hx of RF, increased ESr, Pos CRP, increase WBC and anemai, prolonged PR and QT on ECg. most common finding is arthralgias
Nevus Sebaceous - Location
Usually on scalp
fever, cough and tachypnea in a child with Sickle Cell Anemia
manifestations of pneumonia, pulmonary thromboemboli, or sepsis. need to manage patient immediately.
a child presents with a wide-based gait, decreased vibratory and position sense in lower extremities, absent ankle jerk bilaterally, atrophy of cervical spinal cord and T-wave inversions"
Friedreich Ataxia
gross motor skills at 24 mo
walks well up and down stairs
stage 5 ROP
funnel shaped total retinal detachment.
child with epistaxis, prolonged bleeding time, and nml platelet count
von Willebrand's Disease
Rubella - rash
"Erythematous macules and papules
battle's sign
basilar skull fx that leads to bleeding/bruise behind the ear
findings in classic hemophilia
bleeding problems + hemarthrosis
Skin finding in patients with severe combined immunodefiency
usually have cutaneous anergy
Treat refractory cases of enuresis with
Number one preventable cause of mental retardation
fetal alcohol syndrome
Definition of delayed puberty in boys
No testicular enlargement by 14 years old
Rolls onto Back
4 months
left axis deviation and hypertrophy of the LV can happen in what cyanotic heart defect
Tricuspid Atresia can cause a hypoplastic RV leading to left axis deviation. the rest cause right axis deviation
what percentage of infants have astigmatism>1.0
congenital cystoid adenomatous malformation
congential dysfunction of the development of the bronchioles
complication of neonatal lupus
thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, rash, liver dysfunction, and congenital heart block
combination of hyponatermia and hyperkalemia clue you into what congenital problem
congenital adrenal hyperplasia: most commonly caused by 21-hyrdoxylase deficiency. can have severe salt wasting due to decreased aldosterone and cortisol. Females have ambiguosu genitalia.
nursemaids elbow
subluxation of radial head
MC type of Ambiguous genitalia
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
What should you look for in patient with frequent respiratory and GI infections?
IgA deficiency
Congenital Nevi - types
"1. Giant Hairy Nevus
When is encopresis considered abnormal?
4 years old
Combined Immunodeficiencies
A 17 year old boy presents with lower abdominal cramping and bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy reveals mucosal damage extending from the rectum proximally in a continuous fashion. What do you suspect
Ulcerative colitis
Optic atrophy, spasticity, Globoid bodies in brain
Krabbe's Dz
medical tx of hyperthyroidism
Propylthiouracil 5-10 mg/kg/day q8h PO and Propranolol 0.5-1 mg/kg/day PO, thyroidectomy
What is status asthmaticus?
increasing distress despite treatment
progression of intraparenchymal bleed in a newborn
blood can flow into ventricles w/i 3 days of life
most common location for intussusception
nocturnal abdomainal pain adn gi bleeding with pos fam hx, discomfort, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, hematemeis or melena
peptic ulcer disease. pain is most common
umbilicated (dome-shaped), skin-colored or pearly-white papules. what is tx
think molluscum contagiosum. it is ia self-liited, contagious, vrial infection transmitted by direct contact. it is caused by a poxvirus. tx: curettage, cryosurgery, sometimes observation
inheritance of Werdnig-Hoffman disease
autosomal recessive
Infant gets repeated pneumonias at beginning of life due to exhaustion of maternal IgG in system"
Transient Hypogammaglobinemia
Hyperinsulinemia, omphalocele, macroglossia, organomegaly"
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Most common age for ITP
children or adults
lymphedema in utero, which is the cause of many of the physical findings such as the webbed neck, low placement of ears, edema of the hands and feet, hyperconvex nails and a "shield" chest with widely spaced nipples. Coarctation of the aorta is found in about 20% of affected girls. Short stature is common, and some girls are not diagnosed until early adolescence when they present with short stature and delayed sexual maturation (due to gonadal dysgenesis). Most have a normal IQ.
Turner's Syndrome
Thumb sign on x-ray
Immune deficiency in Wiscott-Aldritch
dysfunction of many types of immune cells, such as T cells, B cells, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells.
incidence of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
between 1 and 10 cases per million males worldwide.
Gene in W-A Syndrome
Mutations in the WAS gene cause Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. The WAS protein (WASP) is found in cells made from hematopoietic stem cells
Median survival WAS
6 years
Bone marrow transplant
There are more than 60 enteroviral serotypes, which are among the small RNA viruses within the Picornaviradae family. Enteroviral genera include the polioviruses, echoviruses, coxsackievirus A and B and newer enteroviruses
viral myocarditis
coxsackieviruses B1-5 and more rarely echovirus and coxsackievirus A
antibiotics for bacterial dysentery
Unless the patient
is very young (less than 6 months of age), immunocompromised, or appears toxic, initial antibiotic therapy is
not recommended.
CNS involvement in HUS
As many as 20% of children
with HUS may develop some
form of CNS involvement including
agitation or confusion, seizures, or
cerebral edema. Rarely, patients may
develop strokes and hemorrhage secondary
to arterial occlusive disease.
TTP consists
of the pentad of
hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia,
fever, neurologic findings, and kidney disease.
Idiopathic TTP appears to be related to a deficiency of
a metalloprotease,
ADAMTS13, which cleaves
von Willebrand factor.
Mortalitiy in TTP
As recently as
15 years ago, the mortality from an
episode of TTP approached 90%.Discovery of the benefi t of plasma
exchange has led to survival rates
between 60% and 75%.
burning or tingling sensations
in the hands and/or feet (acroparesthesias)...
Fabry's disease
Pitted keratolysis is a relatively common bacterial infection,
and its unique appearance facilitates clinical diagnosis. Its is caused by Corynebacterium, Dermatophilus congolensis, or Micrococcus sedentarius, and it responds rapidly to topical erythromycin, clindamycin, or benzoyl peroxide.